Last Caress

Last Caress

You need to relax..
Dec 25, 2019
Hi guys and girlies, as soon as my SN arrives I'll ctb. I understand Stan's Guide (God bless him) but I kinda have a question regarding the heart rate phase.
He said it's optional and it's "a luxury" to take beta blocker. I kinda have the beta blocker at my home, Nebivolol, but I want to know your opinions about when and how much should I take because I cant find an answer. Won't really take antiemetics (I have quetiapine but... yea i'll take 50 mg 2 times maybe it'll help a bit), I'll definitely take the anti acid and the pain killer and I want to take the beta blocker but I don't know how to plan around with it so maybe you guys can give me some advice/opinions, Thanks!
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