
May 12, 2020
After the threads I've seen on this forum in the last two days I felt this was an important thing to say. If someone has a story that seems to be an outlier, or goes against the grain, they face such scrutiny and disdain that I now think if I had something to share that doesnt fit in with the evidence we already have, I would have serious doubts about posting it.

If we make anyone who posts something that goes against the grain feel so uncomfortable that they will no longer post, then we are going to get a cloudy view of what the real picture is. I think that we need to be more mindful about how we approach people we dont believe. We saw a thread the other night from a member saying something that goes against the grain with regards to what we know about SN. We saw another thread in which someone claiming to be a members father posting was told people dont believe that they were who they said they were.

I think that the pro-life wave of scrutiny we have faced has made people go too much on the offense. If someone has a story that we do not believe, we need to be mindful about scaring them off. Be sceptical, but dont outright call them a liar whilst they are trying to tell their story. Otherwise the next time there is a strange story we need to know about, we wont ever get to hear it.

Last of all I just want to say that I completely appreciate the need to be sceptical. But I think that there is a time and place for it. I dont think it's likely that if someone is talking about their 48 hour anti-emetic regime they are likely to be a pro-life mole. Also I appreciate that people have good intentions when they show scepticism. I just think there needs to be a balance.
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funs fun but who needs it
Jun 14, 2020
i agree with this whole heartedly x
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If God not be, then this world dies with me
Jul 1, 2020
Well said.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
There are always some stories and topics which will seem implausible.
But there are some non pro-life topics which is an open barrel of gunpowder which may easily explode.
A good amount of them may offend certain people and thus should be avoided.
I won't even mention these topics because we may often see battles of "for" and "against" everywhere. Internet is a cradle of hate now.
It is great to come there and take some rest from all the anger on YouTube, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter.

And it is very good that this forum is pro-choice, not free-for-all, otherwise we would see some epic chairborne battles between pro-lifers, pro-choicers and pro-suiciders. How would it look like? We constantly get an aggression from pro-lifers outside this place, all the things like scepticism, untrust, rudeness are the products of their hate and desire to kill our freedom of speech and freedom of choice. The fact is that they are using freedom of speech to leave us without it. That is not right.

Dear pro-lifer, there is nothing you can do full of hate. You only make an abyss deeper between you and us making us resist. If you are kind to others and offer an escape-from-suicide plan which is working, it can make a difference, but hate makes you the one who cannot be trusted. You may let down, you may harm. What else can we expect from you? Some people from your side of a barricade are registering here, pretending and imposing their own opinion, you do not make anything better, because of you some people who genuinely want to share their story and ask for advice appear in the shadow of your colleagues who come there with destructive purposes. That is the only result of your activity. People want to be heard, not criticized, maybe they cannot share their thoughts somewhere else, maybe they have nobody to share with. I have not seen anybody from you filling recovery section, have not seen from you any useful psychiatric researches, articles. This would be more helpful than petitions, hate and convincement to do or not to do something. Just remember, as soon as you accept this, you are no more a pro-lifer.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I respectfully disagree with the suggestions made by the OP, and for the reasons to support those suggestions.

If someone chooses to post, then they lose control from the moment they post. They cannot control others' responses. They can only control how they respond to them.

We do not have the power to make others feel things. Some folks may be aggressive and try to get them to feel things, sometimes to get them to back down from their position, sometimes merely to cause internal harm no matter what is presented.

Rationally, I could tell someone I like something about them, and they could freak out about that as well, or utterly reject what I say. In fact that sometimes happens. Whether I constructively criticize, express skepticism, or offer positive reinforcement for something I prefer, I have no control over how it is received. I did not cause any emotions, thoughts or behaviors in response to what I say. I take responsibility only for what I say and how I say it, and if it's worthy of correction, and I find that correction to be reasonable according to my ethics and personal goal to keep improving in alignment with my ethics, then I will take on that criticism and make efforts to improve. If after checking in with myself I do not find the criticism to be just, as I do not in this OP, then I respectfully reject it without offense and strive only to maintain my senses of balance and equanimity.

My observation and analysis is that this OP encourages backing down from one's position and seeks to support that stance by using persuasive rhetoric of guilt, shaming, and encouragement to take responsibility for and to own other people's feelings, thoughts, and actions, which is impossible.

One can state skepticism without trying to harm the person whose account they are skeptical about. I am in fact the one who stated with respect that I had reasonable doubts about the outlier experience, which I believe is to what this OP also referring when you said "against the grain." @Anonymoussn, I note that you gave a like react to the post, which is at odds with this OP. But perhaps you were referring to another's post, it's just that I note the specific use of the word outlier as well as other details, and so reach a conclusion that you were referring to me. I acknowledge I may be in error. Moreover, I'm not defensive, but am acting to ensure there is clarity. I invite you to correct me if I was in error. Regardless, my
behavior in that post fits within the bounds of what this OP is seeking to persuade me to change.

This is the post:


@SomeCities, I'm going to be direct about this.

Your post comes at a time when the site is being overtly attacked by pro-lifers.

It is difficult to argue with your story. It seems credible. You answer questions without defensiveness. I acknowledge that it is possible that you are telling the truth.

But I also have to acknowledge to myself that this story is rather over the top. Unless the SN was bad, I don't see a single thing in your method that would have caused failure. Seven hours is over the top. 7 out of 10 stomach pain is over the top. One pint of water over six hours causing failure is over the top. Vomiting within two minutes of ingestion is over the top. Taken in whole, your account is an extreme outlier beyond all outliers.

What is in keeping with current events is for pro-lifers to cause fear among members. I can easily imagine one of them saying, "If we got just one person to delay or give up on this certain method, we've won."

I am not casting aspersions on you. I am looking at evidence. I am paying attention to the fact that this is your very first post, offered with all the perfect words of caring and contributing, walking all the lines perfectly, and presented at a particular time in a particular climate of fearmongering. I am paying attention to all of the details of the OP and the thread and how over the top this experience was, no matter how credibly it's presented. If you're legitimate and you remain an active member, then your consistent actions will give evidence as to your character. Until then, I set this account aside and do not believe it to be valid, because it does indeed require belief, and because it provokes fear, which overrides critical thinking and executive function -- that is a warning sign that influences with controlling intentions may be at play. Personally, I always listen to warning signs first and heed them above all else, no matter how good something looks otherwise, and this simply doesn't look good enough to me to warrant my rejecting a single red flag.

I take responsibility for my own beliefs, thoughts, assessments and actions, and having thought through everything that's been presented, as well as how it's been presented, my confidence in SN and the method -- including without meto -- is not undermined. Others are responsible for their own thoughts, assessments and actions. I do not require agreement. I do not want power. I am not handing out torches and pitchforks, only my personal assessment, which I have stated respectfully and assertively.

I sincerely wish for your well-being. If I later re-assess and find I was in error, I will openly say so, assuming I'm still alive. As for others on the forum, it's up to them to analyze and determine for themselves, I'm not going to go on the attack and try to get them to disbelieve you. You see, I'm about self-determination. I'm pro-choice.

This was the OP's response:


As I said before, I don't have an agenda. I encourage scepticism, and would always encourage people to take everything on here with a pinch of salt. I'm not trying to turn people against SN. Even with what has happened it would still be my go-to method if I had the means to try it again. The only reason I posted this is because I was surprised by the results, and felt it was therefore an important thing to share with the community.

Believe me or not, I just felt it was important to go on the record so that people could make their own assessments. I accept that I haven't done everything right. I should have tested the SN. I shouldn't have drank water within two hours of consumption. But despite that, I'm still surprised I failed.

It would obviously be nice not to have you doubtful of my version of events, but thanks for being respectful anyway. As I said, I would encourage people not to take everything at face value as well.

I offered mutual respect, and the OP received and returned it. I deeply respected every word of the OP's response. It is how I would have responded. Note that the OP did not try to knock me down from my position by brandishing emotions, threatening to leave the forum, swearing to never again disclose such information. In fact, the OP said in the original post that s/he had read every SN account; it is reasonable to expect in his/her thoroughness that s/he read all responses, which are always a mix of questioning, supporting, doubting, and sometimes flaming. I find flaming and intent to internally harm another worthy of disdain, as it has the potential to hurt everyone who reads it. When I responded to the OP, I commented with intent to help and be respectful of everyone who reads it, and to make it evident that I respect the reader, and acknowledge I could be in error. I made it clear I had no intent to influence or change the OP's behavior, nor that of anyone who read my post.

(I'd also like to note that another member attacked the OP in that thread. I denounce the abuse, but I value that the OP responded by stating physical conditions he had not previously mentioned which could explain the outlier experiences: type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis. I commented that this was important information and asked the OP some follow-up questions, as was in keeping with the OP's stated intentions to get input about what went wrong. Unfortunately, the OP did not log back onto the forum before the thread was locked. I hope for his own edification as well as others', which were also stated purposes of the thread, that the OP will return and we can continue to explore the new information in relation to the experience of the SN attempt's failure.)

With regard to people doubting the person who claimed to be the father of a member who allegedly recently ctb'd, I stated on that thread and repeat here that I saw no aggressiveness in the skepticism displayed by the one who commented. It is my position that someone entered the forum either uninvited, or in a way that goes against the expected behavior of a member representing themselves and their own experience. If someone entered my house without invitation or wearing a disguise, I would not welcome first and question later. Any behavior that is outside of the expected norm raises alarm; one can respond with a weapon, one can question, or one can override the alarm and embrace, and encourage others to do so as well. I strive to question, and to wield weapons with great care so as to ensure I do not cause undue harm others or myself, it is a great and serious responsibility. I remind myself that when I appear outside of someone's expected norm, they have the right to question, and it is my response which will have impact on whether or not I am trusted, allowed to stay, and given the freedom to move about without watchful suspicion. Trust and respect are to be earned, I do not give them freely, especially in my "home" spaces where I am vulnerable, and others as well.

For reference, this was the post where the alleged father commented on the thread. The expression of skepticism soon followed, as did comments denouncing that expression while others including myself supported it.


In closing, I respect the OP of this thread, we get along well on the forum and I have no ill will toward him/her. However, I'm not going to accept what I sense is intended to be placed upon me in order to get me to change my actions, beliefs, values and ethics. I am confident in my ability to make assessments and to speak about them, and to judge when it is best to do so. Such behavior fits within the bounds of a forum, and I have made great effort and strides in learning how to express that behavior without doing harm to others, to be assertive rather than aggressive, and to show mutual respect. I don't always get it right, and I own that it's on me when I don't, but in the particular case for which I provided the links and spoilered quotes, for which I reasonably think I was being criticized in the OP, I am confident in my actions, and the feedback I got from that thread's OP indicates that s/he also owned his/her feelings, thoughts, and actions. I could not have asked for a better outcome nor more positive reinforcement for my efforts. I have no regrets and no intention to change my actions, only to continue to improve upon them as best I can, knowing I cannot make people feel or think anything no matter how conscientiously I tread.

Much respect to @Anonymoussn and all who read my comment, even if we are in disagreement.
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May 12, 2020
I respectfully disagree with the suggestions made by the OP, and for the reasons to support those suggestions.

If someone chooses to post, then they lose control from the moment they post. They cannot control others' responses. They can only control how they respond to them.

We do not have the power to make others feel things. Some folks may be aggressive and try to get them to feel things, sometimes to get them to back down from their position, sometimes merely to cause internal harm no matter what is presented.

Rationally, I could tell someone I like something about them, and they could freak out about that as well, or utterly reject what I say. In fact that sometimes happens. Whether I constructively criticize, express skepticism, or offer positive reinforcement for something I prefer, I have no control over how it is received. I did not cause any emotions, thoughts or behaviors in response to what I say. I take responsibility only for what I say and how I say it, and if it's worthy of correction, and I find that correction to be reasonable according to my ethics and personal goal to keep improving in alignment with my ethics, then I will take on that criticism and make efforts to improve. If after checking in with myself I do not find the criticism to be just, as I do not in this OP, then I respectfully reject it without offense and strive only to maintain my senses of balance and equanimity.

My observation and analysis is that this OP encourages backing down from one's position and seeks to support that stance by using persuasive rhetoric of guilt, shaming, and encouragement to take responsibility for and to own other people's feelings, thoughts, and actions, which is impossible.

One can state skepticism without trying to harm the person whose account they are skeptical about. I am in fact the one who stated with respect that I had reasonable doubts about the outlier experience, which I believe is to what this OP also referring when you said "against the grain." @Anonymoussn, I note that you gave a like react to the post, which is at odds with this OP. But perhaps you were referring to another's post, it's just that I note the specific use of the word outlier as well as other details, and so reach a conclusion that you were referring to me. I acknowledge I may be in error. Moreover, I'm not defensive, but am acting to ensure there is clarity. I invite you to correct me if I was in error. Regardless, my
behavior in that post fits within the bounds of what this OP is seeking to persuade me to change.

This is the post:


@SomeCities, I'm going to be direct about this.

Your post comes at a time when the site is being overtly attacked by pro-lifers.

It is difficult to argue with your story. It seems credible. You answer questions without defensiveness. I acknowledge that it is possible that you are telling the truth.

But I also have to acknowledge to myself that this story is rather over the top. Unless the SN was bad, I don't see a single thing in your method that would have caused failure. Seven hours is over the top. 7 out of 10 stomach pain is over the top. One pint of water over six hours causing failure is over the top. Vomiting within two minutes of ingestion is over the top. Taken in whole, your account is an extreme outlier beyond all outliers.

What is in keeping with current events is for pro-lifers to cause fear among members. I can easily imagine one of them saying, "If we got just one person to delay or give up on this certain method, we've won."

I am not casting aspersions on you. I am looking at evidence. I am paying attention to the fact that this is your very first post, offered with all the perfect words of caring and contributing, walking all the lines perfectly, and presented at a particular time in a particular climate of fearmongering. I am paying attention to all of the details of the OP and the thread and how over the top this experience was, no matter how credibly it's presented. If you're legitimate and you remain an active member, then your consistent actions will give evidence as to your character. Until then, I set this account aside and do not believe it to be valid, because it does indeed require belief, and because it provokes fear, which overrides critical thinking and executive function -- that is a warning sign that influences with controlling intentions may be at play. Personally, I always listen to warning signs first and heed them above all else, no matter how good something looks otherwise, and this simply doesn't look good enough to me to warrant my rejecting a single red flag.

I take responsibility for my own beliefs, thoughts, assessments and actions, and having thought through everything that's been presented, as well as how it's been presented, my confidence in SN and the method -- including without meto -- is not undermined. Others are responsible for their own thoughts, assessments and actions. I do not require agreement. I do not want power. I am not handing out torches and pitchforks, only my personal assessment, which I have stated respectfully and assertively.

I sincerely wish for your well-being. If I later re-assess and find I was in error, I will openly say so, assuming I'm still alive. As for others on the forum, it's up to them to analyze and determine for themselves, I'm not going to go on the attack and try to get them to disbelieve you. You see, I'm about self-determination. I'm pro-choice.

This was the OP's response:


As I said before, I don't have an agenda. I encourage scepticism, and would always encourage people to take everything on here with a pinch of salt. I'm not trying to turn people against SN. Even with what has happened it would still be my go-to method if I had the means to try it again. The only reason I posted this is because I was surprised by the results, and felt it was therefore an important thing to share with the community.

Believe me or not, I just felt it was important to go on the record so that people could make their own assessments. I accept that I haven't done everything right. I should have tested the SN. I shouldn't have drank water within two hours of consumption. But despite that, I'm still surprised I failed.

It would obviously be nice not to have you doubtful of my version of events, but thanks for being respectful anyway. As I said, I would encourage people not to take everything at face value as well.

I offered mutual respect, and the OP received and returned it. I deeply respected every word of the OP's response. It is how I would have responded. Note that the OP did not try to knock me down from my position by brandishing emotions, threatening to leave the forum, swearing to never again disclose such information. In fact, the OP said in the original post that s/he had read every SN account; it is reasonable to expect in his/her thoroughness that s/he read all responses, which are always a mix of questioning, supporting, doubting, and sometimes flaming. I find flaming and intent to internally harm another worthy of disdain, as it has the potential to hurt everyone who reads it. When I responded to the OP, I commented with intent to help and be respectful of everyone who reads it, and to make it evident that I respect the reader, and acknowledge I could be in error. I made it clear I had no intent to influence or change the OP's behavior, nor that of anyone who read my post.

(I'd also like to note that another member attacked the OP in that thread. I denounce the abuse, but I value that the OP responded by stating physical conditions he had not previously mentioned which could explain the outlier experiences: type I diabetes and multiple sclerosis. I commented that this was important information and asked the OP some follow-up questions, as was in keeping with the OP's stated intentions to get input about what went wrong. Unfortunately, the OP did not log back onto the forum before the thread was locked. I hope for his own edification as well as others', which were also stated purposes of the thread, that the OP will return and we can continue to explore the new information in relation to the experience of the SN attempt's failure.)

With regard to people doubting the person who claimed to be the father of a member who allegedly recently ctb'd, I stated on that thread and repeat here that I saw no aggressiveness in the skepticism displayed by the one who commented. It is my position that someone entered the forum either uninvited, or in a way that goes against the expected behavior of a member representing themselves and their own experience. If someone entered my house without invitation or wearing a disguise, I would not welcome first and question later. Any behavior that is outside of the expected norm raises alarm; one can respond with a weapon, one can question, or one can override the alarm and embrace, and encourage others to do so as well. I strive to question, and to wield weapons with great care so as to ensure I do not cause undue harm others or myself, it is a great and serious responsibility. I remind myself that when I appear outside of someone's expected norm, they have the right to question, and it is my response which will have impact on whether or not I am trusted, allowed to stay, and given the freedom to move about without watchful suspicion. Trust and respect are to be earned, I do not give them freely, especially in my "home" spaces where I am vulnerable, and others as well.

For reference, this was the post where the alleged father commented on the thread. The expression of skepticism soon followed, as did comments denouncing that expression while others including myself supported it.


In closing, I respect the OP of this thread, we get along well on the forum and I have no ill will toward him/her. However, I'm not going to accept what I sense is intended to be placed upon me in order to get me to change my actions, beliefs, and behaviors. I am confident in my ability to make assessments and to speak about them, and to judge when it is best to do so. Such behavior fits within the bounds of a forum, and I have made great effort and strides in learning how to express that behavior without doing harm to others, to be assertive rather than aggressive, and to show mutual respect. I don't always get it right, and I own that it's on me when I don't, but in the particular case for which I provided the links and spoilered quotes, for which I reasonably think I was being criticized in the OP, I am confident in my actions, and the feedback I got from that thread's OP indicates that s/he also owned his/her feelings, thoughts, and actions. I could not have asked for a better outcome nor more positive reinforcement for my efforts. I have no regrets and no intention to change my actions, only to continue to improve upon them as best I can, knowing I cannot make people feel or think anything no matter how conscientiously I tread.

Much respect to @Anonymoussn and all who read my comment, even if we are in disagreement.
Just for the record this post wasnt specifically directed at you, and nor was the word 'outlier' deliberately used to be directed at you. Whilst you were clearly a sceptic in both threads, you were more respectful than others. Not sure if it was a coincidence or perhaps it might have been subconsciously on my mind because you had said the word. I thought outlier was a very appropriate and respectful way to describe the Sn thread so I think it stuck with me.

I feel scepticism is a good thing, but I felt that there was an insinuation in the threads mentioned that the OP might have been some sort of pro-life mole, which was what really annoyed me. If someone clearly has knowledge about doses and anti-emetics and things I think it is painstakingly obvious that they are one of us and not a pro-lifer. I think if we want to challenge people, and challenge the idea that they did everything as they said they did, let's do so. The OP in the SN thread had not disclosed information about their conditions. So I think it's quite possible that they didnt do things correctly and they made mistakes leading to failure. But I dont think it was some sort of conspiracy to bring the site or the method down.

But I didnt like the insinuation that there was a pro-life agenda. And I didnt like it again today when it came up in the thread about the father posting about their son. And I didnt see any value doubting a father who seemed to be in extreme grief. Even if they were lying I just thought it wasnt a point worth challenging based on the chance that they were a grieving father, potentially now being wrongfully called a liar.
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
All I have to offer is, it also has to do with perception.
the question was, Are you his father really?

Re-read this question in several tones.
1) accusatory
2) innocent
3) concerned
4) seeking fact
5) shock/disbelief

You felt it was accusing and calling father a liar. I read it as seeking fact.

i know who you are referring to in the other thread and they were disrespectful. But we can't all be perfect in our responses and SN ingestion becomes very controversial here bcuz everyone wants to know exactly what's gonna happen before they do it.

just a word of caution though, prolifers and fakes come in all shapes, you can never know just bcuz they seem knowledgeable about the regimen.

People who survive SN and post about it will always be the most scrutinized. That OP handled it the best I've ever seen.
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May 12, 2020
All I have to offer is, it also has to do with perception.
the question was, Are you his father really?

Re-read this question in several tones.
1) accusatory
2) innocent
3) concerned
4) seeking fact
5) shock/disbelief

You felt it was accusing and calling father a liar. I read it as seeking fact.

i know who you are referring to in the other thread and they were disrespectful. But we can't all be perfect in our responses and SN ingestion becomes very controversial here bcuz everyone wants to know exactly what's gonna happen before they do it.

just a word of caution though, prolifers and fakes come in all shapes, you can never know just bcuz they seem knowledgeable about the regimen.

People who survive SN and post about it will always be the most scrutinized. That OP handled it the best I've ever seen.
I think you've hit the nail on the head with number 1, accusatory. That question was one of the primary reasons I posted this thread. Because I think that if I were posting on such a sensitive thing like my own (or a family members) goodbye thread I would be extremely deterred if I faced an accusative response. Which was also how I felt the SN thread went. Whilst the person posting the SN thread may have kept their composure and not said they felt uncomfortable (apart from perhaps when their were blatant insults directed at them), I still think it served to potentially deter others from posting (like myself, I feel deterred)

@GoodPersonEffed did make a very valid point in that even if the person posting was who they said they were, they were effectively an imposter on another person's account. But I think I would still rather hear their side of the story anyway without the denouncement (although considering that point I now understand why others wouldnt)
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
scepticism is a good thing, but I felt that there was an insinuation in the threads mentioned that the OP might have been some sort of pro-life mole, which was what really annoyed me.

Then, respectfully, your response of feeling annoyed was toward my respectful post of skepticism. I mentioned several reasons for skepticism, including the current active attack on this site by pro-life forces.

Edit: Just saw post 8. I apologize for telling you what you were responding to! I should have asked rather than telling, and take on that lesson. I'll strive to do better with you and others.

But I didnt like the insinuation that there was a pro-life agenda. And I didnt like it again today when it came up in the thread about the father posting about their son. And I didnt see any value doubting a father who seemed to be in extreme grief. Even if they were lying I just thought it wasnt a point worth challenging based on the chance that they were a grieving father, potentially now being wrongfully called a liar.

I acknowledge that you do not prefer some things that others say, and that you do not value others vocally doubting what it is your preference to give the benefit of the doubt to. It is your right to withhold defensiveness, to give of your heart in response, and to otherwise act as you choose.

I sense that you have compassion, but also appeal to others here to act as you would wish them to based at least in part on pity. I'd like to look at the two more closely (though I don't insist you do as well!), beginning with a quote from The Practicing Stoic, in which Seneca is also quoted, and I will build from there:

We have seen Seneca and Marcus Aurelius refer to the value of compassion. That is a nuanced topic for the Stoics. Their philosophy calls for a felt sense that all of humanity are their relations. It also calls for help to those who need it. But the Stoic does not favor compassion in the different sense of feeling sorry for other people and making their sadness one's own -- that is, becoming despondent because others are despondent. Seneca's position was that good Stoics will do all that would be done by anyone who feels pity for others, but that they will not feel the pity themselves; pity is considered a form of distress that serves no purpose and impairs good judgment.​

Sorrow is not suited to seeing things accurately, to understanding how to get things done, to avoiding dangers, or to knowing what is just. So the wise man will not indulge in pity, because there cannot be pity without mental suffering. All else that those who feel pity are inclined do, he will do gladly and with an elevated spirit; he will bring relief to another's tears, but will not add his own. To the shipwrecked man he will give a hand; he will give shelter to the exile, and charity to those in need.​
- Seneca​

Follow that quote with another by Seneca for developing the ideas of compassion, pity, and doing for others, but also adding self-protection, whether of the self or the shared community when someone intrudes or intends harm:

Keep an eye on one man to avoid being hurt; on another, to avoid hurting him. Rejoice in the happiness of all, and sympathize with them in their misfortunes; remember what you should take upon yourself, and what you should guard against.​
- Seneca​

Consider if you will that SS is like communal living. All that's required for acceptance to live in and participate in the community is to act with pro-choice ethics with regard to suicide, and to read the rules and FAQ before joining. Screening is not strict, and sometimes people enter who oppose the ethic and who do not intend to abide by the rules and FAQ. Sometimes they enter with intent to destroy the house and its foundations from within, sometimes to promote their pro-life agenda by targeting individuals, usually younger members, and corrode from within their sense of themselves and their ability and right to choose.

The father, if that's who he was, did not abide by the rules and FAQ by creating a member profile of his own, he spoke through that of the member who allegedly ctb'd (assuming that member was as he presented himself to be, agreed with the ethic, followed the rules and FAQ, and did indeed commit suicide).

The father expressed strong emotion.

Because the father already crossed multiple boundaries, he was worthy of suspicion, that is, a man to keep one's eye on to avoid being hurt. It is to myself and others that I owe it to keep an eye on so that none of us are hurt. I pay attention to what I should guard against, and I pay attention to what one wants me to take on.

The expression of strong emotion to garner pity and take on another's emotions in order to serve them is a classic manipulation tactic. One may brandish anger to get another to back down from their position of self-protection and defense, or they may cry or act wounded.

An extreme example of this is the serial killer Ted Bundy. He wore a sling and pretended to have an arm wound. He asked women to help him put groceries in his car. The women who heeded red flags surrounding his pity play escaped. Those who did not were violated and murdered.

I applaud compassion, and I believe that it should be from one's own heart and will, not dictated to others, but an example to follow if and when it truly serves social reciprocity. However, one is only in charge of their own moral character, much as they may exhort others to adopt it, but they at least can be secure in their own souls that they acted according to their values in how they treat others. If one wants to offer a helping hand, it is their right to do so; it is not their right to offer the hand of others.

The alleged father entered our space uninvited and without right to do so. He did not only inform us of the death, which is not a reliable confirmation, but he also brandished strong emotion -- the emotion of a parent's loss, which for at least the past week has been a consistent tactic used by infiltrators on the forum. I have personally reported members who have been banned for doing exactly that. Members of a facebook group have targeted members to relay messages for them. There is a lot of pro-life activity happening right now, both overtly and covertly aggressive.

My house comes first. I and my fellow legitimate members come first for me in this space. Our right to choose comes first. All else may be worthy of compassion, and I myself have actively shown compassion to pro-lifers in several posts. But I remain wary of any outsiders' tactics and do not take on the burdens of their sorrow; it weakens me, it muddies my judgment, and it does not inspire or promote actions that further my values or those of the community. They do not seek soothing, they seek to influence and destroy from within our values and goals. I'm not going to put groceries in their car, and I'm going to call out to fellow members to guard against doing the same. That is how social groups survive and thrive, by supporting one another against attacks, even the most piteous ones or attractive ones (the Trojan horse is an example more ancient than Stoicism; deception is nothing new). Attacks don't always mean one has to take up pitchforks and torches against the piteous-seeming aggressors, as it is aggression meeting aggression and toxicity feeding toxicity, but even if they do so, they have sounded the necessary alarm, and the aggressor knows they've been noticed and their power to influence has been weakened.

Finally, let me say that those who have been abused in any way over long periods, especially in childhood, are conditioned to protect aggressors, to pity them, and to make sure no one else stops them from achieving their aims. Telling another to not defend themselves in deference to the feelings, needs and wants of an aggressor results in empowering the aggressor and his/her goals to do harm with impunity. It is being their flying monkey and doing the work for them to groom their intended victims and convince them to lower their boundaries. I have experienced this conditioning and have broken free from it. I am vocal. I maintain my position and my personal power even when strong emotions and other manipulative tactics are brandished against me. I am strong in myself and my values, and allow neither to be negated or redefined in a negative light.

If you do not agree with my argument, I accept that. But nor do I accept what you implore me to do. I don't accept the burden of the alleged father's suffering. And respectfully, I don't accept the burden of what bothers you. I respect you enough to say that I disagree with your reasoning and seek to show why, not to weaken you but to empower you as a fellow member of my community, and to empower any other member who reads this. If I have reason and am correct, even an infiltrator can learn from this comment. It's not just about the community or pro-choice, it's about healthy boundaries, which I wish for all. For those who disagree with me, I am content that these boundaries and my stance which supports them are sufficient for me, and remain comfortably within them. It is only when they are challenged that I defend them, and the OP and subsequent comment challenged them. But I'm not offended, and I'm not striking out; I am using the strength of my reason, and remain calm but firm, with compassion, not pity.

Edit: I just read comment 8, which was posted while I was typing. I respected much in your response. And I respect you. I address statements and stances I disagree with, but I am not against you. If I have in any way come across otherwise, it was an error, and I'd thank you to point it out so that I can correct the error, and move forward with improved communication skills.
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Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
Interesting that @SomeCities was banned for an alt account.

Their post started with stating they lurked but were never a member until now that they had something to share.
The mods know if an alt account is used..

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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020

Living sucks

Forced out of life before I wanted to leave
Mar 27, 2020
I admit to liking this comment very much. But how did you come to find out?
I saw their user name in the list at bottom of home page but it is grayed out.. i Checked profile and saw they posted a ban appeal ..in the old ban appeal section .. I wouldn't even know how to get to that section since they removed it if I needed to appeal a ban.


Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Interesting that @SomeCities was banned for an alt account.

Their post started with stating they lurked but were never a member until now that they had something to share.
The mods know if an alt account is used..

I admit to liking this comment very much. But how did you come to find out?
I saw their user name in the list at bottom of home page but it is grayed out.. i Checked profile and saw they posted a ban appeal ..in the old ban appeal section .. I wouldn't even know how to get to that section since they removed it if I needed to appeal a ban.

If the user was indeed banned by mods for an alt account (not doubting @Living sucks, but the user), then I respectfully request the mods consider adding a comment to the locked thread to notify members. The thread had a major impact on others being able to determine whether SN is a good choice, and it caused a lot of fear. Deleting the thread won't change that some were unduly impacted if the extreme account was false, and it would be in their best interests to be informed.

Perhaps a supplementary post in the new News and Announcements section linking to the closed thread?


Thank you for considering my request.

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