

died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023

I thought I had everything that I need for the SN method, except now I don't think I have enough benzos. I just realized when I was reading back through the really detailed thread that you need way more than I have, it suggests: oxazepam (20x30mg tablets), Valium (diazepam, 50x10mg) and the off-license, bromazolam (10mg). It says you can use any benzo, but these are the dosing suggestions.

I have 4x0.5mg of lorazepam (so 2mg total rn) and I definitely need to get more, right? It is kind of confusing because the max dosage on all the benzos is different. For example, the diazepam says that up to 400mg per day is a possible maximum dose via google. And then with Lorazepam the max is 4-6 (google had multiple answers for that one). So it seems like I should be aiming for about 25% more than the max dosage per day based off the diazepam example. If I am playing it safe with Lorazepam and saying that 6mg is the max daily dose, then 7.5mg of lorazepam would be needed?

I just want to make sure that makes sense or am I completely off? I haven't figured out where I am going to get the rest of the benzos yet but I might just try and get the suggested dosages of the medications in the detailed thread to be safe.


Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
Base question, do you take it in regular life, or any other benzos? (Alcohol also works on the benzo receptors) Do you have a tolerance to it?


died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
Base question, do you take it in regular life, or any other benzos? (Alcohol also works on the benzo receptors) Do you have a tolerance to it?
No, I haven't taken benzos in a long time. I had a xanax prescription like 8 years ago but it has been a while. These I got from a guy that I don't talk to anymore and wouldn't be willing to lololol
No, I haven't taken benzos in a long time. I had a xanax prescription like 8 years ago but it has been a while. These I got from a guy that I don't talk to anymore and wouldn't be willing to lololol
and I dont drink very much at all. Maybe once every 3 months. I smoke a lot of weed carts though and take edibles sometimes


Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
Then your benzo tolerance is pretty low — onset for the med you mentioned is a bit longer than xanax so as long as you time it right no matter the amount it will have an effect, I def agree with listening to the Bible's/Megathread Protocols, but if nothing has been really messing with those receptors (weed does not) 2mg could be enough, esp if you're not comfortable with talking to said guy.

Remember that the pph says these things aren't necessary to success, they just ease things. I agree with 2-3 SN cups protocols as well.


died a long time ago
Aug 13, 2023
& given that crushing it and ingesting it that way is going to be more impactful too. I think I will spend some time on Reddit trying to find a clear web source and then if I cant find anything fairly easily, I will just keep my 2mg and hope for the best. I weigh around 125 pounds.

& you mean taking the 25 mg dose of sn 2-3 times (after vomiting)? I saw that too, was thinking it might be good to mix up 2 cups but I also saw that even if you vomit it up within the first 10 mins it is still effective and that taking 2-3 doses could just make the vomiting piece worse and have you ingest less so I am CONFUSED on that bit.

Also, it says that dignitas uses the Stat method? I was going to go for the 48 hour method because I know I have a sensitive stomach and wanted the most antiemetic effect. I didn't realize up until I saw that, that dignitas uses this method, I figured they would inject something.

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