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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
Dear community, I would like to have your opinion concerning the SN because after having consulted this testimonial page on SS:

I am becoming more and more undecided concerning this method. many people have tried SN and missed their trip... yet even after taking anti-emetic drugs, most people say that even with the right dosage it is almost impossible to keep the SN in the stomach after swallowing (several vomiting after one minute after having ingested, whereas it is after 10 minutes that the SN has an impact on the small intestine).

Others speak of excruciating pain and migraines, ringing in the ears, pain in the stomach, this final known method looks uncertain with several factors to consider that are too hit and miss even with the right diet.

I would like your opinion and be reassured on this point...
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Mar 2, 2021
I think all methods are painful and every method as a margin of failure, some greater than others. I'd imagine even N has some pain. I have seen quite a few animals put down and they do twitch as if in pain.
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
None of us can reassure you about this. Different bodies will react differently to SN. Certainly, some members on here have died using SN.
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Feb 27, 2021
I think all methods are painful and every method as a margin of failure, some greater than others. I'd imagine even N has some pain. I have seen quite a few animals put down and they do twitch as if in pain.
It could also be that they're scared and don't know what's going on. Like trying to fight to stay alive. SI. My cat was in pain and was making noises(tumor in his stomach). But as soon as the vet gave him that injection he just dosed off within seconds. But along with being horrified that my cat was now dead I was somewhat envious.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
The worst you have to worry about is vomiting and a headache which is probably not much different from being plastered, Unless you have a ulcer then you shouldn't have any major discomfort.
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Feb 6, 2021
I've read about half and almost all of them were either found by people or called the emergency services themselves.

Bottom line - don't be found and don't call for help if you want to be successful.

Committing suicide isn't a walk in the park. It's not fun, easy, pleasant or therapeutic, no matter which method you pick. It's traumatic, scary, uncertain and sometimes incredibly violent and gory.

There's never a guarantee for success. But there are certain methods that are less painful and there are certain things you can do to increase your chance of success. SN is certainly one of the more peaceful methods and nothing I read in that blog made me doubt the effectiveness of using it.
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soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
what scares me the most is precisely to vomit, some testimonies say that even if they were found the SN was vomited in the minute which followed the catch. according to the pph it is supposed to be a gentle method, can be compared to that of N.

Obviously every suicide technique can be painful and uncomfortable and you cannot compare it to a walk in a park, but it seems obvious that everyone here would like to be reassured of the effectiveness of the method as well as the risks of survival.
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Feb 6, 2021
what scares me the most is precisely to vomit, some testimonies say that even if they were found the SN was vomited in the minute which followed the catch
You're right, vomiting will reduce the effectiveness and it seems difficult to know if you will vomit or not because not everyone does. I know what you mean.

I think the only way to overcome this is to just drink more and try and hold it down. Then drink more until you vomit again. Then drink more.

Another thing I noticed when reading the blog was that when people said they vomited, it didn't seem like they tried to drink more. They either called for help or did nothing. If they carried on drinking more, maybe they would've CTB successfully??
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● I do not live ● ● I exist ●
Mar 6, 2021
Every person is different. Every person has a different digestion. I would definitely advise an antiemetic and an antacid. And you should follow the instructions in Stan's guide and the PPH. I knew one person on this forum who had abdominal pain and nausea for a few minutes. But he had not vomited. Another person reported eating pizza while fasting and she vomited and called the ambulance. SN can be a problem in people who have a stomach ulcer or gastritis. Many people don´t even know they have it.
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and now we rise and we are everywhere
Apr 19, 2020
It's a method for suicide, man. I mean shit, if it were as easy as swiping a credit card, yeah sure that'd be fucking wonderful. There's no easy way. I get it because I'm in the same boat. I want a painless, fearless, and 100% fool-proof method. There's literally nothing on earth in any category that fits the description of being perfect.

You complain of vomiting and stomach pain: dude, you're drinking poison for fuck's sake. There is not a single reason for a human being to be ingesting ANY of that stuff. People choose N over SN because N works so well. That's what it was designed for. Those expensive bottles of N have one purpose: they are to be administered orally and they are meant to kill.

Maybe someone wants to know what SN tastes like: well, it ain't a $5.00 shake (obligatory Pulp Fiction reference) my friend. Supposed to taste like salty shit. The saltiest and nastiest shit you've ever put into your mouth at this point in your life. You're about to kill yourself and the last thing you'll possibly remember is sucking down literally the worst thing you've tasted in your life.

There are so many factors in a botched suicide that aren't thought about as much as the people saying "it just don't work. It's bunk." I mean, the people who vomited, did they properly take the correct antiemetic to prevent vomiting as it is plainly described.

Headaches, yeah that one's not fun. Did the person take enough pain reliever as detailed in Stan's Guide? Did they take a beta-blocker? A beta-blocker helps slow one's heart rate which is a good thing in this situation, because SN will make your heartrate shoot through the roof. It says in the guide that these beta-blockers are mere luxury items not actually necessary to the job at hand, and that's true. If I do SN (which is probably my choice since N is harder to get for me and I already have A and an antimetic. Hey guess what everyone reading this? I got that information from Stan's Guide.

Stan's Guide also suggest taking a benzodiazepine to assuage anxiety (but again it rightfully states that this benzodiazepine is a luxury item. So at this point you're asking yourself "what the heck is a luxury item?" It means that the only item you need to do this job here is Sodium Nitrite. Period. Because it's straight poison to a human being. 2nd most important thing according to Stans Guide (which I read) is your antiemetic. This is the stuff that will allow your body to keep the poison down and not throw it back up quickly. There's a list of antiemetics in the guide and I chose the one that was most talked about and highly suggested (Metoclopramide). I couldn't find it in America but I found an online pharmacy in a country that sold it and shipped to me here in states. It's not a total luxury item in the sense that you don't need it 100% of the time. There have been cases where people died without taking the antiemetic. So yeah, it's not necessary but I'm sure as fuck going to take it as prescribed in Stan's Guide (which I read, by the way) because I'm drinking this shit because I'm parched; I'm taking it because I want to be permanently gone forever. I don't want to barf this stuff up because I want it to do what I intend it to do. So I get what's recommended to prevent that. And back to that beno? Yup, straight luxury item because I don't need it to die, but I sure want a bunch before I start drinking that stuff. I don't want any mental or emotional pain at this point either. So I buy what I need to prevent this.

The list of "other stuff" you can buy with your SN goes on and on. Each thing listed and suggested will make some aspect of the process more tolerable, depending on the substance taken. Yeah dude taking SN sucks. It's going to fucking suck all the way to the point at which I take it. Then you know what? It might start really sucking. I might possibly die the most painful way imaginable. I don't know. Nobody knows. Even if some person who died from it could come back from the dead and proclaim "whoa this shit didn't even bother me. Didn't even hurt for a second" don't mean it's going to be that way for you. Each of our bodies is different (remember the people who took SN and that's it and died anyway? Most people in that situation would throw it up and have countless times. But some people havent. Very small percentage I'm assuming. But I could be wrong about all this pain and stuff. Maybe it's the other way where I drink it lie down and that's just it. I go to sleep and never wake up again. It's a kind of a gamble, this whole thing we're doing. Do you hate life enough to go through what could possibly be the worst experience in terms of fear and physical pain. You won't know that answer until you actually are at that point. Guess what man? Everyone here typing stuff back and forth aren't at that point yet. We say we are. Every day we say it. "Next month is the right time." "I'm so done with everything, that's it for me." I do it too. All the time. Truth is if I was really ready I wouldn't be typing this up like I am right now. I'd be doing it. Right fucking now. When I get to that point I'll know it and I'll have the courage to do it. Sorry but there's no 100% perfect and infallible way. Otherwise that woud just be the way and we wouldn't even be discussing this stuff. This ain't going to be like turning off your playstation. You might be fortunate and the physical dying par will be totally easy. It's all the leading up to it that the fucking devil. Do I literally want to give up everything for this? The answer is yeah man. At least for some of us it is and we do it and then we're just gone without even a whimper. Try reading some of those goodbye posts. Person is typing "yeah feel groggy need to lay down." That will be their last post. Ever. They did it. They fucking did it.

I do recommend Stan's Guide. I'm not one of those "I'm better than you dickheads that you normally read online." I repeated it over and over again because of how important it is to me. If I do this, I do it every way it says to do it if I can get all the ingredients. I understand that in some countries, SN is not easy to get and may even be illegal. N is illegal where I live (and unfortunately for me N was my first choice). I skipped over it because the thought of having to go to jail and endure all that when all I wanted was to die would be a horrible experience in itself. So I picked the SN and I read the Stan's Guide because everything I need to know is in there. It's not someone telling you it's better because that person telling you might have gotten something a little wrong when they told you. Please for your sake, go straight to the source of most of this information. It's the most important thing you'll ever do in your life. Learn everything you can about it first so you can make the whole process EASIER. I want it to be easy. Nothing is perfect and each method we choose has its own good points and its own bad points. Here's my reassurance: if you do it right, meaning if you do it just like it says to do it, then yeah, you'll be dead. That's all you really can believe.
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Jun 16, 2020
The report says early on that the accounts may be partially or wholly false.
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Aug 16, 2020
Idk if this was specified in the failure posts but like I was looking at SN online just before and you can buy salt/SN mixture which is only like 10% SN and 90% salt, quite possible failed cases bought the wrong stuff since its a lot cheaper.

But anyways, there are not many methods which are instant painless and guaranteed... you are literally killing. Nobody thinks of murder as a comfortable activity. Hell, some people even mess up shooting themselves in the head. You can never find a method which is perfect 100% of the time but often this will be down to user error. If we do it properly and without hesitating I am sure we will achieve success.
Doesn't matter bout pain or headache, soon there will be no pain at all. If you're worried about a headache then probably you should not be considering CTB.


soon in the other reality where we come from ༄
Mar 13, 2021
I will order the N this evening or tomorrow, I think I will be more reassured with this method.
Idk if this was specified in the failure posts but like I was looking at SN online just before and you can buy salt/SN mixture which is only like 10% SN and 90% salt, quite possible failed cases bought the wrong stuff since its a lot cheaper.

But anyways, there are not many methods which are instant painless and guaranteed... you are literally killing. Nobody thinks of murder as a comfortable activity. Hell, some people even mess up shooting themselves in the head. You can never find a method which is perfect 100% of the time but often this will be down to user error. If we do it properly and without hesitating I am sure we will achieve success.
Doesn't matter bout pain or headache, soon there will be no pain at all. If you're worried about a headache then probably you should not be considering CTB.
The pento remains the most reliable and the least painful, concerning the SN the purity that I can obtain here in my city is 99%, but I prefer to redirect myself towards the method of N even if this one is difficult to obtain, I prefer take the risk.
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Mar 2, 2021
A big problem with n is the risk of prison if caught with it


Mar 14, 2021
Dear community, I would like to have your opinion concerning the SN because after having consulted this testimonial page on SS:

I am becoming more and more undecided concerning this method. many people have tried SN and missed their trip... yet even after taking anti-emetic drugs, most people say that even with the right dosage it is almost impossible to keep the SN in the stomach after swallowing (several vomiting after one minute after having ingested, whereas it is after 10 minutes that the SN has an impact on the small intestine).

Others speak of excruciating pain and migraines, ringing in the ears, pain in the stomach, this final known method looks uncertain with several factors to consider that are too hit and miss even with the right diet.

I would like your opinion and be reassured on this point...
Im 100% with you ive looked at SN experiences on here and alot dont seem very peaceful im looking at hanging but i need to get it right then will be gone within 20 seconds Also with SN your depending on other people to send you the correct stuff which your buying from them and that to me has red flags all over it
I will order the N this evening or tomorrow, I think I will be more reassured with this method.

The pento remains the most reliable and the least painful, concerning the SN the purity that I can obtain here in my city is 99%, but I prefer to redirect myself towards the method of N even if this one is difficult to obtain, I prefer take the risk.
Ive looked at the Resource Pages and i know what SN is but what is N?
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Can’t do this anymore
Jan 28, 2021
Ive looked at the Resource Pages and i know what SN is but what is N?
Nembutal. It's what vets use to put down sick and dying animals.
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Aug 12, 2020
A big problem with n is the risk of prison if caught with it
People don't really go to prison. Those who have been caught just get is taken away and sometimes get sent to a psych ward. One lady in NZ went for a very short time because she was caught buying it and on selling it. You deny deny deny and know your rights. Takes a lot to get a warrant to search your house. They have bigger fish to fry then suicidal people buying N.
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Aug 27, 2021
Has anyone heard if SN could cause a stroke someone stated that it could and that saying there's no long term damage when surviving SN was false does anyone know anything about this? I also thought there was not any long term damage from discussion until I found that comment.
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Jan 9, 2022
Has anyone heard if SN could cause a stroke someone stated that it could and that saying there's no long term damage when surviving SN was false does anyone know anything about this? I also thought there was not any long term damage from discussion until I found that comment.
Did you find this out yet?


Feb 14, 2022
@gus.nixon well said cant agree more . Dont ctb on impulsive , be clear and calm.

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