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"If my soul be lost, its nobodys fault but mine"
Mar 21, 2019
Does it hurt to die of OD'ing on sleeping pills? Do you die of liver failure,central nervous system shut down or something else?
recently i came across a barbiturate pill named Phenobarbitone(Phenobarbital), and a benzo pill named Flunitrazepam.
Would one of them work? Will it hurt?what will happen to my body?What do you know about these pills/od'ing of them?

Please share the information you have about these pills and od'ing..also share od'ing attempts of similar pills if you want..

Thank you! :)
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Expert Level Tree Farmer
Jun 13, 2019
In contrast to N (pentobarbital) phenobarbital is a slow acting drug. If you overdose only with phenobarbital, it can take up to three days. To speed up the effect, a long-acting benzo is often used, such as diazepam or flurazepam. In order to achieve a quick and painless death, you would have to take both phenobarbital and benzos in combination.

With other barbiturates, death usually comes within twelve hours (see Chapter 9). But phenobarbital acts more slowly than the other barbiturates and death may take as long as three days to occur. It is most essential that a long-acting benzodiazepine is taken simultaneously: atleast 300 mg of diazepam or flurazepam. In cases of failed suicide with phenobarbital that have been reported to us, no long-acting benzodiazepine had been ingested. Moreover, it is absolutely necessary to avoid lifesaving trI have found the following to the required doseeatment (artificial feeding and espiration) during these three days.

I have found the following to the required dose.

lethal dose 6 grams. Available in 100, 50 or 25 mg tablets. Combination with a long-acting benzodiazepine (Chapter 2.2.7) is necessary. Recommended quantity: at least 60 tablets of 100 mg, 120 tablets of 50 mg, or 240 tablets of 25 mg.

Chapter 2.2.7

Recommended long-acting benzodiazepines:
– flurazepam: recommended 300 mg (20 tablets of 15 mg or 10 tablets of 30 mg);
–diazepam: recommended 300 mg (150 tablets of 2 mg, 60 tablets of 5 mg, or 30 tablets of 10 mg);
–flunitrazepam: recommended 20 mg (20 tablets of 1 mg or 10 tablets of 2 mg)

Phenobarbital can, however, be made more effective by raising the pH of the solution of the crushed tablets. This is done using sodium Carbonate to convert the Phenobarbital to the more readily-absorbed sodium phenobarbital. If available, 1gm of Dilantin can be added to this drink with good effect.

The way it works is comparable to N. You get more and more tired and eventually you fall into a deep sleep. Phenobarbital has an effect on brain chemical GABA. GABA practically slows down your brain activity. And after a certain time, when your brain activity has been slowed down further and further, your respiration ceases and you die of a cardiac arrest. This is not painful.

Death occurs through a combination of apnea (cessation of breathing) and cardiac arrest.

Barbiturates effect the action of the brain chemical GABA in that they enhance the effect of GABA on the brain, and may even act in its place. GABA slows the activity of the brain. Enhancing its action causes sedation and sleep. In larger doses, the barbiturate can depress brain function so severely that respiration ceases and the person dies.

I didn't find any information about known cases in the source, maybe someone else has information about it here.
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Sep 28, 2018
Does it hurt to die of OD'ing on sleeping pills? Do you die of liver failure,central nervous system shut down or something else?
recently i came across a barbiturate pill named Phenobarbitone(Phenobarbital), and a benzo pill named Flunitrazepam.
Would one of them work? Will it hurt?what will happen to my body?What do you know about these pills/od'ing of them?

Please share the information you have about these pills and od'ing..also share od'ing attempts of similar pills if you want..

Thank you! :)

There are some reliable combinations of drugs in 'the peph' in resources section. They are 'reliable'. I am too planning to leave with one of such combinations..there are many cocktails there. check them out.


Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
In contrast to N (pentobarbital) phenobarbital is a slow acting drug. If you overdose only with phenobarbital, it can take up to three days. To speed up the effect, a long-acting benzo is often used, such as diazepam or flurazepam. In order to achieve a quick and painless death, you would have to take both phenobarbital and benzos in combination.

I have found the following to the required dose.

The way it works is comparable to N. You get more and more tired and eventually you fall into a deep sleep. Phenobarbital has an effect on brain chemical GABA. GABA practically slows down your brain activity. And after a certain time, when your brain activity has been slowed down further and further, your respiration ceases and you die of a cardiac arrest. This is not painful.

I didn't find any information about known cases in the source, maybe someone else has information about it here.
@Efilismislife must combine phenobarbital 6gram + flunitrazepam 20mg


Psychopath family tortured me
May 25, 2021
@Efilismislife must combine phenobarbital 6gram + flunitrazepam 20mg
But is it really effective realiable though? My initial reason to post here because of it but people said you cant use pheno not reliable

And takes too long


Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
But is it really effective realiable though? My initial reason to post here because of it but people said you cant use pheno not reliable

And takes too long
Pheno is being used along in DDMPh and DDAMPh mixture, I guess it's better in combination.
Fluni is 10 times more potent than Valium.

The estimated human lethal dose of flunitrazepam is 415 mg/kg, though death has been reported in an elderly patient given 28 mg PO. This drug is 85% bioavailable after ingestion with peak plasma concentrations within an hour or two. Flunitrazepam is metabolized to two active products, which are excreted with the parent compound in human urine for a few days (Smith et al., 2002; Gable, 2004; Anonymous, 2005). Clinical signs of sedation and amnesia occur within 20 min of oral dosing and may persist for 12 h. Other signs include muscle relaxation, visual disturbances, and confusion. Deaths attributed to this drug are rare (Smith et al., 2002; Anonymous, 2005; Rimsza and Moses, 2005).


Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
its 415mg/kg? :ohhhh:

But pheno+fluni how long does it take to cause brain death? 🤔

Anyway instead of fluni isnt xanax more potent?
Both fluni and xanax are high potent short-acting with equivalency 1gr xanax : 2gr fluni, but xanax is short half-life, fluni has relatively longer half-life.
The sedative effects of Rohypnol typically arise within 15-30 minutes after ingestion, with peak effects occurring after about 2 hours.

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