

Mar 31, 2022
sort of seems pointless to be learning something that'll take me years to get good in. I'm supposed to be learning in order to help my mum with day to day tasks so she doesn't have to get out of the house as much anymore.

i'm a terrible driver so far, 8h in and I can't even make a proper good turn. i can't figure out the clutch and I have no idea when to make gear changes. i realize all these faults but I just get so panicky when driving I just forget where I am. last lesson went so bad we were barely talking inside the car, he was so mad in the end I could tell. i talked it over with my mum and she was so disappointed; she's already 450€ in the hole and it's looking like I'll need extra lessons. here I am, being a black hole on her money AGAIN. And all for what?!?

Any other learner drivers in the same situation? Getting a license just is the antithesis of everything going on in my life right now
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Feb 3, 2023
The problem is one only realizes that one doesn't enjoy it when there is so much money already gone, like entry fee and so on and so on. So you would think just take the remaining lessons. But then after you completed it and you don't drive, because you don't enjoy it, you forget what you learned and it was a waste. So think about if you just don't like learning with a teacher and so on, or if you actually don't enjoy driving at all.


Jun 20, 2023
It can take some practice to get a feel for the clutch. Knowing when to switch gears is easier since that's dependent on your speed, and you can check your speedometer for that (your instructor should help you out when it comes to knowing which speeds you should change gears at), and you'll get a feel for it too.

I think the biggest problem here is your panic. Is there anything in particular that causes it? Are you/did you start driving on quieter roads? Your instructor doesn't sound like much help there. Do you think finding another could help?

It might be frustrating but I think learning to drive could be worth it. Not just for your mom-- it could afford you more independence.


4 Dead 3 please release.
Oct 13, 2023
Beginning to drive is terrifying. I remember the first time I drove with my father and all the times I had to drive with a driving instructor. I guarantee you it becomes second nature. Most of the technicalities they teach you in drivers' education won't matter once you receive your license and drive independently.