Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
SI posted this next sentence on facebook, I am angry, on rum and angry, I found a fb group to do with BPD, I posted, but it was decliend, so I posted again, yet again it was declined, I mailed admin to be told that my post wasn't relevant, yet it was? As others had posted similar and were accepted, I am genuinely reaching my end, every time I try and reach for recovery, I get knocked back, and reminded what a piece of shit I am. My recovery is less important then someone who's not coping due to covid,

I once joined a PRO CHOICE forum, off of Facebook, I felt accepted, I felt wanted, I made friends.
Informed I need to find FB groups and people of a similar mind, I do so, I join these groups, I read though, I find people in a similar place. I post in these groups, yet constantly my posts are declined,
I go back to the forum and I feel safe,
I soon realize, after seeing a selfie thread on FB, that FB is about how, OMG Im gorgeous but want to say how suicidal I am, here's my selfie, help me.
Now I have no issues with people who feel suicidal damn my heart goes out to them,
But I am starting to feel my name is associated with a black list, as every time I try and reach out for help on this media, i am blocked on every corner.
Yet I see people often mention their depression, and getting so much help.
I am, in some ways, a very private person, I don't feel the need to share memes every 5 mins in regards to my BPD, CPTSD, or other, Nor do I feel the need to share posts in regards to mental health,
But in doing so, am I back firing on myself, as I am not active, and actively seeking attention, am I just an attention seeker when I do?
I am not able to reach out on facebook when i struggle, as everyone seems to see it as a competition,
Yet the forum I am on empathize.. and understand, we connect.
I am seriously starting to realize the difference between mental health long term and mental health well being/situational,
I am prepared to accept a lot of friends dropping and hate for this, but I DGA

Either way I fucking love this forum, never fucking leave me, you keep me here alive today!
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Reactions: stevieu, blue_muse, demuic and 11 others


Dec 15, 2020
I think social media is a microcosm of humanity and I loathe this notion, because therefore I and the people I love are a part of this hideousness.
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Nov 4, 2020
I reject unsocial media like FAKEBOOK because Nark Fuckersberk Thinks he's above Everyone on the planet and likes to hide behind his community standard's policy! He seems to think he's above freedom of speech! Which means he is flipping the middle finger to all the men and women who gave their lives in defence of this country! As a ex squaddie l would dearly love 3 mins alone in a room with him, what's left could be used as pig food!!!
  • Yay!
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Jan 31, 2021
Rant away, you've actually summed up the sheep mentality on social media. Not feeling the need to post how you feel every few minutes doesn't make your problems any less valid. I mean, how dare you reach out without making a fuss instead of posting pics of hospital beds, publicly threatening self-harm etc. but whoever cries loudest I guess.
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Nov 4, 2019
Which means he is flipping the middle finger to all the men and women who gave their lives in defence of this country!

What do you mean with "this country"? This is an international community.


Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
I posted a picture of myself crying yesterday and a 'friend '. Commented ' why are you posting this ? Get off Facebook and get help' another inbox me ' why are you posting that it's not the place for it '
Got defriend by 3 people yesterday because of it.
a family member of mine is in her 60's depressed and suicidal and she reached out to her daughter and told her how she felt. Her daughter told me she said ' well just fucking do it then !'
a few hours later posts this .... EAD7C295 FA1C 4166 8435 7F74D62B903E
  • Wow
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