
Aug 18, 2020
I think a STEM professor once posted an answer of chatGPT he got. My question is: I had to give my phone number to them when I just copy an answer from chatGPT in this forum and complement my own thoughts could they theoretically trace back the post to my chatGPT account? This question is probably naive, stupid and paranoid. But I barely have knowledge on IT so here is this dumb question for you guys. They have some personal date however I lied at several answers still I am scared.

So I think everyone knows why I am asking this question. People just realize I don't have it anymore. My past threads were so much better. I was young and dynamic baby I got everything on point. People were stunned by all the ideas I had but slowly I am fading away. I am not the guy I once was. I think an AI could probably do a better job than me. (On a serious note: on certain issues chatGPT really has more in-depth knowledge than me hence the question to take its answers). In fact we could all let chatGPT write our threads anyway. No more thinking by oneself. If one has to make a difficult decison just ask chatGPT. I mean I would be glad if machines could take over the soulless job I will never be able to hold anyway. Who cares if someone in pain depicts his pain when in fact an AI could depict it more accurate anyway. In the end who cares about real honest emotions and feelings if one can instead be articulate and deceive people that oneself would be as eloquent as chatGPT when using it as a ghost writter.

Honestly this post is pretty bullshit so far. I would have to add some edgy humor to make at least somewhat funny but I am not sure if such jokes are appropriate if in other subforums people are tormented every singly second they are conscious. On the other hand by applying such a logic humor would be in general inappropriate which is not good in my opinion because it is a way to cope with suffering.

I am funnier when I meet people in real life. I am good at situational humor and better in my native language. When I try to be funny in written texts it always sounds so forced and artificial. So I am better at making thoughtful and deep comment (with tiny amounts of humour) and not threads like this one.

Though my question is sincere. Can they trace with the posts in this forum (in case i just copy texts of chatGPT) back to the account I once had to create in order to use chatGPT? So connecting my forum account with the openAI account.
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Mar 6, 2023
This is an interesting idea. I don't have the answer, but wow talk about something I never considered before and probably never would have.
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Aug 18, 2020
This is an interesting idea. I don't have the answer, but wow talk about something I never considered before and probably never would have.
My idea is not letting chatGPT write all my posts. Though I think some answers of chatGPT are very interesting. I would to like to share them to people and add my own opinion to it. So it being a ghost writer is an hyperbole. (I would make it transparent)
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Mar 6, 2023
Could almost work in the Forum Game section - the ChatGPT Advice Thread where people post what's on their mind and see what it says.


Dec 1, 2022
I've been working on this for a couple of days because I wanted to give your ideas the response they deserved. For what it's worth, and this may not make you feel better, I have always loved your threads and have seen no drop in consistency in their ability to bring up interesting topics as well as how you articulate your ideas and experiences.

You mention as an example that you don't see the point of humans depicting pain when an AI will be more accurate. May I ask what you mean by that? As someone who places high emphasis on the value of art, I'm skeptical of the idea that a machine can depict the highly personal experience of pain more "accurately" than the person experiencing it. I could see an AI being effective like this in a medical setting, but when it comes to more artistic processes, I doubt anything it will create will leave much of a significant impact.

I think there will always be room for a genuine expression of emotions. I know that this seems unlikely given that we live in a society obsessed with appropriate modes of social expression, but I like to believe there will always be people out there who appreciate raw honesty in all forms. This could just be the optimist in me talking. I think just because something fades away or is stigmatized doesn't mean it disappears. People may try to discourage those behaviors, but I think they are too primal and necessary for them to ever become extinct.
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Aug 18, 2020
You mention as an example that you don't see the point of humans depicting pain when an AI will be more accurate. May I ask what you mean by that? As someone who places high emphasis on the value of art, I'm skeptical of the idea that a machine can depict the highly personal experience of pain more "accurately" than the person experiencing it. I could see an AI being effective like this in a medical setting, but when it comes to more artistic processes, I doubt anything it will create will leave much of a significant impact.
I am with you in this instance. My statement was rather a rhetorical question mixed with irony. It should make people think why meaningful cannot come from a soulless machine. In the end I am not 100% convinced of the answer though probably because I am no expert in art. But I think topics like for example existential loneliness can barely be seriously approached by an AI without consciousness.
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