quitter's room
- Mar 18, 2025
- 6
Im using this as something like a journal, and yes the title is a petscop reference since I'm in this halfway spot where I rapidly jump between having to die and wanting to live.
I do actually have journals I write in but keeping it all to myself seems to be doing more harm than good and putting it somewhere visible where I can be open about everything eases this weird strangling feeling I've always had in my head. Im sick of bottling everything and Im sick of lying all the time about my emotions and the fact my life fucking sucks. I want to be honest and Im going to try and break the pattern of sugar coating everything I go through for the sake of other people. I want to learn to be selfish. Feel free to offer advice or ask questions, Im making this public for a reason.

I turn 19 next week and I'm not happy about it.
I've always hated my birthday honestly so thats not all that surprising, but the older I get the more fucked up shit happens to me. So birthdays have become this almost hilarious arbiter of doom signaling to me that my life is infact about to get even harder than it already was. For context, growing up something would always go wrong near/on my birthday and it would always end with me in tears. My most recent birthday I had 2 seizures, lost all my emotions for a week and couldn't read properly for months afterwards, I still struggle a lot more with writing than I used to but atp I cant tell if its a trauma thing or a side effect.

Im still reeling from my rejection from school which I also got this month, which meant I lost my plan for the next 4 years, my health insurance that was going to cover my top surgery and now is not going to, and my scholarship I worked my ass off for is up in flames. So yeah bandit is not having a good month guys what'll happen now maybe my family will die in a random car crash too find out next time on dragon ball z.
Im still not over the fact all my friends got in and my application score looked sketchy as fuck according to literally everyone, and the school refuses to take another look too so fuck em. Im gonna try and get an apprenticeship either at a tattoo shop since I have the credentials for it (which you need for some reason..?) Or ask my uncle if he'll let me be his apprentice or something. Everyone keeps telling me to apply for school again next year but I cant figure out if it's a stupid idea or not given the fact I just lost all my financial aid.

I do actually have journals I write in but keeping it all to myself seems to be doing more harm than good and putting it somewhere visible where I can be open about everything eases this weird strangling feeling I've always had in my head. Im sick of bottling everything and Im sick of lying all the time about my emotions and the fact my life fucking sucks. I want to be honest and Im going to try and break the pattern of sugar coating everything I go through for the sake of other people. I want to learn to be selfish. Feel free to offer advice or ask questions, Im making this public for a reason.

I turn 19 next week and I'm not happy about it.
I've always hated my birthday honestly so thats not all that surprising, but the older I get the more fucked up shit happens to me. So birthdays have become this almost hilarious arbiter of doom signaling to me that my life is infact about to get even harder than it already was. For context, growing up something would always go wrong near/on my birthday and it would always end with me in tears. My most recent birthday I had 2 seizures, lost all my emotions for a week and couldn't read properly for months afterwards, I still struggle a lot more with writing than I used to but atp I cant tell if its a trauma thing or a side effect.

Im still reeling from my rejection from school which I also got this month, which meant I lost my plan for the next 4 years, my health insurance that was going to cover my top surgery and now is not going to, and my scholarship I worked my ass off for is up in flames. So yeah bandit is not having a good month guys what'll happen now maybe my family will die in a random car crash too find out next time on dragon ball z.
Im still not over the fact all my friends got in and my application score looked sketchy as fuck according to literally everyone, and the school refuses to take another look too so fuck em. Im gonna try and get an apprenticeship either at a tattoo shop since I have the credentials for it (which you need for some reason..?) Or ask my uncle if he'll let me be his apprentice or something. Everyone keeps telling me to apply for school again next year but I cant figure out if it's a stupid idea or not given the fact I just lost all my financial aid.

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