

Apr 3, 2021
Ever since our basic rights were violated, I've started to highly doubt mainstream science and people supporting it. The truth is, it's all about elites like Schwab and Rockefellers gettin' richer and the average bread-eater gettin' into poverty, debts and working for their success. For now, I'm going to stand neutral against those claims and see how far they'd be wanting to step into our freedom.
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Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
Ever since our basic rights were violated, I've started to highly doubt mainstream science and people supporting it. The truth is, it's all about elites like Schwab and Rockefellers gettin' richer and the average bread-eater gettin' into poverty, debts and working for their success. For now, I'm going to stand neutral against those claims and see how far they'd be wanting to step into our freedom.


*~ 絶対に 全てを取り戻させてもらう ~*
Jul 5, 2020
They shouldn't. There's enough proof of the contrary.
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Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
Science is lame, didnt even give us catgirls yet.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Science has always been vulnerable to
1. Financiers
2. Zeitgeist/Culture

The covid charade just made it abundantly clear. The ridiculous notion that scientists were a separate and pristine group of men and women that were devoted to objective knowledge above social standing/peer pressure and remuneration was put to rest for everyone with two honest brain cells to rub together.

Scientists work for a salary and to receive praise. End of story, and this means they are intellectual mercenaries that deserve no special regard. They aren't a priestly class that only answer to the God of Reason and Proof, like it has been propagated in our era.
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trying to save ourself
May 23, 2021
in 2022 ive been displaced by flooding and was stuck in another country because i had covid, this shit is real
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Science has always been vulnerable to
1. Financiers
2. Zeitgeist/Culture

The covid charade just made it abundantly clear. The ridiculous notion that scientists were a separate and pristine group of men and women that were devoted to objective knowledge above social standing/peer pressure and remuneration was put to rest for everyone with two honest brain cells to rub together.

Scientists work for a salary and to receive praise. End of story, and this means they are intellectual mercenaries that deserve no special regard. They aren't a priestly class that only answer to the God of Reason and Proof, like it has been propagated in our era.

It's very heart breaking to realize that this is indeed the case. When I left religion, I thought science was the way to solve all our problems and understand the world, but people working in the different scientific fields are vulnerable to all of the same biases, delusions, and greed that religious leaders are vulnerable to.

It's hard to know what to believe anymore. Who's lying and who's just wrong? I can never tell the difference, and it makes everything feel so much more hopeless and confusing.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
My alcohol thermometer doesn't fool me (nor the others I have), in my house it is much warmer than before and for a longer time.

1980-1990: 27ºC in August
1990-2000: 28ºC in August
2000-2010: 29ºC in August
2010-2020: 30ºC in August
2020-? 31ºC in August (actually it's a little bit short of 31 degrees, but the decade is not over)

Yes, I have been looking at the thermometers at home since I was a child and I have been pairing them so that they marked the same between them as the years went by in case one of them broke (which it has broken, yes).

For me climate change is evident, another thing is that the origin is known for sure or that they want to make believe that it is reversible, here I do not enter.

El meu termòmetre d'alcohol no m'ensarrona pas (ni els altres que tinc), a casa meva fa molta més calor que abans i durant més temps

1980-1990: 27ºC a l'Agost
1990-2000: 28ºC a l'Agost
2000-2010: 29ºC a l'Agost
2010-2020: 30ºC a l'Agost
2020-? : 31ºC a l'Agost (en realitat falta una micona pels 31, però no s'ha acabat la década)

Doncs si, porto mirant els termòmetres de casa desde ben petit i he anat aparellant-los de forma que marquessin el mateix entre ells segons anaven passant els anys per si algún es trencava (que s'ha trencat, si).

Per mi el canvi climàtic és evident, altre cosa es que se sàpiga l'origen del cert o que es vulgui fer creure que és reversible, aquí no hi entro pas.
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May 26, 2022
I wish we coukd know what's true and what isn't. But even so called professionals and scientists, they can be bought too. After all its an agenda and human bebavior is shaped based on what's convenient. Most people dont question anything. A media or a report says something and they call it real. The truth is we don't know what's true.
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Jun 14, 2022
I am completely oblivious it seems, how has politics corrupted science "as evidenced by Covid"?
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I am completely oblivious it seems, how has politics corrupted science "as evidenced by Covid"?
Sadly, OP is no longer with us. At least we can find solace in knowing that Jesus Saves.

A minute of silence for Weebster, the Banned One.
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uncertain of things
Nov 28, 2021
Was OP banned for disbelieving science?
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
Was OP banned for disbelieving science?
Not at all, he was a consistent agressor and troll. Still, not a boring personality, just not fitting for a forum like this.

I´ve been disseminating much more opinions about the fake pandemic than Weebster and its never been a problem.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
My alcohol thermometer doesn't fool me (nor the others I have), in my house it is much warmer than before and for a longer time.

1980-1990: 27ºC in August
1990-2000: 28ºC in August
2000-2010: 29ºC in August
2010-2020: 30ºC in August
2020-? 31ºC in August (actually it's a little bit short of 31 degrees, but the decade is not over)

Yes, I have been looking at the thermometers at home since I was a child and I have been pairing them so that they marked the same between them as the years went by in case one of them broke (which it has broken, yes).

For me climate change is evident, another thing is that the origin is known for sure or that they want to make believe that it is reversible, here I do not enter.

El meu termòmetre d'alcohol no m'ensarrona pas (ni els altres que tinc), a casa meva fa molta més calor que abans i durant més temps

1980-1990: 27ºC a l'Agost
1990-2000: 28ºC a l'Agost
2000-2010: 29ºC a l'Agost
2010-2020: 30ºC a l'Agost
2020-? : 31ºC a l'Agost (en realitat falta una micona pels 31, però no s'ha acabat la década)

Doncs si, porto mirant els termòmetres de casa desde ben petit i he anat aparellant-los de forma que marquessin el mateix entre ells segons anaven passant els anys per si algún es trencava (que s'ha trencat, si).

Per mi el canvi climàtic és evident, altre cosa es que se sàpiga l'origen del cert o que es vulgui fer creure que és reversible, aquí no hi entro pas.
Oh, I'm making a reply to myself, hehe.

Just to say that I am at home at 31.7ºC on the digital thermometer and it seems to me that a little more than 31.5ºC on the alcohol one (hard to see). In the summer I've had, there have been quite a few days with temperatures above 31ºC and on occasion almost 31.5ºC (a little less), but this weekend the weather has been brave.

I'm surprised because I didn't expect this temperature to reach so soon. I don't know if it will be a one-time event this year and if the next ones will be more contained... but if it's not a one-time event, I'll give it a go! the next few years.


Oh, em faig una replica a mi mateix, jeje.

Només dir que estic a casa a 31'7ºC en el termómetre digital i em sembla que una mica mes de 31'5ºC en el d'alcohol (costa de veure). El que porto d'estiu hi ha hagut força dies amb temperatures per sobre dels 31ºC i puntualment els gairebé 31'5ºC (una mica menys), però aquest cap de setmana s'ha lluït de valent el clima.

Estic sorprés perquè aquesta temperatura no esperaba asolir-la tan aviat. No se si serà un fet puntual d'aquest any i si els propers serà mes continguda... però si no es un fet puntual, deu n'hi do! els propers anys.


Aug 7, 2022
I once saw a documentary about climate change , where they took samples from the ground in antarctica digging so deep that they could see the different climate changes of many thousands of years earlier. seems because of the ice thats possible. surprisingly earth had gone through extreme heat or ore cold periods long time before humans were able to influence climate with stuff like cars, extreme meat consumption, planes and all the other fun stuff we do nowadays. so as a result one must really wonder if this time it was really us, or if it should just serve to another of the " controllers" agendas.

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