
Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
Hey everyone. The purpose of this post is to try my best to explain how the process of Section 2 under the Mental Health Act works, without exposing my true identity, so I will do my best to be brief, but detailed at the same time. Not too elaborate though, but hopefully elaborate enough. Any questions, ask.

First of all, I apologise about the wording. I am usually a very articulate person. I have been broken down pretty badly.

Please remember everyone's circumstances are different. This may not apply to everyone..

I want to express how important it is to comply with a section. If you do not, you will be forcibly dragged against your will by the police, and not in a pleasant way. This didn't happen to me as I said I would comply, but trust me, people have been restrained badly for it. Do not try to run, it will go against you.

  • Crisis team comes out to assess you. If they ask you to go to hospital (this means voluntary, but don't be fooled - you can't leave once you get there). I would recommend agreeing to voluntary. Wish I had now (have been once before). If you say no, they will tell you they are going to ask for you to be sectioned. There are all different types of sections. I am lucky to be on the lowest form, and trust me it doesn't fucking feel it. Not in the slightest.

Well, this is longer than I imagined it would be. . Apologies. I know it's long, but I'm doing this to help you.

Back to the assessment:
  • Two consultant psychiatrists will come out to assess you
  • You will not be left alone at all while waiting, don't think they will leave you on your own.
  • A mental health social worker will be in your corner.
  • Expect to wait hours, all day even.
  • No family or friends? Tough shit as far as they are concerned, you cannot be left alone. And that's just for the assessment.

Once the assessment is over, you have to wait for them to make a decision (usually within minutes, but during the time they are chatting without you in the room, they are coming up with a plan and looking for a bed).
  • Do not expect to be placed locally as there is a CRISIS. EXPECT to be placed HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY. DO NOT THINK I AM EXAGGERATING.
  • After they tell you the decision, they will sort out transport and ring around for a bed (you could wait an hour or even 12 like I did -expect to be up all night long, or for even at least 2 days).

Arrival at the hospital:
  • Let me reiterate: you are never left alone.
  • Oh I forgot, before transport take you from pick up location, you will be patted down and checked with a metal detector. If you are a drug user or known for severe self harm (I am neither) they can strip you down and check you. Internally also.
  • Remember, this is lawful so they can use whatever force they feel is necessary. Let that sink in. That includes meds too btw, if they medicate you. I'm not on meds as my mood isn't an issue
  • There is always at least 3 or 4 people in transport with you, sometimes more. For their safety. Sat directly next to either side of you. No piss breaks, nothing.

At the hospital:
  • Bags are searched and so are you (again). Certain things will be removed from you, depending on your level of 'risk'.
  • Need shoes? They disagree. Wear your fucking slippers, oh no your feet will get soaked? They don't care. Raining? Floods? Who cares, don't think they do (expect soaking wet feet).
  • SLIP ON SHOES. Long socks? Forget that one. You'd be surprised the amount of shit they will take off you.

Within the hour you will be assessed by a psychiatrist:
  • He won't give a fuck if you're sleep deprived, frightened, delirious from sleep deprivation/trauma etc, and he certainly won't care if the info you're giving him is under duress. Mine was.
  • Don't think for a second you can fight that. Nah. You're fucked now. You're no longer a person. Your human rights were just stripped away. Ripped away.
  • You are now their bitch.

Not all wards have single rooms, some are dorms. If you have a room:
  • no bathroom door, it is a piece of fabric that isn't even full length. They want to enter? Easy.
  • In your room there is absolutely no fucking way you can hide because there's a mirror in the corner and they can see everything. You will never be able to hide again. Oh you want privacy? That's gone now people. Gone.

Let's get to the suicide watch part. Do not think I'm exaggerating this, because I am not.

I was VERY lucky and had only one person watch me 24/7, and they changed the person regularly. I had bathroom privacy (no one entered while I was in, as long as I kept making noises every few seconds). I couldn't piss. For hours on end.

  • Some people have two, three, four, five + people sitting directly next to them. Yes, really.
  • Even if you're pissing, shitting, sleeping, showering. Anything.
  • Again, I had bathroom privacy, because I was trusted there - I guess because of how I come across and kept expressing I'm a very private person and made noises every two seconds. It was exhausting.
  • After a day I was trusted more. I can't go into too much detail or it'll reveal who I am.

You want to open the window? Good luck. Need a screw driver. Look around the room, there is no where to hurt or kill yourself.
  • You won't even get a toilet seat. You think I'm kidding? Yeah, I'm not. Say goodbye to toilet seats, don't forget you could hurt yourself with that. Mirrors? Plastic. Everything is covered very well.
  • They can see you at all times. If they can't, you will get in shit and will come across as being non compliant. Be compliant, trust me.
  • Act calm. Calmmmmm. Learn it now. Breathe all that hatred in. Breathe it all in. Do not show any emotion, because they will deem you as crazier - remember they already think you're fucking nuts.
  • Too quiet? Depressed. Lmao. Just fucking pretend to be in between. If you're too 'ok' too quickly, they will know you're faking. Who gives a fuck if you're a natural quiet, reserved person. They don't.

So, you will need:
  • slip on shoes, hoodies with no strings. No strings. No metal. Even the basic stupid little things you think they wouldn't take off you - they will. Anything metal. ANYTHING.
  • Did you hear me? I said ANYTHING.
  • Wireless charger. Wireless earphones. Don't bring in a heavy battery pack. You could be so high risk you aren't allowed shit.

You'll be stared at 24/7. You might get lucky and get bathroom privacy. Want to shut your door? They have to come in. Unless you already have to have them directly next to you (there are different rules for each patient).

You'll have to ask permission for everything.

You want your own meds or even a bit of cream? Good fucking luck. The doctor has to prescribe it and they will give it to you. Some things they will allow like face creams etc, it depends on your risk.

Remember: you are no longer a person. Do not expect a soul to listen to you. They will make you think they are, but aren't.

You can have your phone on most wards, unless you're deemed a risk. You have to sign a consent form to say they can go through your phone when they want. Luckily, I delete regularly anyway (OCD).

You can smoke. You get allocated breaks. Not all wards allow it. It's outside (obviously).

I've been typing so long, I'm so sleep deprived. I'll add more later.

This is just the basics. Not there yet.

I hope you're all OK. If you ever want to lose your dignity, self respect and value as a person all in one go, get yourself sectioned. It isn't easy to section someone by the way.

Look after yourselves. I hope I can get out soon. ♥
  • Informative
  • Aww..
  • Hugs
Reactions: SVEN, Forever Sleep, Decided98 and 2 others


Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
Get used to using a paper spoon for everything you eat. You may get lucky and be trusted with a paper knife and fork

Don't expect anyone to listen to you. There's all sorts on my notes that isn't true about my 'mental illness'.

Drugs on the ward: they may give you something to relax you, and might start you on meds. You're not allowed to refuse under section. They can forcibly pin you down, inject you etc. If you're only having meds to relax you, you can try it and if it doesn't do anything etc, you can refuse, and you won't get in trouble. The relaxants had the opposite effect on me so that's what I did. Always say you'll comply.. you'll at least try.

Don't want to eat? They will make you eventually. I thought I could get away with it. I did for quite some time, but the agreement was; I'll be allowed a shit without someone sitting outside the bathroom (I could have my bedroom door shut while staff are outside my door). So I started eating again. They have the power to have you force fed. We're talking tubes being forced down you. Not pleasant.

Always remember: you are their bitch. You are not a person anymore.

If a patient upsets you, intimidates you, don't expect staff to give a fuck, but they will give a fuck if you stand up for yourself (wtf).

Expect to see patients drugged up to their eyeballs. This helps to shut them up and also, some drugs have those side effects (they can barely fucking move). You might be one of them they drug up. I'm lucky not to have a mood disorder so no meds for me.

Make sure you bring in a giant plastic bottle (light weight) so you don't have to go backwards and forwards AND so you don't have to ask constant permission from your new mummy and fucking daddy (suicide watch), because after a while, it will grate on you. Badly. You can ask for male only or female only btw.

Scared of people being in your room at night? Severe trauma because something happened? No one gives a FUCK. They will force it out of you. And they will force you to tell them things to re traumatise you. It is incredibly cruel and insane, it doesn't make you better. Pretend it does. I hid in the corner a lot. Staff didn't care.

Keep reminding yourself: you are their bitch. No one cares. Be nice, even if staff aren't to you. Most of the staff are decent but lack empathy.

You'll see/hear other patients getting angry at staff for those reasons. Other patients arguing (mostly men).

Even if you're off suicide watch, you still have to ask for permission for certain things like washing powder etc.

You human rights are gone now. Accept it. You are now deemed as crazy and it will remain that way, try to fight it? It'll bite you in the arse. Who do you think they will believe some crazy patient or a respected doctor? That's how they get away with treating people this way throughout history. How does no one see this? But nah, we're the fucking crazy ones. Totally.

Can't wait to sit on a fucking toilet seat and have a bathroom door when I get home. No idea when.

Don't expect to sleep in here

Sensitive to noise? They don't care. Scared of noise? Again, no one cares. Get wireless over head earphones. Life saver. Trust me. Not expensive. Helps with sensory issues also

Can't think what else.

Shaving legs etc. You'll be supervised if they trust you that much.

It gets easier. But not easier on your mind, no - that gets harder.

Moral of the story: don't get yourself sectioned (I didn't, it was forced upon the doctors).

Can't wait to leave to go back to fully independent living. But now they're disputing this. I have to prove to my new daddy (sarcasm: it's my arsehole doctor) that I'm 'safe' on my own. Lmao. Yet I always have been. Fuck off.
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Reactions: Unbolted0605

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Thank you for putting this together. I got briefly worried after the IC SN welfare check. Not from the police. They eventually were convinced that I wasn't at immediate risk. But, the helpline (unpleasant) woman they put me in touch with mentioned mental competency and that did scare me.

I'm not sure you'd be able to answer this but, do you suppose you could get a solicitor involved? I would absolutely do all I could to (legally) avoid being sectioned. Even if it meant being assessed away from the official route. How does being strip searched, forcibly moved about and medicated help anyone anyway?!! I'm sorry for what you've gone through.
  • Hugs
Reactions: MyTimeIsUp


Perhaps I'll be important when I'm long gone?
Feb 27, 2024
Thank you for putting this together. I got briefly worried after the IC SN welfare check. Not from the police. They eventually were convinced that I wasn't at immediate risk. But, the helpline (unpleasant) woman they put me in touch with mentioned mental competency and that did scare me.

I'm not sure you'd be able to answer this but, do you suppose you could get a solicitor involved? I would absolutely do all I could to (legally) avoid being sectioned. Even if it meant being assessed away from the official route. How does being strip searched, forcibly moved about and medicated help anyone anyway?!! I'm sorry for what you've gone through.
No you cannot. Section is lawful and by law, they can use whatever force they deem necessary because you are a 'danger' to yourself or others. You can not dispute this. They will drag you to hospital. This is all about your 'safety', they will repeatedly tell you, 'you are not safe to be by yourself'. If you have a friend or relative you can go to, MUCH better. I didn't have that luxury or I would've done that.

Strip searching is for those with drug issues and severe self harm, but I completely agree with you. It is fucking *wrong* on so many levels. It is disgusting. Vile. It should NOT be allowed and fuck knows why the law allows this to go on. They could do anything to you while you're sedated.

You have to comply or trust me, they will drag you out, and it won't be nice. They will restrain you. And further if you fight it.

The only time you can *try* to appeal your section is once you are there, but you won't be able to. Your psychiatrist that deems you as crazy will be at your tribunal hearing and will tell the judge (chair person) how delusional you are etc. You won't fucking win. And they could put you on a longer section

I was nearly put on section 3 to begin with. I am lucky they changed their minds when they saw me.
  • Aww..
Reactions: Forever Sleep

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