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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Hey TAW122 here and just found my old microphone (Samson Go Mic) and decided to record some rambling on some of the issues that I have and my two cents. First audio recording is just an introduction while the other two are about therapy and virginity.

My Intro

Why Therapy is bunk (for me)

Virginity misconception (what people don't get)

Anyways feel free to chime or to add to it, maybe I'm not the only person who thinks like this.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I listened to your virginity misconception and I would say it's simply a case of overthinking it, and giving weight to something that doesn't deserve it. Just think how many people have had sex, and how many people are having sex right now. Nothing is more overrated than sex. Don't make it into some grand event, I think that is the problem.

We are first taught by our parents that sex is some taboo, which makes us think it's something mysterious and captivates our imagination, then we grow up with teens with their overblown and exaggerated stories of how they lost their virginity, then as we get older we see it in films, and hear immature adults talk about it as if they've reached the pinnacle of life by having sex.

If you want to experience sex, try Tinder or Happn. But don't be fussy, even look for older women, and I wouldn't give any long speeches, not just about virginity misconception but about anything at all. Just keep the conversation simple and lighthearted. Women tend to like to talk about Netflix and music and things like that. Just nod your head in agreement and keep buying her drinks.

After a few drinks then it's the tricky part, getting her to go back home with you. Beforehand, when she's notably tipsy and her eyes are watery, subtlety move your chair next to hers, without making it look conspicuous. Complement her on some characteristic, like her eyes (all women love that, especially when you're looking at them while your saying it). The perfect eye contact is made when you can see little white dots towards the top right of her eye, and look right into her pupils. She'll probably look down then back up again; the sign she wants to be kissed. Don't kiss her in a haphazard way but gently and calmly, pull back after a few seconds, make eye contact again, then kiss again, this time for longer and more passionately, though don't overdo it.

That's the hardest part over and done with. Then, return to the previous conversation and occasionally kiss her, though be careful not to overdo it, once or twice more is sufficient. Now say that you've got some drinks back at yours, some gin (Bombay Sapphire is a woman's favourite) and tonic, and ask if she wants to come back with you. At first she may decline, depending on her age, if she does, say it'll only be for a drink, nothing more! Say this with a cheeky grin, and she'll pretend to reluctantly agree.

If you haven't had sex before, this is the difficult part. In this case, the golden rule is this: do not tell her! You'll probably need some viagra, take this just before or after you get in the taxi, making sure she doesn't see. Typically it'll take 30 to 40 minutes to take effect, you'll know when it has as your face will heat up. Then make the drinks and casually lie her down and kiss her calmly, while slowly undressing her. She'll willingly give you a hand in that. Then proceed to lick, then insert.

Basically don't get yourself worked up over all this. Think all that is happening is the exchange of a bit of bodily fluid, nothing more, nothing less. It'll be over before you know it. And don't worry about finishing before her, even if she says she hasn't cum, disregard this as the priority is to lose your virginity. In any case, if you've taken viagra she shouldn't have to wait very long.

After it's done I promise you you'll be thinking "all this contemplation about that! Something so simple and nowhere near as pleasurable as it's made out to be!". The key thing in all this is to not take it seriously, there is nothing serious or important in sex. Something overrated and blown out of all proportion by arrogant teens, frigid parents, and immature adults.

Though a final point would be I'd agree with your friends about the prostitute. But if you don't want to go down that alley, then Tinder or Happn are the best bet. Good luck.
I don't think it's a good idea to encourage disingenuous behavior to get a woman to have sex with the OP.
I mean no disrespect but some of your advice verges on predatory and blurs the line.
I know you are trying to help, but there is more than one person in the scenario you are trying to set up.
The hypothetical girl will end up being a human being, not some means to an end.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I don't think it's a good idea to encourage disingenuous behavior to get a woman to have sex with the OP.
I mean no disrespect but some of your advice verges on predatory and blurs the line.
I know you are trying to help, but there is more than one person in the scenario you are trying to set up.
The hypothetical girl will end up being a human being, not some means to an end.

I agree with you LastFlowers, and given how daunting and complex trying to get game (difficult for people with social anxiety, Aspergers, and socially awkward people like me), it may be 'easier' for me to just pay for it (legally of course). Also, I'm not interested in getting into a relationship and it's going to be a one-off thing. Right now, I'm just thinking of trying to do it without breaking my bank or getting scammed.

Nevada (where prostitution is legal in licensed brothels) may be closer and cheaper than going to Europe, but it's likely that prices will be VERY expensive and also just going to Nevada for a vacation is less adventurous than Europe as I've never been to Europe in my life. (IIRC I've been to the Grand Canyon and visisted Vegas with family when I was younger, like over 2 decades ago).

Europe (Netherlands or Germany) seems like a better deal with prostitutes and much more affordable (especially in Amsterdam RLD and/or Germany where prostitution is just common as ever and even cheaper), but the main cost is the flight to Europe. If it is possible to find a flight for around 400-500 USD or under 1000 USD (I'm sure there might be such a deal and I don't mind booking many months in advance for a good deal), then it may solve my problem.

Anyways this topic isn't just solely about virginity and why therapy is useless for me, but just a random assortment of my two cents and thoughts on various topics as well as venting, so I do have a few more in mind.

Other rants and two cents/thoughts:

The word and verbiage of 'can't' vs 'won't'

CTB'ing if losing ability/talent or become disabled

Anyways, thanks for your response too.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This another speech about virginity and just really a response against the people who (tried) to talk me out of (legally) paying for sex in places where prostitution is legal. Their reasoning is really weak and often lacks evidence to support their claims, (see below).

Bullshit reasoning and false hope


Apr 2, 2019
Definitely the development of my eating disorder. I suppose it wasn't painful at first, I didn't know there was an issue.. I was only 11. However, by age 15, it'd become an agonizing routine.
I would rarely experience extremely short breaks from the disordered thoughts, actions and compulsions. I was lucky if just two weeks passed and I was ED-free for just those moments. I don't know why I got breaks, maybe I was high enough or distracted enough.
She always comes back, though. Can't catch a fucking break.
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