

Mar 24, 2021
Our ancestors died of infections and injuries in nature. Death occured suddenly. The soldier died in war. The medieval man died in plague, almost half of Europe´s population died in the Black Death. 1710 the plague came to Stockholm in Sweden with a ship and killed 22 000 people. The last stage of plague was very painful, many people committed suicide rather than going through this disease - some people jumped out of the house, others jumped in the water and drowned. Before our modern healthcare, people died of infections, blood poisoning and many women died of childbirth. People did not wash clean wounds and when dirt and bacteria enters the wound, this can kill you. But now, antibiotic resistance can occur, the bacteria have lived for 3.8 billion years, so they are not stupid. Now people have to pay for euthansia to die with dignity, but this is very expensive, 10 000 euro. Euthansia should be available in all countries, a sick person should not be forced to travel to Switzerland. The state usually otherwise pay for human death, so why must the suicide clinic pay for it with the patients money. We live in a time when we are forced to live until we die of old age or discease - only a few people die fast of accident. There are 100-year old people sitting in a wheelchair in retirement home, only waiting for death. The modern man has too much time, waiting for death.
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Mar 22, 2020
And the saddest and weirdest part for me is that we're "the fittest". We've come here through evolution! We're supposed to be a better version of our ancestors and here I am, being a 50% depressed NEET and a 50% normal person at the same time.

Oh God...

I don't know who I am anymore but I hope not to live for 100 years...


Oct 8, 2018
Modern medicine pats itself on the back for being able to deal with geriatrics. But as you point out, it just creates shells of people waiting for death to come. Sitting around in a wheelchair all day, having someone dress you, wash you and feed you is not living. The elderly have all dignity taken away and are warehoused. This is not something our ancestors would have done or wanted.


Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Hah, when I was smoking and contemplating carotid slashing in the woods today I thought about how my ancestors died by way worse injuries in combat and would laugh at the pain of my ctb method.
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