nothing but agony

nothing but agony

Excess Waste
Aug 8, 2020
I tried using the search engine and I have seen no discussion on this anywhere
Maybe I have missed it somewhere since I am new here. If this has been talked about, just guide me there please

When checking for drug interactions, I found that antidepressants(like SSRI's, SNRI's) and Methylene Blue can interact and possibly cause Serotonin Syndrome since Methylene blue is an MAOI (MonoAmine Oxidase Inhibitor)(Idk anything about the chemistry and everything, just understanding what I can :ahhha: )
SSRI's and MAOI's both can increase serotonin levels I have read and understood, correct me if I am wrong
There have been cases where people on SSRI's when given Methylene Blue(I'll call it MB for ease) developed symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome. (are links like these okay here? :notsure:)
Some got fevers reaching above 40°C and some went into a temporary coma

After researching a lot, I settled with SN because it seems to leave no permanent damage upon failing. But now that I read about this and considering that I take a very high dose of an SNRI (duloxetine 2 x 60mg per day) along with some add-ons, I am not so sure about this method anymore. In severe cases of Serotonin Syndrome, kidney failure can occur (which is exactly what I am very scared of )

I will already take proper measures and follow all the guidelines to ensure that failure doesn't occur. But in case it does, I want to be prepared for that possibility too. If MB is given to me, I need to be sure it works and doesn't further damage me

So can those that know very well about this explain how likely and dangerous this interaction is? Is it rare? Should I worry about it?
If Serotonin Syndrome is possible, I am planning on not taking duloxetine for two days before SN ingestion
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
while reading this i came up with the idea of having a piece of paper visible near you that says everything you have in your system so the paramedics know and arent just playing a guessing game. i dont know if its a good idea but it cant be a horrible one
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nothing but agony

nothing but agony

Excess Waste
Aug 8, 2020
while reading this i came up with the idea of having a piece of paper visible near you that says everything you have in your system so the paramedics know and arent just playing a guessing game. i dont know if its a good idea but it cant be a horrible one
the same idea occurred to me too :))
BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
while reading this i came up with the idea of having a piece of paper visible near you that says everything you have in your system so the paramedics know and arent just playing a guessing game. i dont know if its a good idea but it cant be a horrible one
Honestly what a good idea. Not that I want to be saved but in the event I am, I don't want any additional damage done to my body that would make my life worse.


May 15, 2019
I think they would still treat you with mb as serotonin syndrome is survivable though probably horrible, but if it came to the point where they needed to administer mb, not giving it you would be certain death, so they would make the clinical decision to administer it imo. If serotonin syndrome didnt kill you i believe you would make a full recovery.not a medical opinion though.
The best thing to do would be to wean off the snri 4 weeks or so before the date. I wouldnt stop them cold turkey as snris tend to have some nasty withdrawal effects and id rather you be in a peaceful state.
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Apr 26, 2020
Two days won't make a difference, and no one will or should suggest you stop taking your meds without consulting your doctor. Any suggestions about leaving what meds you are on is ok in theory, but it will be ignored in general if you are brought in to the ER and WILL die and the antidote will only possibly or remotely be detrimental.

MB can contribute to SS, even if rarely. I'm not quite sure I fully understand the entire thought process. ANY suicide carries serious risk of permanent damage. On one had SN is viewed as a deadly poison, and on the other, people get up in arms at the suggestion it could be harmful. SN Recoveries, from the small sample reported here, usually don't have reported long term effects, and the same is true for MB. Any drug is going to carry a risk of negative side effects.


May 15, 2019
Two days won't make a difference, and no one will or should suggest you stop taking your meds without consulting your doctor. Any suggestions about leaving what meds you are on is ok in theory, but it will be ignored in general if you are brought in to the ER and WILL die and the antidote will only possibly or remotely be detrimental.

MB can contribute to SS, even if rarely. I'm not quite sure I fully understand the entire thought process. ANY suicide carries serious risk of permanent damage. On one had SN is viewed as a deadly poison, and on the other, people get up in arms at the suggestion it could be harmful. SN Recoveries, from the small sample reported here, usually don't have reported long term effects, and the same is true for MB. Any drug is going to carry a risk of negative side effects.
...and no one will or should suggest you stop taking your meds without consulting your doctor.
Doctor...Hello nothing but agony, how can i help today?
Nba...i want to come off duloxetine.
Doctor...Ok. why is that then? Do you feel better?
Nba... No its not that, im planning on ending my life using sodium nitrite. Im worried that if im discovered they will use the antidote methyline blue, which could interact with duloxetine and cause serotonin syndrome.
Doctor...oh i see, good thinking. Lets get you tapered off the duloxetine then.


Apr 26, 2020
While you may view this post as cute, there are many people here in recovery or considering options. Many of them are stabilized by psychiatric medication, and there are obvious posts by people who need to be on them. Offering uninformed guidance on adjusting psychiatric medication dosage can and will result in harm to individuals.


May 15, 2019
While you may view this post as cute, there are many people here in recovery or considering options. Many of them are stabilized by psychiatric medication, and there are obvious posts by people who need to be on them. Offering uninformed guidance on adjusting psychiatric medication dosage can and will result in harm to individuals.
This was not posted in the recovery section though. And the op wasnt asking for recovery advice. It was a specific question regarding drug interactions.
Im sorry but there is no mystery to coming off snris and how an earth can you guarantee that there would be harm without going through a doctor who is just reading it from a book anyway?
You would simply gradually lower the dose and monitor any withdrawal effects to know if you are tapering too quickly. Im sure the specifics of how its recommended can be found either online or on the leaflet that comes with the drugs.
Do you really think doctors are experts on ssris and snris? They dont even know how they work its all trial and error.
If i felt that the op was looking for recovery support,the response would have been different.
Telling the op not to stop taking their meds without consulting a doctor is not the right advice in the context of this thread in my opinion. Its bordering on patronising.
I mean whats the next bit of advice? Samaratins ?
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