

Yes, all of them.
May 8, 2019
I don't want to cause my loved ones any more pain than necessary. I'd much rather they not be the first to find me. I have two rounds of rituxan infusions each year. Altogether, this involves many hours of sitting around in the infusion center. On Tuesday, I had the last one until July. As my last infusion ended, I realized how much I regretted not adding SA to the line. It would be trivial to bring a pre-filled syringe, go to the bathroom for privacy, and push it into the line. Attempting suicide in a hospital would be extremely risky but would assure my family doesn't find me first and might give them peace of mind that "everything possible was done," even though SA doesn't have an antidote.

I have a background in biochem, so handling the SA is not intimidating. I already have the SA. I ordered some 30ml luer-loc syringes with caps. The required solution percentage will sting like hell. I'm declining cognitively, so I don't trust my ability to pH balance it. It's not really a solid plan yet, and it's probably not a good one even if it were solid. I'm reaching for some sort of ending with rapidly increasing desperation.

Things have gone downhill so fast that waiting until the summer is intimidating. My psych gave up on me at my last appointment. I have SN in the cupboard, too, but I have prochlorperazine, not meto. Timing the where and the when overwhelms me.

I've been constantly in tears since Sunday. I'm tired—getting too tired to formulate a coherent plan with a chance of success. I probably deserve however I feel. I keep wearing a mask. This forum and my cat are my only outlets. Thanks for listening.
  • Hugs
  • Aww..
Reactions: LMLN, UpandDownPrincess, GoodPersonEffed and 1 other person


Dec 31, 2019
I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this. Given your current sadness, waiting until July must seem like an eternity.

The SN bolus would be huge. Into the bag might be better if it stays fully dissolved.

I don't mean to pry but I am curious why you are taking Rituxan. It is used for many things these days.


lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
"My psych gave up on me at my last appointment "
At least you can be sure that we won't let you down!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about everything you are currently experiencing...
Waiting until summer is extremely long.
Please, take care of yourself and if you need us, don't hesitate staying with us when you truly need any support. :heart: