
Oct 25, 2020
Is there any data on the reliability of the exit bag?

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
I've got no statistics, but what I can tell you right now is that method is highly unreliable. Your survival instinct will kick in during your sleep, and you're left with brain damage or become a vegetable. I haven't been in SS long, but I can tell that no one is using it because it's that unreliable. It could work in theory, but it's practically impossible. I've seen pictures from PPH where elderly dies using exit bag, but they were the lucky ones. Forget this method and find something else.

When people choose asphyxiation method, they choose monoxide poisoning instead because they just sleep on it and die on the following day, and that's if things are going well. I believe that they have nothing to tie around their neck, but they are confined in a small space. I read months ago in some post that a SS member CTB by monoxide poisoning at the forest in his camping tent with some kind of machine that produces monoxide. I don't remember who, but he may have died, or God forbid, be in permanent vegetative state. I'll search into it someday.

I digress. Anyway, sorry that I don't have the data. I know that you're seeking a "holy grail" of quick and painless death. The only way that's possible is getting a high quality N or SN.
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Jun 28, 2020
I've got no statistics, but what I can tell you right now is that method is highly unreliable. Your survival instinct will kick in during your sleep, and you're left with brain damage or become a vegetable. I haven't been in SS long, but I can tell that no one is using it because it's that unreliable. It could work in theory, but it's practically impossible. I've seen pictures from PPH where elderly dies using exit bag, but they were the lucky ones. Forget this method and find something else.

When people choose asphyxiation method, they choose monoxide poisoning instead because they just sleep on it and die on the following day, and that's if things are going well. I believe that they have nothing to tie around their neck, but they are confined in a small space. I read months ago in some post that a SS member CTB by monoxide poisoning at the forest in his camping tent with some kind of machine that produces monoxide. I don't remember who, but he may have died, or God forbid, be in permanent vegetative state. I'll search into it someday.

I digress. Anyway, sorry that I don't have the data. I know that you're seeking a "holy grail" of quick and painless death. The only way that's possible is getting a high quality N or SN.
Would you have any data to support your claims?
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Mare Imbrium

Mare Imbrium

Killing yourself to live.
Dec 10, 2020
I've got no statistics, but what I can tell you right now is that method is highly unreliable. Your survival instinct will kick in during your sleep, and you're left with brain damage or become a vegetable. I haven't been in SS long, but I can tell that no one is using it because it's that unreliable. It could work in theory, but it's practically impossible. I've seen pictures from PPH where elderly dies using exit bag, but they were the lucky ones. Forget this method and find something else.

When people choose asphyxiation method, they choose monoxide poisoning instead because they just sleep on it and die on the following day, and that's if things are going well. I believe that they have nothing to tie around their neck, but they are confined in a small space. I read months ago in some post that a SS member CTB by monoxide poisoning at the forest in his camping tent with some kind of machine that produces monoxide. I don't remember who, but he may have died, or God forbid, be in permanent vegetative state. I'll search into it someday.

I digress. Anyway, sorry that I don't have the data. I know that you're seeking a "holy grail" of quick and painless death. The only way that's possible is getting a high quality N or SN.
You are wrong with your statements. Many people from this forum consider ctb with exit bag and some have done it successfully.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
Would you have any data to support your claims?
After looking at it, it seems that I'm wrong. It's rated 8/10 in PPH, but it's easy to get it wrong. I've also read somewhere that manufacturers or sellers of helium gas cylinders tend to lie on the amount or purity of the content. Some mix oxygen in helium tank, and could leave you with permanent brain damage. We don't know of the success rate completely since those who attempted have either died or in vegetative state.
You are wrong with your statements. Many people from this forum consider ctb with exit bag and some have done it successfully.
Maybe you're right. I have only joined in SS since January of this year. So far, I haven't read much post about exit bag, and most of it are question related. I've always wondered how they did it. Do you know a particular user who found success with it and how they did it?
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Mare Imbrium

Mare Imbrium

Killing yourself to live.
Dec 10, 2020
@Crushed Innocence did it, for example, and made photos of the equipment.
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Jun 28, 2020
After looking at it, it seems that I'm wrong. It's rated 8/10 in PPH, but it's easy to get it wrong. I've also read somewhere that manufacturers or sellers of helium gas cylinders tend to lie on the amount or purity of the content. Some mix oxygen in helium tank, and could leave you with permanent brain damage. We don't know of the success rate completely since those who attempted have either died or in vegetative state.

Maybe you're right. I have only joined in SS since January of this year. So far, I haven't read much post about exit bag, and most of it are question related. I've always wondered how they did it. Do you know a particular user who found success with it and how they did it?
People do not employ helium anymore but instead, use nitrogen or argon. You may wish to review my blog to update your understanding of the exit bag method.
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
@Crushed Innocence did it, for example, and made photos of the equipment.
Thank you for telling me. I found the post of @Crushed_Innocence (RIP).
People do not employ helium anymore but instead, use nitrogen or argon. You may wish to review my blog to update your understanding of the exit bag method.
Thank you! I may have found a new method. The preparation can be a pain, but it sure is easier than getting an N or SN. Thank you for writing a blog about it. I will be a reader of your blog from now on.
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If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
Is there any data on the reliability of the exit bag?

Bored Cat GIF
once my catnip is out, I will update you
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One step closer
Oct 28, 2020
I've got no statistics, but what I can tell you right now is that method is highly unreliable. Your survival instinct will kick in during your sleep, and you're left with brain damage or become a vegetable. I haven't been in SS long, but I can tell that no one is using it because it's that unreliable. It could work in theory, but it's practically impossible. I've seen pictures from PPH where elderly dies using exit bag, but they were the lucky ones. Forget this method and find something else.

When people choose asphyxiation method, they choose monoxide poisoning instead because they just sleep on it and die on the following day, and that's if things are going well. I believe that they have nothing to tie around their neck, but they are confined in a small space. I read months ago in some post that a SS member CTB by monoxide poisoning at the forest in his camping tent with some kind of machine that produces monoxide. I don't remember who, but he may have died, or God forbid, be in permanent vegetative state. I'll search into it someday.

I digress. Anyway, sorry that I don't have the data. I know that you're seeking a "holy grail" of quick and painless death. The only way that's possible is getting a high quality N or SN.
You don't know what you are talking about. Sorry.
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Sep 5, 2020
I tried carbon monixide with a bbq in a bathroom some years ago - and failed!
The experience of it was so agonising and harsh that I landed in intensive care for 48 hours and was scared for couple of years to have another attempt although I want to give up my life due to severe phyiscall illness constantly (the carbon monixide didn't cause any lasting damage though it totally could have happend as my oxygen saturation level was very low even when I arrrived in the hospital).The inert gas method is now something that seems to offer a sollution for my wish to not live anymore and I was feeling a first relief after I was able to assemble every needed item at the end of the last year. Now it is only about regaining the bravery I had before my first and only attempt.
When I used carbon monoxide I
fell asleep but woke up again in a deeply dizzy/foggy state. That state was so bad that some program in me must have opened the bathroom door and crawled to the living room where a window was left opened by me because I didn't want that carbon monoxide that might surpass thru walls could affect neighbours behind those living room walls that were the only ones with people behind it. I can barely remember it - it's been a state between "sleeping" and "being awake".
I don't want into detail about what happend next and how I got rescued, but what I want to make clear is that my intention to die was clear and my determination unstoppable.
It was my body that was reacting, not me!

The problem with carbon monoxide is that one can't controll the amount that is needed to have a quick "knock out" without re-awakaning
. Plus one must make sure that there are no other people behind the walls and not over the ceiling or under the room. Although an amount of only 1%-1,2% of air filled with carbon monoxide is considered to be deadly It is hard to find something that will indicate if that amount is being reached or not.
To open a door just to move into an enclosed room might make the amount sind rapidly and then you don't know how much is still in the room as you even didn't know how much specificly your bbq and your type of chacroal has produced. I had done a lot of research before my attempt some years ago and all I could find are estimates about the production rate of let's say 1kg chacroal per minute. The amount of how much CO is being produced might varry a lot depending also on what type of charoal one has and how long or how deep its structure has burned.
There are so many uncertainties with CO that I would prioritise exit bag+nitrogen.
with pure nitrogen (4.0 or higher) and a flowmeter however it seems that it is only q question whether I will knock out after 15 or 50 secounds.

The only remaining problem that remains might be to not pull the bag or if done with a scuba diver mask to not pull mask from the head unconciously.

Some mentioned to construct something with ropes or similar that would prevent the hands to be able to uplift once the bag is over the head. If anyone has ideas on how this could work I would be extremely thankfull for the share!
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