Nonsense, I'm afraid.
Shotgun to the head is almost invariably fatal, although the "blown off face and survived" scenario is a rare possibility.
As to the grade of shot, birdshot or buckshot or whatever, again this is a bit of a red herring. Pellets travel in a concentrated mass for a meter or so before starting to spread, so the pellet size is effectively irrelevant.
Don't believe me? YouTube face transplants, most of the people getting those remarkable surgeries are unsuccessful suicide attempts by gun. Enjoy.
Any actual data to support this?
...and your claim that " 'most youtube videos of face transplants' are from attempted CTB failed via gunshot wound to the head" is not actual data because you said so.
So no... I dont believe you. It seems like you thought you would make an unfounded claim about face transplants because maybe you watched something on YouTube about plastic surgery, so the half assed thought formed in your little brain, the. You decided to find the most condescending scaremongering way to present this half baked lie to someone looking for real answers and real solutions and real advisories... useful ones. You figured after you frighten the other poster enough, the implication that he's somehow ignorant AND will end up suffering a lot if he disagrees with you should keep him quiet long enough to let you post bullshit with impunity right?
What I do know is true is, GSW to the head has the highest success rate of any CTB method... substantially. GSW to the head CTB over 99% success.
GSW to the head is the largest contributing category to successful CTB in the United States
And just on a common sense track, if I didn't know anything, and numbers hurt my head so all this 99% jargon is rocket science to me and I just cant understand it. What I can understand is if I was in a room with someone and they pulled out a loaded gun to their head (and pretty much any gun wouldn't change my bet in this scenario), arbitrarily let's say they pulled out a Springfield XD9 9mm and chambered a round and put the barrel to their temple - then said: " all your money bet whether I live or die when I pull the trigger. Place your bets." Anyobe with common sense will bet that he's going to die when he shoots himself in the head at point blank range. You aren't going to change that bet bc he's not using a 45, or because he put it to his temple instead if in his mouth... you aren't even goi g to ask him "wait tell us what ammo you are using" because if he says "hollowpoints" the safe bet bnb is: he dies. If he answers "standard ammunition" the safe bet is, you guessed it: he dies.