
Feb 26, 2020
EDIT: I got to the end of writing this thread and it is definitely a rambly as hell vent. TW for descriptions of sexual violence

Hello, I'm alphabetsoup. I'm 24, female, and have an alphabet soup of diagnoses thanks to a disproportionate amount of trauma from childhood to now. I wasn't sure whether or not to tag this as story or venting, because I'm not even sure where I'm going with this thread, but here goes.

I have endured so much. Overcome so much. I'm frustrated that I'm feeling this way again, after getting to the point where I thought I had "made it." In November, I finally got out of a 6 year abusive relationship. After being abused and neglected throughout my childhood, and a string of abusive relationships, I was finally living alone for the first time. I thought I was safe. I was in therapy, taking medication that was helping me, and I felt hopeful. Despite struggling with chronic mental and physical illnesses, including fibromyalgia, which forced me to rely on benefits rather than working, I was planning to return to work. I have a degree, and I was going to be a teacher, so I could spot and help the kids who were struggling but flying under the radar as I did. If I couldn't physically handle it due to my illnesses, I was considering pursuing a Masters in psychology, or using my BA to become a manuscript editor. I was finding ways to adapt to life with my illnesses, and move forward despite my trauma. I felt genuinely happy, things were finally coming together after fighting and suffering for so long to get to this point.

And then on the 26th of January, I learned that a man who sexually assaulted me when we were 16 is now working as a domiciliary support worker for vulnerable adults- I learned this because every now and then, I google him to find out where he works so I can avoid him. This behaviour started because a few years ago, he was a bus driver, so I didn't get buses for two years. I completely broke down. But I still tried to fight. I woke up on the Monday and went to my weekly therapy appointment. I spoke to my care coordinator about it- even the police, trying to find a way to safeguard these people but stay anonymous and avoid going to court. I think I was doing well until the Thursday of that week, when I went to the women's centre to seek more advice and prepare myself for the potential outcome of going to court.

The advisor I saw there? She said to me "we can't help you, because as you didn't say no, a crime wasn't technically committed."

I knew from speaking to my therapist, the police, and my CMHT, and from reading the Crown Prosecution Service's guidelines on consent etc. that this wasn't true. I know that I didn't have to say no. I know that I was drugged. I know that he picked me because he knew I was vulnerable. We went to school together- he groomed me from age 10. If I had access to the old MSN conversations, I could show them conversations where at age 12 he told me what foreplay was and that he wanted to do it with me. The night the incident happened, it was pure chance. You see, the night before, I went to a party. I was bullied by everyone at school and was never invited to anything like that before. So I took the chance. I ended up drugged and raped by two strangers that night. The next day, I woke up at home with no idea how I got there, but still feeling wired from the drugs and decided to brush off the bad from the night before by going out again to a small annual music festival in my area. I ran into him there and he took advantage of the fact that I was plastered and reeling from the night before. He told me "you didn't enjoy it because they didn't love you." He took me to his home, and I had no way of getting back to mine until morning. I was alone with him all night. I initially let him, and then I froze as the rest happened. When it was over I could finally move again, and I ran to the bathroom to be sick. I locked myself in there for what felt like an hour as I cried and tried to clean out my mouth. When I came out, he looked sheepish and offered me a cup of tea and put Adventure Time on the TV. 2 weeks later, he messaged me on facebook to ask to be friends with benefits- he clearly didn't and does not think he did anything wrong.

I didn't report him or the other 2 men back then because I thought it was my fault. My fault because I was flirtatious earlier in the night. My fault because I went to a party alone knowing it was risky to not know anyone there. My fault because I took drinks from strangers. I didn't even realise I'd been drugged until I was 19- I thought I was just a slutty drunk.

These fears are preventing me from taking it further. My therapist filed a report with the police on the 3rd of Feb, and we've heard nothing since. He is still working with vulnerable people. I don't think I have a case, I can't handle seeing him again after almost 8 years, I can't handle the idea of the case being dropped due to lack of evidence. I don't want to be harrassed and abused again. I don't want to be called a liar. I am terrified that he could twist this around and prosecute me for defamation of character or making a false allegation, like that girl in the news from Greece, or a woman with bipolar a few years ago who killed herself after being gangraped and when the case was dropped, her rapists went after her legally. I know that if I take them to court and win, it would be amazing. But I know that if I lose, I won't survive, if I even survive the process before finding out the outcome. I feel trapped, because at this point, I could just leave it at the report my therapist made and try to get back on with my life, but I can't carry on as normal with the guilt from the knowledge that my silence is allowing him to work with women who are sick like me because of men like him. I will never be normal again. I have had nightmares about him all night every night since this came to light. The only reason I've been sleeping is because of my meds and the ridiculous amount of weed I've been smoking. I don't know how I've managed to stay alive for this long since finding out, and I've hung on for so long at this point that I'm now torn between killing myself or seeing what happens. So, after a few weeks of lurking here researching methods, I decided to join so I don't have to be alone anymore as I go through stay/go limbo.

If you've read this far, seriously, thank you so much ♡
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Jan 7, 2020
I checked your post twice, but didn't notice any mention of a Victim's Advocate, or some similar UK English term parallel.

You said "these fears are preventing me from taking it further." I'm no attorney or LEO, so I have no idea how actionable this is, but a victim's advocate can work both on your fear and the evidentiary situation.
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In Vino Veritas
Feb 11, 2020
First of all none of this is your fault and you should not feel any guilt. You have reported the situation not to get yourself justice but to try and protect others and for this you should be commended.
I know you talk about a therapist, but do you have a rape crisis centre in your area, I have had dealings with the service in Glasgow in the past and they are an amazing organisation and can give full support during any legal process.
If you want to talk more in private rather than openly in the forum, you can always pm me.
But if you take anything from what I have said, remember none of this is your fault, you are the victim and the survivor.
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Jan 7, 2020
If you want to talk more in private rather than openly in the forum, you can always pm me.
Not before (are we allowed to say how many posts? it's very few)

To get the magic number of PM-unlocking posts, go to offtopic or just shit up anything I've posted. I will give ZERO shits. I am words on a computer screen
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Feb 26, 2020
I checked your post twice, but didn't notice any mention of a Victim's Advocate, or some similar UK English term parallel.

You said "these fears are preventing me from taking it further." I'm no attorney or LEO, so I have no idea how actionable this is, but a victim's advocate can work both on your fear and the evidentiary situation.

Thank you for the suggestion! I haven't heard of this either- though I think my hope in going to the Women's Centre was to access some sort of support like you've just described. Perhaps if I went to the police myself, they would put me in contact with someone like that, but right now I'm too scared to identify myself to them or start any legal proceedings I'd be personally involved in

First of all none of this is your fault and you should not feel any guilt. You have reported the situation not to get yourself justice but to try and protect others and for this you should be commended.
I know you talk about a therapist, but do you have a rape crisis centre in your area, I have had dealings with the service in Glasgow in the past and they are an amazing organisation and can give full support during any legal process.
If you want to talk more in private rather than openly in the forum, you can always pm me.
But if you take anything from what I have said, remember none of this is your fault, you are the victim and the survivor.

Thank you ♡ I think there is one in one of the hospitals near me, but I'm scared of getting a similar response to the one the women's centre gave me. Right now, I'm just smoking and eating the days away while I gather up the courage or conviction to take further action, or just end it. One of the thinking patterns that led me back into endless suicidal thoughts and urges was that if I committed suicide it may implicate him in my death and protect them that way. Now I've learned that nothing will happen to him if I end it, it's made suicide seem pointless, but at the same time I can't get over this pain or bring myself to give up the means I have just in case I change my mind and need to kill myself. It also doesn't help that my psychiatrist said she'd take me off my meds if I attempted again :( I appreciate the offer to PM, and thank you @ctbUniquectb for offering to let me shitpost on your posts to up my post count haha


In Vino Veritas
Feb 11, 2020
What to do is Google 'rape crisis Centre and your postcode', you will get nothing but support from them. They will guide you through every step and be by your side. I think they are the best because a lot of the staff there are also survivors so they know exactly what you are going through. They will also be able to point you in the way of other support services.


Feb 26, 2020
What to do is Google 'rape crisis Centre and your postcode', you will get nothing but support from them. They will guide you through every step and be by your side. I think they are the best because a lot of the staff there are also survivors so they know exactly what you are going through. They will also be able to point you in the way of other support services.

Thank you ♡ I might ring them tomorrow, for tonight I just want to rest. This has drained me a lot and I think I'm going to have to actually pluck up the resolve to survive before doing anything else related to this situation
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In Vino Veritas
Feb 11, 2020
Sounds like a plan, have a glass of wine and put everything out of your mind. We are all here for you so just post whenever you need to and well done on your first post, I hope you can have a relaxed evening❤️
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Jan 7, 2020
I'm too scared to identify myself to them or start any legal proceedings I'd be personally involved in
Do not fear, but speak; and hold not thy peace. (The Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 18, Verse 9, Douay - Rheims Bible)

I'm not a religious man, but the quote applies. Go through my non-comical posts to figure out my recent legal kerfuffle. Since the crime didn't occur, I am by definition innocent and processing for dismissal. However, moving through the legal system, I couldn't even look at the legal documents to participate in my own defense. This was because of victim's protections laws, so academically, I was OK.

I can damned near guarantee that any part of the UK is better at shielding victims than any part of the USA.
thank you @ctbUniquectb for offering to let me shitpost on your posts to up my post count haha
You opened the door for me to make the joke I skipped: it's impossible to lower the quality of my posts, so go right ahead!
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Back, but with less enthusiasm. Hugs~
Feb 22, 2020
I have read your post and all I can say is I feel you and I hug you with all my brain power. Wish I could give you a real hug, a gentle and warm one. Or a tight one if you prefer those, but you mention chronic pain and I wouldn't want to hurt you. Wow, typical me to talk about hugs xD

You're brave for sharing, btw <3
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Jun 27, 2019
First of all none of this is your fault and you should not feel any guilt.

Read this over and over please. You ARE a victim. It's not a failure. It's not a dirty word. The world mostly is unfair and ugly and people mostly are selfish and uncaring. It's less of a void and more a pile of individuals who see everything as how it affects them and see others not as feeling and needing beings like them, but as other objects in their world. Good news is it's not everyone. That doesn't mean it's easy to find good ones or life is always solvable. You have to care for your basic needs first and save the fight for when you have the strength to fight. There is no "Fair" or "Justice". That doesn't happen. It's wrong and enraging but its reality. Care for yourself first and then advocate for and educate others. Don't let terrible people and a broken system make itself the focus, because both demand to be but give nothing in return.

One other suggestion from personal experience, as someone who has been victimized and ignored as well in other ways, it's very common to latch on to the first person who appears to care and shows you love and expose yourself even more to risk. It's normal, it's human, we all need compassion and support. It also makes us very vulnerable for more victimization. Anyone who really cares about you won't make you feel perfect OR rushed...so if someone seems too good to be true, be cautious. Not meaning to scare or make you hide from the world...only saying be on guard and let people in slowly not all at once. Make people prove they can be trusted. "If you loved me you would trust me" or ANY blaming at all etc is a massive red flag. Many people will try to explain or offer advice in order to feel in control themselves, if it's well meaning you will know it and can forgive them for their naivete, but trust your gut. You have worth, you are valid, and you are NOT to blame.
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Feb 26, 2020
I'm drunk now, and tbh I think I'm ready. I've spent a week since my method was delivered just sort of doing what I enjoy most. Eating my favourite foods, watching beautiful sunsets. If I commit suicide, I want to die happy, on my terms. I think I'm at that sweet spot now. I'm just scared it won't work. This will sound weird, so bear in mind I am diagnosed with psychotic symptoms, but I don't think I can actually die. I've almost died so many times, right from being a freaking fetus. I'm scared of going to hell (thanks, Catholic school), but also I think God wants me alive. Last time I properly attempted (barring impulsively trying to suffocate myself with duct tape and failing due to SI) I took enough codeine with booze to kill a man, at 54kg and 151cm (I'm a tiny adult I know lol). I was so shocked when I woke up, and pissed. I hate vomiting, realfear of mine. Pretty hesitant to OD on opioids again tonight. If I survive and wake up to puke/worse in my bed I'll be pissed. I don't have the money to waste on a new mattress and shit, and I got a really good Black Friday deal on this orthopaedic one, but I want to die comfy in my sleep, not in a cold hard bath if I can help it. FFs why can't we just die peacefully at will? Like "hey I've had a good run and I'm grateful for the things I can love and find beauty in but I'm tired of the world kicking my ass and I want to sleep forever now" please?

But hey maybe I'll change my mind and go to sleep. I'm just going to finish my wine and this episode of Supernatural first. I don't like putting too much thought into it before attempting- makes it easy to chicken out. Maybe posting here is a cry for help. Idk, I think one of my big fears now I live alone is that I'm going to end up rotting for a while before someone finds me. That would suck. But I also don't want to call emergency services to remove my body, and end up interrupted/"saved"

P.S. Thank you for the sweet responses here, you're all wonderful people and I'm sorry you're also going through shit ♡
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In Vino Veritas
Feb 11, 2020
Let's think about this, never act on impulse give yourself a chance.
And also if it helps at all I feel the same as you that I can't die, have felt that from my earliest memories, I should have died at 2 days old and since then I have had too many near death experiences that it has got to the point where I feel invincible. But it's a double edged sword, because I also feel and have done from being a young child that the world is out of balance with me in it. That because I didn't die, the world is out of sync.
Keep talking and just get through tonight, then get through tomorrow, I and others are here for you ❤️
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Read this over and over please. You ARE a victim. It's not a failure. It's not a dirty word. The world mostly is unfair and ugly and people mostly are selfish and uncaring. It's less of a void and more a pile of individuals who see everything as how it affects them and see others not as feeling and needing beings like them, but as other objects in their world. Good news is it's not everyone. That doesn't mean it's easy to find good ones or life is always solvable. You have to care for your basic needs first and save the fight for when you have the strength to fight. There is no "Fair" or "Justice". That doesn't happen. It's wrong and enraging but its reality. Care for yourself first and then advocate for and educate others. Don't let terrible people and a broken system make itself the focus, because both demand to be but give nothing in return.

One other suggestion from personal experience, as someone who has been victimized and ignored as well in other ways, it's very common to latch on to the first person who appears to care and shows you love and expose yourself even more to risk. It's normal, it's human, we all need compassion and support. It also makes us very vulnerable for more victimization. Anyone who really cares about you won't make you feel perfect OR rushed...so if someone seems too good to be true, be cautious. Not meaning to scare or make you hide from the world...only saying be on guard and let people in slowly not all at once. Make people prove they can be trusted. "If you loved me you would trust me" or ANY blaming at all etc is a massive red flag. Many people will try to explain or offer advice in order to feel in control themselves, if it's well meaning you will know it and can forgive them for their naivete, but trust your gut. You have worth, you are valid, and you are NOT to blame.
Sometimes I want to respond to something and then someone comes along and articulates my views better than I can.
So instead of adding any more Id just say read this again.
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Feb 26, 2020
Let's think about this, never act on impulse give yourself a chance.
And also if it helps at all I feel the same as you that I can't die, have felt that from my earliest memories, I should have died at 2 days old and since then I have had too many near death experiences that it has got to the point where I feel invincible. But it's a double edged sword, because I also feel and have done from being a young child that the world is out of balance with me in it. That because I didn't die, the world is out of sync.
Keep talking and just get through tonight, then get through tomorrow, I and others are here for you ❤

Yess!!! I had meningitis, I outgrew a fatal allergy right before I started feeling suicidal at 9, I've broken my skull THREE TIMES like how the fuck am I still here? I really feel like this is a simulation a lot of the time, and if I just die I'll wake up somewhere else. Also, I'm sure I've "died" a bunch of times and just keep waking up in a parallel universe/alternate timeline where it's a near miss etc.

The sense that I won't die really puts me off a lot of the time, because what's the point if it won't kill me?

I'm sorry you go through this, too, and that you've been through the things you've alluded to in this thread. I'm rooting for you- you seem like a really nice person ♡
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In Vino Veritas
Feb 11, 2020
Yess!!! I had meningitis, I outgrew a fatal allergy right before I started feeling suicidal at 9, I've broken my skull THREE TIMES like how the fuck am I still here? I really feel like this is a simulation a lot of the time, and if I just die I'll wake up somewhere else. Also, I'm sure I've "died" a bunch of times and just keep waking up in a parallel universe/alternate timeline where it's a near miss etc.

The sense that I won't die really puts me off a lot of the time, because what's the point if it won't kill me?

I'm sorry you go through this, too, and that you've been through the things you've alluded to in this thread. I'm rooting for you- you seem like a really nice person ♡
I had meningitis too at 2 days old in the early 70s so yeah I should really be dead
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Jun 27, 2019
I hate vomiting too and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Part of the point of this place is to prevent people from harming themselves in desperation...so please listen to me when I say OVERDOSES DO NOT WORK. People rarely die from pills and that's a fallacy spread by fiction and pop culture and the old days when meds were not as "safe". When they do it's a synergy of things that doesn't happen most of the time. It's a bad method flat out. The body fights against poisons and pills are made specifically to prevent their danger by limiting some ingredients and increasing others. Just don't do it. This is not something to do stupidly out of desperation because that all buy guarantees failure for most people. Research, plan, have things in order so if you HAVE to ctb you do it right and don't disable or hurt yourself and others more.
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Feb 26, 2020
I hate vomiting too and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Part of the point of this place is to prevent people from harming themselves in desperation...so please listen to me when I say OVERDOSES DO NOT WORK. People rarely die from pills and that's a fallacy spread by fiction and pop culture and the old days when meds were not as "safe". When they do it's a synergy of things that doesn't happen most of the time. It's a bad method flat out. The body fights against poisons and pills are made specifically to prevent their danger by limiting some ingredients and increasing others. Just don't do it. This is not something to do stupidly out of desperation because that all buy guarantees failure for most people. Research, plan, have things in order so if you HAVE to ctb you do it right and don't disable or hurt yourself and others more.

It sucks, doesn't it? Yes, OD has never really been my method of choice for that reason. I wish I could get some nembutal but hey, everyone has that pipe dream haha. Ended up falling asleep last night- my plan is to take the 360mg codeine I have, with poppy seed tea made with 1kg of unwashed seeds, alcohol, and at least 300mg quetiapine for antiemetic effect. I'm hoping to fall asleep and induce respiratory arrest, and ideally I'd just OD on coke or heroin but I have no idea how to get anything other than weed as I rarely leave the house, and my friends won't let me buy anything stronger. Backup plan is partial suspension hanging, but since waking up today I'm also thinking about getting a train to an old camping spot and then using charcoal in my tent- I live in a small council flat and don't want to risk poisoning my neighbours, so I can't do that method at home. That last idea wouldn't be any time soon, though. I was strongly considering a helium bag for a while, but I don't trust myself to get it right, and I think I'll end up panicking with a bag over my head even if I can "breathe", just because the suffocation attempt from last year did scare me a fair bit


Feb 26, 2020
Trying poppy seed tea right now- shouldn't be a lethal dose, I just want to feel it out to make sure I like the high before I OD with it. It doesn't taste as bad as I was expecting, so it's good to know I probably can drink a litre of it if I want to attempt with it
Finished drinking it about 15min ago. Started feeling some effects in last minute or two, which is a relief as I was concerned that it wouldn't work. Feeling quite mellow, and my face/mouth feels sort of tingly/numb. I can see why people use this for pain relief- it's tempting to consider using it to manage my fibro, but I know if I don't ctb then it's safer to keep using weed rather than something as risky as poppy seed tea both in terms of addiction and potential side effects. I also have a sensitive stomach, and it was hard to finish the drink/keep it down due to the acidity from the lemon juice. I took a "beginner's dose" as described by the recipe, so I'm not sure why I expected to get high from this. When I was prescribed codeine, I never felt "high" from it, even when people around me took a single or half a pill and seemed quite strongly affected. This sensation of calm is pretty nice, though. I'll see how it goes from here
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Feb 26, 2020
The tea was actually really good for my anxiety. I'm hoping to sleep well tonight if possible. Going to take my meds and have a spliff, try to be asleep by 10-ish so I can be up in time to shower and go to my music group tomorrow. Not looking forward to it as showering has become a lot harder than it already was due to increased PTSD symptoms, but I know I'll feel better once I'm clean so at least there's that to look forward to!


Feb 26, 2020
Been itching since about 8pm, ugh. Also shook for about an hour and a half, between 7:30 and 9pm. Still, if I get this dose right, I think this is the way to go for me. I'm amazed by how calm and content I feel. It's such a relief to just feel... nice, after a month of hell. I kind of want to just drift off now, but I think I want to do some music tomorrow before I go. It might also be a good idea for me to buy another 0.5-1kg, just to be sure I take enough. Being found won't be a problem- I mentioned it yesterday, but I'm actually more worried about not being found for too long after I ctb and causing problems with the flat/building


Jun 27, 2019
I am not trying to derail or upset you...but trying to incude respiratory arrest with opiates like that is not realistic. Please reconsider. You are going to hurt yourself not end yourself. I don't really like to discuss methods...but I hate seeing people use bad ones.
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Feb 26, 2020
I am not trying to derail or upset you...but trying to incude respiratory arrest with opiates like that is not realistic. Please reconsider. You are going to hurt yourself not end yourself. I don't really like to discuss methods...but I hate seeing people use bad ones.

I appreciate the input- will wait until I can reliably source SN in that case. Previously I felt unable to wait, but being able to talk on here has helped me feel a bit calmer


Jul 3, 2019
Thank you for sharing your experience with poppy seed tea. It is on my mind too.

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