
Aug 18, 2020
We were a big group. Many people also in this forum told me not to do it. I have found a way. I told them that I could tell an anecdote which is not appropriate for a self-help group. I told them I will change the anecdote because it is not good for a self-help group. There was a voting everyone wanted to listen to my topic which I brought to the table.
I told them that in my free-time I am reading and sometimes interacting from/with people with extremely cruel fates. And that I interacted with people I could not help. (alluding they committed suicide)
Basically I turned it into an antinatalism and nihilism debate and not about suicide forums themselves.

I told them that I feel pretty uncomfortable imagining people with the worst fates on this planet. I told them I am not talking about people who have a hard time. I rather told them I think about people in 1:1 million cases. People with severe brain damage combined with other shit, excruciating pain non stop, unable to communicate, things like locked in syndrom only worse. I told them I don't want to make the case that everyone with locked in syndrom wants to die. Someone tried to push me into that corner. I told them there are 8 billion people on this planet. Statistically it is very likely there are a few thousand in unimaginable pain for decades with no relief. Maybe these people can't even commit suicide. I told them for my mental health I try to distract me from that fact. But it comes to a question of what is more important. The truth or the fact I don't want to feel bad. I made some of them pretty speechless. Some got offended by my remarks. For some of them it was hard to imagine that there are such cases. They argumented also people with depression can have a good time, my grandpa when he was old in a bad place told us to enjoy the good time of life even more and to appreciate the good times. I told him well your granddad probably had this opinion because in the past he had a good time. But there are people who experienced abuse and violence since childhood and it only got worse for them.

Honestly, I pretty much destroyed them. I ruined everyone's mood. Lmao. Many thought I want to allude that life is meaningless with so much suffering. I told them I don't think so. Meaning is very subjective. I see some meaning in my life. However, my meaning often only distracts me that there are cases on this planet who don't have meaning at all and only suffer 24/7 over decades. I think someone feared this is somewhat of a manifesto of my suicide. She looked concerned.
Some wanted to say I would lack empathy towards such cases. I replied its the complete opposite. I think we should invest way more resources to help such cases. But the reality is that these cases are extremely complicated and I don't see a major breakthrough in these very seldom cases. All we can do is cosmetics. We can help them a little which is not much if you are in excruciating pain since decades. I told them we in the Western world give them a little bit empathy. Someones was extremely offended by that. "Do you want to imply only Western people give empathy to such cases, think about what you just said there". I told them we in the West at least pretend to care about such cases. Considering the health care system etc. We give them some peanuts to feel better. In other places of the world they rot in the streets. I said I don't mean the people would be more empathetic in the West I rather meant the welfare system and the way politicians posture themselves. They pretend to care and give at least some help.l

I told them I don't want to imply we all should just kill ourselves. And that this would be the solution. I told them I rather think that producing more children into this world fuels this Russian roulette and I feel uncomfortable to take part in it. One of them told me considering the German history we should be careful not to evaluate there is life not worth of living. I think I could also deliver a good rebuttal on that.

I never mentioned the word suicide forum once. But my goal was achieved. How can one live despite knowing there is so much extreme suffering in this world? I wanted an answer of that. How can I deal with extremely brutal fates without becoming cynical, numb, unempathetic, cold, nihilistic or inhuman. However, their answers were not that good. Some were interesting. I found it funny that I offended someone a lot. I think most people are pretty good at fading out what is happening in this world. And I told them it is probably more healthy to do that.

I am one small screw in this running earth. I cannot change much. I feel pretty powerless.

Someone in this group wants to meet me in private but he is a lot into drugs and I am scared about that. I will have to reject him politely.
I had a love delusion concerning my former crush in the group. I told them last week that I had a good time with the woman I am dating. And today my former crush treated me completely differently. First I thought she was interested in me noticing that other woman are interested in me. Realizing her fault. Lmao. But my friends told me it sounds paranoid as fuck. Which is probably true. I am not sleeping enough. I think her behavior changed because she thought my love delusions would be now over. However, that's wrong. Despite the fact I enjoy the time with the woman from that dating app I still have love delusions. Which is pretty pretty shitty.
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Aug 29, 2024
I can imagine that discussion would have been pretty intense.

I also think, in addition to the pain and suffering that would inevitably befall the life born into the world, I'm also gambling with how this life would affect other people who already exist. It's like, of the nearly endless list of different ways people suffer and endure pain in life, yes at least some of these things would happen to any life born. Life does not benefit people who do not exist. If people who don't exist are "fine", especially then, why would I make the decision on behalf of anyone to cross over from that state of non-being to partake in the shit that happens to humans?

There's always that additional gamble that the person would do things or say things to cause suffering to others. If there's a non-zero chance that this potential life growing up, would pick up behaviors from other kids to bully one kid, one time, and then never ever cause suffering or pain to anyone else again for as long as they live, then I'm not bringing that person into existence to by chance cause that suffering to another person.

If no life ever exists without in some way hurting others, even if only one person ever in their life, then it's not just a chance but an inevitability this this potential life will cause suffering in addition to experiencing whatever suffering life would bring their way. If it's within my power at all to directly or indirectly not create circumstances in which people suffer by choosing to not create life, then I will not create life.
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
WOW! It's amazing to hear such a raw account of the pushback you got on this, especially considering you didn't even mention the forum and only confined your hypothetical examples to worst-imaginable cases.

I don't have much to add here other than to say I am in awe of the courage you displayed in even approaching this topic with them, and in standing your ground.

Thank you for sharing this.
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Aug 18, 2020
Bump. I really liked the replies thus far. I would be interested in more.


Jun 5, 2024
ive essentially become inebriated to the fact that suffering seems to be so widespread in some parts of the world, which is probably a result of desensitization. having said that, part of the reason that i wont have kids in the future is because i feel uncomfortable with producing individuals who are equally as apathetic; and, no doubt, most people have adopted a learnt indifference as a balance mechanism. im personally disgusted by our learnt capacity to neglect pain in favor of furthering our own pleasure; but that is something that can only be called unquestionably human
sounds like a very interesting discussion, if not a sort of imposition upon those who probably retreat from the harsher facts of reality. not to blame you, though. reducing internal friction in the in-group also comes with the consequence of being susceptible to easily doing away with the very thin gossamer which maintains such attitudes; it's purely contractual. challenging their views doesn't lead to dissolution, but alienation, with the privation of social rewards as a consequence


finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
Nice job spreading the truth.
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