

Sep 8, 2018
Society's goal is to prevent people's suicide, not their depression. When you really think about it, this is really backwards, society thinks everything is A-ok as long as your alive, they lack concern about the pain people have to deal with throughout their life, and prefer to keep people alive on the premise that "everything gets better". I think it will be much better if people actually tried to help us with our depression and not our suicidality, if that makes any sense. That's not to say that everyone's depression is curable, and it's also not to say there are people out there who genuinely care. The best example I can give is how if you tell your physicologist that you are suicidal all hell will break lose, the number one concern will be keeping you alive with little regard to your actual depression. I just think a lot of people lack empathy, some might be assholes and others might just not understand.
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Letting Go

Oct 30, 2018
The best example I can give is how if you tell your physicologist that you are suicidal all hell will break lose, the number one concern will be keeping you alive with little regard to your actual depression.

This is precisely why I stopped seeing psychologists about five years ago. Before they even attempt to address your problems, they ask you a series of scripted questions (like "Have you ever thought about harming yourself or others?") that you have to answer dishonestly if you don't want to have the authorities escort you to an even WORSE place than you are now. So yeah, not the greatest way to establish trust!

Even as a solutions-oriented person, I realize that some problems are unfixable for some people; all others can do in such cases is provide understanding and emotional support. Alas, even that is hard to come by in our heartless dog-eat-dog environment where the "Fuck you, I've got mine" mentality reigns supreme!
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May 20, 2018
I completely agree, the focus is always on preventing the act of suicide rather than fixing the problems that would lead someone to suicide. Even the term "suicide victim" is a bit misleading because it implies that the suicide itself was the problem and not the circumstances surrounding it. It's as if suicide could never possibly be a rational decision because once again, life is viewed as inherently good no matter what.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Nope. It's all "are you suicidal? Then screw the why and let's keep you in a glass jar without things like shoelaces so you can't hurt yourself." First off, props to anyone who can hang themselves with shoelaces. Second, it's totally counterproductive to ask someone if they're suicidal because they know the repercussions are so scary that they're forced to lie. I think people mistakenly believe they're going to get some low key help on their own terms if they come clean about it, but no. It's a bit like if you're arrested and the cops want to talk to you. You probably want to get things off your chest under the erroneous belief that you can clear things up and go home at the end of the day, but all you did was screw yourself more. In that sense we are treated like criminals. Such a crappy, broken system.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Well said, it's all just lies and delusions that the hive mind believes in and of course, the people are like out of sight, out of mind. So nothing will change unless the prevailing attitude and values in society change.

This is precisely why I stopped seeing psychologists about five years ago. Before they even attempt to address your problems, they ask you a series of scripted questions (like "Have you ever thought about harming yourself or others?") that you have to answer dishonestly if you don't want to have the authorities escort you to an even WORSE place than you are now. So yeah, not the greatest way to establish trust!

Even as a solutions-oriented person, I realize that some problems are unfixable for some people; all others can do in such cases is provide understanding and emotional support. Alas, even that is hard to come by in our heartless dog-eat-dog environment where the "Fuck you, I've got mine" mentality reigns supreme!

Lol my therapist (a few years ago) asked me these scripted bullshit incriminating questions when I saw her. Fucking hell, as a person who has a hard time telling a lie, I had to bite the bullet (metaphorically speaking) and do so just so I don't fuck up things even more.

I too am also a solutions-oriented person and I agree with you that some problems are unfixable or have no (feasible) solution to them. Death is relief from those problems and any open-minded, rational person would accept that.

It's as if suicide could never possibly be a rational decision because once again, life is viewed as inherently good no matter what.

That's pro-life mentality must be done away with, but sadly the majority of people still view life as inherently good. It's quite abhorrent how they refuse to view that life is a neutral thing, which can be good/bad depending on the circumstances.

Nope. It's all "are you suicidal? Then screw the why and let's keep you in a glass jar without things like shoelaces so you can't hurt yourself." First off, props to anyone who can hang themselves with shoelaces. Second, it's totally counterproductive to ask someone if they're suicidal because they know the repercussions are so scary that they're forced to lie. I think people mistakenly believe they're going to get some low key help on their own terms if they come clean about it, but no. It's a bit like if you're arrested and the cops want to talk to you. You probably want to get things off your chest under the erroneous belief that you can clear things up and go home at the end of the day, but all you did was screw yourself more. In that sense we are treated like criminals. Such a crappy, broken system.

Indeed, suicidal people gets treated as bad as criminals even though they have broken no laws (legally speaking for the most part), sometimes even worse than suspected criminals. At least suspected criminals have some civil rights and what not, being allowed to post bail, remain silent, lawyer up, and what not.
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The Blackangel

The Blackangel

Nyiach des uti nesi deh ahy.
Nov 3, 2018
They only want to keep you alive because you're more profitable to them alive than dead. They can medicate and "treat" you for your depression for the next 60 years, which will make them hundreds of millions, possibly more. But if you're dead then they lose all that money. There is no other reason society would care.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
They only want to keep you alive because you're more profitable to them alive than dead. They can medicate and "treat" you for your depression for the next 60 years, which will make them hundreds of millions, possibly more. But if you're dead then they lose all that money. There is no other reason society would care.

That's true, though I wonder what about the NEETs, the people who aren't employed, in education, nor training; as well as the homeless? I don't think they can make money from a homeless and someone who isn't productive to society unless I'm missing something?
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Sep 25, 2018
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Apr 8, 2018
Society's goal is to prevent people's suicide, not their depression. When you really think about it, this is really backwards, society thinks everything is A-ok as long as your alive, they lack concern about the pain people have to deal with throughout their life, and prefer to keep people alive on the premise that "everything gets better". I think it will be much better if people actually tried to help us with our depression and not our suicidality, if that makes any sense. That's not to say that everyone's depression is curable, and it's also not to say there are people out there who genuinely care. The best example I can give is how if you tell your physicologist that you are suicidal all hell will break lose, the number one concern will be keeping you alive with little regard to your actual depression. I just think a lot of people lack empathy, some might be assholes and others might just not understand.

I recently started seeing a cool psychologist. We had a long conversation about his former patients that killed themselves etc. He didn't freak out and respected my views. He explained to me why he was anti drug etc.
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Sep 19, 2018
Society doesn't care if you are miserable, mangled, or in a situation like Terri Shiavo. The goal is to keep your heart beating. Pro-lifers don't want you to die unless it's "natural".
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Nov 8, 2018
Just read an article about the best way to save people from suicide, and the #1 answer was "call the police for a welfare check". The story goes on about how the therapist is a hero for doing the right thing, and it goes deeper into her life rather than the suicidal person. WTF, is this what people think of us? Low bottom feeders of life waiting for therapists to come and save us from our problems because we're not well enough to figure it out. Even the writer suggests our problems are simple, but our thinking is irrational.

Fuck the AFSP, and fuck NAMI.
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blackpilled subhuman manlet
Oct 18, 2018
Speaking from personal experience. Society doesn't only not care about your depression, they give you all the more reason to be depressed and encourage depression.
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The Blackangel

The Blackangel

Nyiach des uti nesi deh ahy.
Nov 3, 2018
That's true, though I wonder what about the NEETs, the people who aren't employed, in education, nor training; as well as the homeless? I don't think they can make money from a homeless and someone who isn't productive to society unless I'm missing something?

I may have had a bit of tunnel vision when I posted. But for the sake of argument, couldn't it still help profits because maybe the manufacturers of the medication being handed out are selling their meds to the ones administering them? My feeling is that somewhere along the line, someone has to profit for it to happen. And those clinics that administer to the ones homeless and others who can't pay, still have to pay their employees and keep their lights on. Someone is paying somewhere.
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