

We only live once..i hope
Jan 3, 2020
What do you think about revenge? Do you think that it is just to revenge the people who abused us and used us and left us broken or one should not face evil with evil? I say this because befor ei CTB i can destory the lives of people who destroyed mine beyond repair and i until this point i was very carefull not to hurt a living thing. I don't know what to do.
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Jan 5, 2019
Two things.

1) If a man harms you, harm him too.

2) If a man does not harm you, do not harm him.
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
I haven't really had anybody do anything particularly bad to me. I mean sure I was bullied a bit as a kid, I've been rejected a million times, but these things aren't that big of a deal compared to the other shit a lot of people face and everyone faces this stuff.

However the main reason why nobody has done anything that bad to me is because I've always been a nobody in the eyes of other people. I've always been ignored and a living ghost. People ignore me and don't acknowledge that I'm even here.

I honestly don't know what is worse. To live a volatile life of high peaks but also low bottoms. Or to live a life where you're so irrelevant and uninteresting to everyone else that while you never get the attention you crave, that also means you don't experience any of the bad shit that goes with receiving attention from people. I've always been able to go out super late at night, pay no attention to my surroundings, carry no weapon. Cause I know I'm such a loser no one is going to pay any attention to me, even a predator lmao.

That said I personally have never been a fan of revenge, but that could be because I'm not one to hold grudges against people. I think revenge can be justified in some cases, but I also think going through life with a heart filled with hate is not worth it.
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lost among the stars
Jan 26, 2020
I am not capable of revenge. This is against my nature. May these people live as they lived. When you throw dirt at a person, it may not reach him/her, but it will remain on your hands.
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We only live once..i hope
Jan 3, 2020
I haven't really had anybody do anything particularly bad to me. I mean sure I was bullied a bit as a kid, I've been rejected a million times, but these things aren't that big of a deal compared to the other shit a lot of people face and everyone faces this stuff.

However the main reason why nobody has done anything that bad to me is because I've always been a nobody in the eyes of other people. I've always been ignored and a living ghost. People ignore me and don't acknowledge that I'm even here.

I honestly don't know what is worse. To live a volatile life of high peaks but also low bottoms. Or to live a life where you're so irrelevant and uninteresting to everyone else that while you never get the attention you crave, that also means you don't experience any of the bad shit that goes with receiving attention from people. I've always been able to go out super late at night, pay no attention to my surroundings, carry no weapon. Cause I know I'm such a loser no one is going to pay any attention to me, even a predator lmao.

That said I personally have never been a fan of revenge, but that could be because I'm not one to hold grudges against people. I think revenge can be justified in some cases, but I also think going through life with a heart filled with hate is not worth it.
Intersting opinion thanks :hug:
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Two things.

1) If a man harms you, harm him too.

2) If a man does not harm you, do not harm him.
There are several types of "harm".
Are including moral or verbal "harm" or just physical harm?
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We only live once..i hope
Jan 3, 2020
There are several types of "harm".
Are including moral or verbal "harm" or just physical harm?
No not physical...i mean psychological pain like the pain i endured for years
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
I spend a lot of time thinking about that too.
I usually reach the conclusion that i lack the attitude and "evilness" to harm another person. I would have to be really furious in order to do such a thing.
With that being said, i can definately think of some people who deserved some kind of reprisal from me in consequence of things they did to me. I can't think of ever being physically harmed, (except when my mother and grandparents spanked my butt whenever i did something wrong) to the point of justifying a "revenge".
Some people in my family treated me in a cruel and despising way (verbally and morally) but i don't know how something like that can be the motive for a "just" or "eye for an eye revenge".
If someone hurts your feelings how can you enforce revenge against them without trespassing the physical revenge barrier?
So, long story short, i have the will for revenge against some people but it goes against my nature, plus i highly doubt that these people actually deserve revenge. Some of them, despite having treated me in a bad way, helped me (financially) in a lot of ways, they still do tbh. Money doesn't repair abuse but the truth is that they helped me when i needed the most.
Others, haven't really harmed me (as far as i know) at least voluntarily, it's just that their constant presence in my life was enough to cause me some sort of damage as i find living with them very annoying and tiresome, but still that doesn't make them targets for revenge.
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We only live once..i hope
Jan 3, 2020
I spend a lot of time thinking about that too.
I usually reach the conclusion that i lack the attitude and "evilness" to harm another person. I would have to be really furious in order to do such a thing.
With that being said, i can definately think of some people who deserved some kind of reprisal from me in consequence of things they did to me. I can't think of ever being physically harmed, (except when my mother and grandparents spanked my butt whenever i did something wrong) to the point of justifying a "revenge".
Some people in my family treated me in a cruel and despising way (verbally and morally) but i don't know how something like that can be the motive for a "just" or "eye for an eye revenge".
If someone hurts your feelings how can you enforce revenge against them without trespassing the physical revenge barrier?
So, long story short, i have the will for revenge against some people but it goes against my nature, plus i highly doubt that these people actually deserve revenge. Some of them, despite having treated me in a bad way, helped me (financially) in a lot of ways, they still do tbh. Money doesn't repair abuse but the truth is that they helped me when i needed the most.
Others, haven't really harmed me (as far as i know) at least voluntarily, it's just that their constant presence in my life was enough to cause me some sort of damage as i find living with them very annoying and tiresome, but still that doesn't make them targets for revenge.
You are right in many ways... i have the will but i lack the evilness....also i think if i hurt someone who hurted me i will end up also hurting people that love him and are innocent. And i don't want inncocent at al to go through what went through.
I am not capable of revenge. This is against my nature. May these people live as they lived. When you throw dirt at a person, it may not reach him/her, but it will remain on your hands.
Absolutly right :hug:
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Oct 20, 2019
What do you think about revenge? Do you think that it is just to revenge the people who abused us and used us and left us broken or one should not face evil with evil? I say this because befor ei CTB i can destory the lives of people who destroyed mine beyond repair and i until this point i was very carefull not to hurt a living thing. I don't know what to do.

I always think about it, cause I want to physically harm the person who destroyed my life and because of whom I'm slowly dying now. but then I realise then I'll be dead soon... and that person will be dead at some point.. and our universe will come to the end.. so there is no point in revenge. We all fucking die at the end. sooner or later
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We only live once..i hope
Jan 3, 2020
I always think about it, cause I want to physically harm the person who destroyed my life and because of whom I'm slowly dying now. but then I realise then I'll be dead soon... and that person will be dead at some point.. and our universe will come to the end.. so there is no point in revenge. We all fucking die at the end. sooner or later
Yes but the idea that i will die alone after suffering long and they will may live a long happy life just drives me crazy..there must be some kind of justice in this world
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Oct 20, 2019
Yes but the idea that i will die alone after suffering long and they will may live a long happy life just drives me crazy..there must be some kind of justice in this world

sure. you can do the justice. there is just no point. yeah they live long life but they will die at the end. there is no exception to that. and believe me death of natural causes is not pleasent at all. we got to choose, they don't.

ps: If I had a possibility for a revenge I would do it. I aint no christian in these matters
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Mar 1, 2020
i think about this alot especially with dad but there is nothing i can do for revenge hmph
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Suicidal Spinster
Feb 18, 2020
What do you think about revenge? Do you think that it is just to revenge the people who abused us and used us and left us broken or one should not face evil with evil? I say this because befor ei CTB i can destory the lives of people who destroyed mine beyond repair and i until this point i was very carefull not to hurt a living thing. I don't know what to do.
Like in films when a character fantasies about revenge and there's a dream sequence scene of the revenge playing out.....I have that. I have a hit list. I don't mean I'd actually act on it but I mean if I could throw dog poo or haunt them if I became a ghost, then I'd work my way through my hit list!
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Dec 28, 2019
If someone has mistreated you, harmed you, bullied you and so on, then bringing this to light, I would not consider revenge. I would think those types of things needed to be told to protect others. People need to pay for their crimes. In those situations I would let it be known and let the law and public opinion take its course.

Beyond that, I would need more details. Determining a wrong doing and a price to pay for that wrong doing can be tricky. For sure when someone is emotional involved.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I've learned to cut ties, distance myself, and forgive others who've wronged me. I forgive them for my sake and not theirs. There is no good that can come of harboring such negative emotions, you're only going to hurt and burden yourself.
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Write something, even if it’s just a suicide note.
Feb 28, 2020
Ravange is an interesting and intriguing concept that is as old as the human race … a Biblical 'an eye for an eye' and so on.

I have lived one of those lives, people, when polite refer to as 'interesting' and when not polite 'rather shitty'. Either way, it was my life and I come to view it as an interplay of many complex factors, including my owns shortcomings. Some with disastrous consequences.

Through it all, I have learned that, as we live, we wrong and hurt others and they wrong and hurt us. It is the inevitability of human existence, whether we are aware of it or not. There are times when we all feel that the pain inflicted on us is unjust and/or disproportional. We feel that our anger is justified and seek revenge. Mostly we employ our imagination to do the job. Some, not many, take practical steps. Even fewer follow through. Those that do follow through with inflicting whatever type of pain they consider justified, do not, contrary to expectation, arrive at the place of righteous peace. On the contrary – they feel worse. The reason is simple.

When we seek revenge, what we are really seeking is for those that harmed us to feel our pain, to feel sorry for harming us, to suffer themselves (or any combination of those). The truth is that when we inflict the pain on them (by whatever method) what they feel is not our pain, nor do they become enlightened to how hard they wronged us, made us suffer. No, what they feel is their pain and only that. Or if we kill them – they themselves feel nothing but those that loved them curse us as monsters. In other words – by inflicting pain and suffering on those that inflicted it on us – we only succeed in transforming them from monsters that they were to us into victims. Victims of an enraged madman/woman. They are those who would say – who the f… cares, just pass me that sledgehammer/whatever! I know that feeling. Every human does at least once.

I also know that the 'sledgehammer' can never make them truly feel what we want them to feel. The pain and the suffering that they have given us. That can only come from the depths of their hearts. For that, they need to live … and live for a long time.
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Oct 20, 2019
Killing someone is an easy way out. Let them live and suffer
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Aug 12, 2020
I haven't really had anybody do anything particularly bad to me. I mean sure I was bullied a bit as a kid, I've been rejected a million times, but these things aren't that big of a deal compared to the other shit a lot of people face and everyone faces this stuff.

However the main reason why nobody has done anything that bad to me is because I've always been a nobody in the eyes of other people. I've always been ignored and a living ghost. People ignore me and don't acknowledge that I'm even here.

I honestly don't know what is worse. To live a volatile life of high peaks but also low bottoms. Or to live a life where you're so irrelevant and uninteresting to everyone else that while you never get the attention you crave, that also means you don't experience any of the bad shit that goes with receiving attention from people. I've always been able to go out super late at night, pay no attention to my surroundings, carry no weapon. Cause I know I'm such a loser no one is going to pay any attention to me, even a predator lmao.

That said I personally have never been a fan of revenge, but that could be because I'm not one to hold grudges against people. I think revenge can be justified in some cases, but I also think going through life with a heart filled with hate is not worth it.
I'd rather CTB than revenge. Let them screw each other up. I won't let them have me.
I always think about it, cause I want to physically harm the person who destroyed my life and because of whom I'm slowly dying now. but then I realise then I'll be dead soon... and that person will be dead at some point.. and our universe will come to the end.. so there is no point in revenge. We all fucking die at the end. sooner or later
Philosophy is such a Refuge for me. Memento Mori.
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Aug 19, 2019
When revenge is not taken, they just keep doing evil.
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Sep 4, 2020
I don't know if it makes me a sociopath but I honestly wouldn't have a problem killing someone. Not just anyone (I'm not a serial killer) but someone who seriously wronged me. Like I was watching Person of Interest and one girl committed suicide cos some asshole raped her and got away with it. Then he continued to rape other women. The sister of the girl who committed suicide planned long and hard to kill the rapist. The hero of the show stopped her though saying he will take care of it, but she shouldn't do it because it would destroy her soul. She had a good plan though and would have got away with it. I'm sitting there thinking what's the problem with letting her get her revenge? If I could get away with it I'd do it too. I don't see how it would destroy her soul. Her soul was already destroyed with the suicide of her sister and seeing the bastard get away with it and continue to rape other women. I don't think I'd have guilt about killing someone like that you'd just have anxiety about being caught. Which wouldn't last long if you planned to kill yourself soon anyway.

That's just my opinion though. The sites rules say we shouldn't tell you to do something.


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Interesting answers. I'd say I'm gray on vengeance as there are many factors that come into play, whether the person has caused enough harm to warrant such a response, the degree of vengeance (mild, moderate, extreme), whether I wanted to live a bit more, risk of getting caught, etc. Generally speaking, I consider myself to be the type to react to things and wanting to get even, get back. Perhaps it's my nature or not, but I do feel shitty knowing that someone who has wronged me just got away with no consequences (whether social, legal, personal, etc.). Vengeance (contrary to the popular belief) does indeed bring a sense of satisfaction and allow some semblance of closure. Whenever I don't get vengeance, either because I am not able to in such a situation or whatever reason, I oftenly end up feeling empty, defeated, cheated, powerless. The times I do, I feel some sense of closure and peace knowing that I didn't let them (my enemies) get away without consequences.

I believe that legal system and justice system is vindictive to a degree partly of a similar sentiment and reason (in addition to deterrence of such behaviors and crimes), but that's another topic for another thread.
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BPD Barbie

BPD Barbie

Dec 1, 2019
I'm personally against revenge and hurting others becuase they hurt you. In my opinion it makes you just as bad as they are and I want to be the bigger and more adult person. That doesn't mean I don't get angry and sometimes wish bad things would happen, it's human nature to get those feelings, I'd just never act on it and do something deliberately to harm someone becuase they harmed me. Also, I haven't got enough time to harm everyone who harmed me lol we'd be here for years and I haven't got the time or will for that.
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Dec 26, 2020
What do you think about revenge? Do you think that it is just to revenge the people who abused us and used us and left us broken or one should not face evil with evil? I say this because befor ei CTB i can destory the lives of people who destroyed mine beyond repair and i until this point i was very carefull not to hurt a living thing. I don't know what to do.
this is why I want to CTB. So many people in my life wronged me and I would love to get back at them in some way
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Dec 26, 2020
What do you think about revenge? Do you think that it is just to revenge the people who abused us and used us and left us broken or one should not face evil with evil? I say this because befor ei CTB i can destory the lives of people who destroyed mine beyond repair and i until this point i was very carefull not to hurt a living thing. I don't know what to do.
Ugh I feel this so much. Like I want to get back at all the bullies and abusers who ruined my life. Its their fault I am this way. They pushed me to this level. And yet they get away with it and live a like of no pain? Hell no. I want to hurt people and have them spend the rest of their lives knowing they were responsible for my death
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