Sex with someone I don't love and who don't genuinly love me feels terrible emotionally and is not comparable to making love with someone I truly love and who truly loves me. I'm never having loveless sex ever again. All the sex I had this past year with my unloving ex was a nightmare and I felt traumatized by it at some points, reminded me of my rapes sometimes.
I always said that sex without love is like food without condiments : bland, and it leaves you empty and dissatisfied.
Every time I had sex with someone without love, I regretted it. I immediately felt dirty, disgusted with them and with myself. I didn't even want them as a friend.
Sex to me - making love actually - should be part of connecting in mutual love. Imagine the utopia it would be, if men couldn't get it up unless being love, and women would not open up unless in love, more rape, no more gross bumping just for the sake of it...
I'm glad I'm not the only one with these thoughts.