

i wanna die somewhere like up there
Mar 15, 2020
Who here has ever got married a short amount of time before really of getting to know someone, then having it fall-apart? If so, You aren't alone. I am one of those many fools who fell for the concept of Romantic Love ( infatuation) , twice! And divorced twice. The concept of Romantic Love was taught to our generation since I can remember. It's in the cartoons, the movies, in books, in schools, parents...etc. The reason this can be so dangerous is that people like me make life altering decisions like getting married! Only to find out I couldn't stand the person I married. Thankfully, we never had children. But worse yet, people that believe in this lie often bring children into the mix, and when those feelings of infatuation wear off between the parents; devastating emotions from the breakdown of the relationship will be left in its wake! I wish someone would have explained to me romantic love is a myth, because now I no longer believe love as possible. And that definitely contributed to my suicidal tendencies.

Saved by Religion? Oh, this one is my favorite lie!- Not-so-much! I'm in the USA, so Jesus is the primary religious figure who people use to spread nonsense. This one can be as devastating as the one above, if not more! Again, people can make life-altering decisions based on this lie. Again, I got married to a fundamental christian thinking Jesus would save my marriage……………sorry for the delay- I had to throw up! Haha….This is an uncomfortable confession, I used to buy into the lie that somehow Jesus would save me from my shitty human nature too! I also had a snake-oil Pastor from Michigan who tried to get me to sell off my property that I worked my ass for blood, sweat and tears, to his lazy arse, to donate to the church….That sh-t I knew was a lie! I finally fought back by standing in front of his church by poisoning the minds of the new people who were going to join his congregation! I 'saved' many souls from having to put up with that liar, as revenge!!…...SO I can at least feel good about that! lol But Let me tell you, believing in Jesus will save you, your marriage, your children, whatever, and then finding out it's all lies, was a huge mind-f-ck which only fueled my suicidal idealizations.

Last, Politics. I never really fell hard either way on this issue, but I know people who worship certain politicians. I hope people are careful not to put too much faith in any man, woman, or in-betweens. Because people lie and human nature is human nature. They lie about love, faith, and politics. For me, unfortunately I fell for two of the three…..Meatloaf may claim two out of three ain't bad, but to me, I earned only about 33 percent, and that my friends is a grade F, for failure! Thanks for reading my rant, and Peace out!
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