

Oct 12, 2020
Write any experience with the police that you consider interesting or abnormal.

I start with what happened to me a few hours ago...I was with my rollerblades like every day on the bike path, it is not very long so I dedicate myself to repeating the route several times. I always carry my backpack with my shoes and bird food + sliced bread, I take the opportunity to take a break in an area that is nested by several birds and I know that they stop to eat there (everything I have put disappears every day).
The fact is while I was on the longest straight (where I take advantage of going as fast as possible), a local police car (very modern) gets on, occupying the whole of the road and giving me high beams with the car. I braked as I could (because even if I defend myself by skating, I'm not very good at stopping :ahhha:). As he stood in front of me, I take off my music headphones and I realize that I had another car behind me blocking my way; a normal car where a man, who I suppose was incognito, came out (because he was not wearing a uniform).
Apparently, someone saw me feeding the birds and thought that I was putting sausages with hooks because recently some bastard distributed that all the way and a dog was injured ... I understood the situation because it happened recently and surely I seemed suspicious although it was a bit overwhelming the check while I had my hand on the hood of the car and the backpack…Obviously everything was in order and they left me.

As a second experience, it was about 9 years ago or so ... it was my time when I smoked joints in the street with my friends. One night, one of my friends bikes was stolen while we were at the bar. We were hanging around searching but no luck. After a while, I started smoking and saw how the group was talking to 2 men that I had never seen. I got closer and, as the conversation was going, they were 2 cops (incognito) who were patrolling the area (it was a tourist area with a lot of pickpockets) and my friends were telling them what happened. The fact is that, literally, the policemen gave us permission to beat them up if we caught the thief (they told us where the bike could be).
When he finished speaking, one of the policemen gave me a penetrating look but said nothing, instantly I put what was left of the joint in my cigarette case:)).
In the end, the bike was found found where they said but with several rabble nearby , when they saw my colleague of +2 meters crazy as shit and politely asking if anyone knew anything about it, they were obviously quiet and freaked out.

I admit that, although I may not have a very high opinion of them, in both cases they were correct and pleasant.
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Jun 29, 2020
Cops brought me to a hospital during my psychosis.
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Mar 22, 2020
This will be long but you'll see how the police was part of this story in a few lines lol:

Some years ago, I used to have this mythomaniacal and kleptomaniac friend. Just as the words suggest. he lied all the time and stole your stuff.

At first, his lies were very silly, such as "Oh, I completed this game in 2 hours. It's a new world record" and he wouldn't steal anything as long as you monitored him very well.
However, things got worse and his lies became more serious. Once, he said he had got a new job and beautiful girlfriend and all the time bragged about them.
Thus, my friends and I got fed up with it and decided to spy on him. We cancelled all the stuff we had to do and went a Monday to his house with a friend's car at 6am and waited for him to get out from his house so as to see if he was going to work.
Hours went by, nothing happened, until....SOMETHING HAPPENED!!


They aimed guns at us and yelled: "STAY FROZEN OR WE SHOOT"
They thought we were drug dealers or some kind of thieves because we had been way too long waiting in a car, in a commercial zone. The neighbors got so suspicious of us that they called the cops. It was hell.

There were a policeman and a policewoman. The guy was very agressive. He pushed us against their patrol car and checked if we had anything suspicious with us. We had NOTHING. Not even alcohol or weed. Just some CARDS and BOARD GAMES to spend our time waiting for our mythomaniacal friend to get out from his house.

I remember the guy saying "Do you really think I believe your story? I'm gonna send you to jail and make you suck some cocks, bitches."
I realized that not saying anything was the smartest move so I stayed quiet, explained properly our story and showed him my ID.

Finally, the police left but told us to leave too. My friends were crying because they really thought we were going to jail. I was scared but jail sounded way too extreme. We hadn't done anything!

Anyway, after that we pretended to leave and rang the bell at my liar friend's house. He came out with a sleeping face and we asked him: "Didn't you tell us you had to work today?" He panicked and answer "Oh no, I was absent today because I had to do some paperwork in the morning". Just as you probably already know, that was a lie because we were all the morning outside waiting for him to come out but he never did.

After that, we found some of our stuff in his house such as memory cards, joysticks, cards, cds and dvds.

We stopped talking to him and I bet he is still a kleptomaniac and mythomaniacal because he never admitted he needed help lol.
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Sep 28, 2020
Had one on lockdown. Drove to the beach for some air, police showed up, wanted to fine me and others sea observers 200 euros, for not complying with lockdown rules.
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Oct 12, 2020
This will be long but you'll see how the police was part of this story in a few lines lol:

Some years ago, I used to have this mythomaniacal and kleptomaniac friend. Just as the words suggest. he lied all the time and stole your stuff.

At first, his lies were very silly, such as "Oh, I completed this game in 2 hours. It's a new world record" and he wouldn't steal anything as long as you monitored him very well.
However, things got worse and his lies became more serious. Once, he said he had got a new job and beautiful girlfriend and all the time bragged about them.
Thus, my friends and I got fed up with it and decided to spy on him. We cancelled all the stuff we had to do and went a Monday to his house with a friend's car at 6am and waited for him to get out from his house so as to see if he was going to work.
Hours went by, nothing happened, until....SOMETHING HAPPENED!!


They aimed guns at us and yelled: "STAY FROZEN OR WE SHOOT"
They thought we were drug dealers or some kind of thieves because we had been way too long waiting in a car, in a commercial zone. The neighbors got so suspicious of us that they called the cops. It was hell.

There were a policeman and a policewoman. The guy was very agressive. He pushed us against their patrol car and checked if we had anything suspicious with us. We had NOTHING. Not even alcohol or weed. Just some CARDS and BOARD GAMES to spend our time waiting for our mythomaniacal friend to get out from his house.

I remember the guy saying "Do you really think I believe your story? I'm gonna send you to jail and make you suck some cocks, bitches."
I realized that not saying anything was the smartest move so I stayed quiet, explained properly our story and showed him my ID.

Finally, the police left but told us to leave too. My friends were crying because they really thought we were going to jail. I was scared but jail sounded way too extreme. We hadn't done anything!

Anyway, after that we pretended to leave and rang the bell at my liar friend's house. He came out with a sleeping face and we asked him: "Didn't you tell us you had to work today?" He panicked and answer "Oh no, I was absent today because I had to do some paperwork in the morning". Just as you probably already know, that was a lie because we were all the morning outside waiting for him to come out but he never did.

After that, we found some of our stuff in his house such as memory cards, joysticks, cards, cds and dvds.

We stopped talking to him and I bet he is still a kleptomaniac and mythomaniacal because he never admitted he needed help lol.
What an experience o_o, luckily the situation did not get worse.

Had one on lockdown. Drove to the beach for some air, police showed up, wanted to fine me and others sea observers 200 euros, for not complying with lockdown rules.

It's bad luck that the bitter ones came on duty :/.
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signifying nothing

signifying nothing

Sep 13, 2020
I was arrested for trespassing in an abandoned pub (the police were called out because of a group of youths causing havoc in the area, they found me instead). I told them what I was doing there - clearing up the litter and junk as an outlet for my compulsion to clear up/throw stuff away at the time. They patted me down and put me in the back of the police van whilst they checked my details over the radio. I then started to have a panic attack from being held in a confined space, so they had to let me out. A few minutes more on the radio and they had decided I was pretty harmless (it was around Halloween, so they had better things to be doing than deal with a crazy person) and so they de-arrested me and one of the policemen gave me a lift home, barely a minute down the road... All a bit bizarre really.
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Worthless Loser
Mar 29, 2021
They smashed up my car, took away my favourite blade, assaulted me, forcibly searched me and dragged me to their car. Sectioned me.
I shouted abuse at them for hours and threatened to kill them.
The whole thing was ridulous.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
My experiences with the police have ranged from tame to pleasant. I've never been pulled over but when I was a kid I've been in every possible seat in a police car. First time was when my mom called the police on my dad because he hid her car so since I knew I got to ride shotgun and show them where he hid it.

Second time was when I ran away from home in 7th grade because I feared my dad's wrath from getting detention in school for the first time. When the police found me I was put in the backseat to be sent home and that's when I got a taste of how hard it would be to escape from the backseat. At this point I was too exhausted to resist so I just fell asleep.

The third time I was in the police station for some reason I forgot about and got a chance to sit in the driver seat (not while it was on of course but still).

The one time I did get into a car accident they arrived, took notes of the situation or whatever, and just let us be.

I realized how useless the police were in some situations later when my car got broken into and a bunch of my stuff was stolen. I know I shouldn't have left those things inside but they were in an innocuous drawstring bag so they could have just as easily been gym clothes instead of gaming controllers. I tried to file a police report but they said they couldn't do anything about it.
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a hikikomori waiting to catch the bus
Mar 1, 2021
I remember this time I scared a police officer because he was going to take my dad's license but then I had a sudden meltdown and started screaming. The officer let us go because he was scared, according to my dad. My dad really liked the surprised and scared look the officer had on his face apparently.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
In Germany, you mostly meet racist cops.
If you're a foreigner, they tend to even handcuff you because they think you might run away. I once defeated myself with a blank gun (I had a license for it ) and I and the criminal scum who tried to rob me, git put into the same police cruiser.
Back in 2013 I had an accident on a highway where someone was tailgating me and end up driving into me when I need to do an emergency breaking and the cops blamed me for this crap..
They even didn't took the dashcam footage because it was "an illegal video footage".

However, there was a black cop in my city who patrolled the city and he was a very cool cop. He talked with people, he was nice and I even invited him for an ice cream during a hot summer day. I wonder if he moved or got promoted because I didn't seen him anywhere :|
I hope nothing bad happened to him since I hate cops but he was the only cop who was just different than the other ones in my town
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Dec 20, 2020
have a strong dislike of police and all authority.

was left naked in a cell for 18 hours after being strip searched for no reason with a broken ankle a black eye and a general roughin up but i was more upset about my clothes being cut off they were expensive

i make a point of being difficult everytime i have an interaction with them now :halo:
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drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
after I had a severe adverse reaction to a psychiatric drug, my parents sent me to a mental clinic involuntary because they refused to admit my behavior was caused by drug induced neurological damage. While I was on the ward, the people there where very abusive and I really wanted to get out. But I had no way to call my parents, I had no phone and no permission to make calls. So I stole the phone of one of the staff members and called 911 and told them I was being held againt my will on a house and that I needed help to get out. They sent a police officer to the ward and I told him my story and he promised to help me get out. After that, a stupid therapist stole my journal, wrote that I was suicidal, and showed it to him for him to think I was actually "crazy" and had to be there. He then left and never helped me get out. Fuck that therapist.
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Dec 13, 2018
In the last years I got my distant reasons to avoid them. I can't describe In English what i really think about most of them. In short - not a single functioning brain cell can be found there, and this has it's far away impact on my world.

Most recent positive :
Last year I was with my father driving my car. We were stoped by patrol for regular docs check. When the guy came closer to the opened window my dad said very loud "we are so fucked up". It took him half an hour for checks to get the joke;) while I had around 2M and work phone in my notebook bag. Dad still has no idea what it cost me to stay calm and laugh with him.
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Nov 30, 2020
One ran me over when I was 7. Broke my leg in 2 places, suspected internal damage was blood coming from my mouth where I went headfirst into the metal bumper. Got arrested for shoplifting when I was 15. Fucker punched me on the back and started acting like a big man. Got stopped on my moped for no l plates. Plod asked me where I live and I said "over there" and he replied "don't get funny with me" Stupid cunt didn't believe me that I literally stayed over there.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I got beat up by a couple of cops recently. I was drunk and circumvented the curfew. I think they were scared when I momentarily lost consciousness and they left. The logical thing would have been to stop or call an ambulance, not to fight with a drunk of 85 kilos to be able to handcuff me. Maybe it's that they shrugged my arms and that's why they couldn't. I remember a headache and neck pain ever since. The baton-shaped bruises are healing well.
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Jun 29, 2020
Did they behave or were they assholes?
I was the misbehaving asshole. One of the cops spoke Russian and that made me stop resisting. He played some random Russian music to me in the car to calm me down. At the hospital, some other cops came and guarded me. One of my hands was cuffed to the hospital bed and they got a female cop to stand by my bed while two others stood outside the door. She made small talk. It was an overall positive experience I would say. I had scars from the handcuffs tho which took a few weeks to pass.
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Oct 12, 2020
They have stopped me again for the same thing :ahhha:. This time 1 car that was not from the police and 2 from the local, quick check of the backpack and nothing more. Although I feel sorry for the dogs, I find this situation more amusing than anything else.
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Nov 30, 2020
They have stopped me again for the same thing :ahhha:. This time 1 car that was not from the police and 2 from the local, quick check of the backpack and nothing more. Although I feel sorry for the dogs, I find this situation more amusing than anything else.
Buggers. I had my bag searched once while waiting for the bus. Only thing in it were some tatties. He was looking for a powerdrill?! What the fuck would I be doing with one of them? I just let him get on with it and went back to playing a game on my phone. He even followed me on to the bus for my name and address, which for anyone that wants to dox me was:

Michael ******
H*** M***** Farm
DG9 ***
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Jan 17, 2021
I sometimes get in trouble with police at airports and London Heathrow especially. I get motion sickness when the plane lifts and lands, so when I exit the plane I'm usually feeling ill. Instead of asking me if I'm alright, the police checkers always assume that I'm jacked on every kind of drug, take me to side rooms, interrogate me and search my stuff. In London it happens every single time to the point that I've started planning my trips to avoid London.

This is absolutely rage inducing and I've investigated the reasons; apparently some airports have trouble with large amounts of CCP officials flying out of China to do drugs and party away from home eyes. Meaning that if you're an asian in a suit walking wobbly, they'll want to take you aside "just in case".

It's an occupational hazard. Assuming the worst of people is in the job description. This means it's wise to avoid any unnecessary contact with the police. They'll mess you up "just in case" and think nothing of it.
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existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
I also have a story with the police! It happened a few weeks ago.
I was outside smoking weed at my usual spot. After I finished I decided to take a short walk. A few minutes passed and suddenly 2 cop cars were on the sidewalk coming my direction.
The cop told me I should stop and wait for his colleagues to arrive.
I asked him why he stopped me but he just straight up ignored me. I was scared and I thought they saw me smoking weed (which is illegal here in Germany).
It didn't really make sense because there was no way they could've seen me.
Another 2 cop cars arrived and then the police officer told me that a few people were stealing from a store nearby and they think that I am one of the suspects.
I was a little bit relieved but I was still scared that they could find out I was high af. They searched me and took my details and I was literally on the verge of a panic attack.
The cops were total dickheads and acted like I was the thief.
Luckily they let me go after a few minutes but it was still a really scary experience...
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