

New Member
Apr 2, 2020
I've looked but if you want to redirect me to other threads here with this topic that's helpful too.

If I kill myself using carbon monoxide, would I still get an autopsy? I wonder if i can set it up to explode after I die, I don't want my body seen or tampered with.

I understand the police have to do an investigation. Is having medical history of my mental illnesses since I was 11, plus a suicide note, enough to leave me alone? If I delete my google accounts and such, will the police request google to reopen them to investigate?

I plan to write different notes to different people, and have one general suicide note. If the general one's really detailed and shit, do the police have to read the other notes as well?

Finally, my parents would make a big deal out of my death and try to campaign it. It would be so disrespectful to who I am that I seeth thinking about it. They'd probably try to go public. It's the one thing that's kept me from suicide for the past year or so. I know it won't matter anymore when I'm dead because I won't be there to feel the pain that would give me. But suicide requires me to give up control over how I'm seen, ... not that I had much control in the first place. I've slowly let go since nothing matters... but I haven't all the way. How do I let go of this fully? It hurts a lot

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Jun 15, 2020
Sorry I don't have answers for you but may you find peace whatever you are looking for
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Jul 7, 2020

Are you trying to have an uneventful death investigation? In that case i would use as many signs and resources to indicate suicide, such as a note in paper or on a computer hard drive.

I would reccomend doing it in a garage or other private place and putting up a notice of caution outside of the scene. Something along the lines of "CAUTION: SUICIDE SCENE AHEAD, do not enter, as you may be exposed to toxic gas"

Hopefully that would keep nosy people away feom your body and bring the police. If they wish to see your family's suicide notes, maybe explicitly tell them not to investigate the other notes in the general note.

Maybe get a last will and testament notarized?

Ultimately, i don't know how police, medical examiner etc. In your area investigate, so there will be a level of uncertainty there, but i think you just need to do your best to assuage the concerns of investigators and your loved ones before you go.
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New Member
Apr 2, 2020
I've never actually written on this forum before so I'm not sure if I can tag people or not....

But thank you, Brokenwithbpd, I hope you find peace as well

And thanks Theregoesthatidea, that's good advice. I've thought about a will but getting it notarized is a good reminder. I will definitely go through a detailed process leaving information behind. To go with little drama as possible would be nice


Feb 4, 2020
I've looked but if you want to redirect me to other threads here with this topic that's helpful too.

If I kill myself using carbon monoxide, would I still get an autopsy? I wonder if i can set it up to explode after I die, I don't want my body seen or tampered with.

I understand the police have to do an investigation. Is having medical history of my mental illnesses since I was 11, plus a suicide note, enough to leave me alone? If I delete my google accounts and such, will the police request google to reopen them to investigate?

I plan to write different notes to different people, and have one general suicide note. If the general one's really detailed and shit, do the police have to read the other notes as well?

Finally, my parents would make a big deal out of my death and try to campaign it. It would be so disrespectful to who I am that I seeth thinking about it. They'd probably try to go public. It's the one thing that's kept me from suicide for the past year or so. I know it won't matter anymore when I'm dead because I won't be there to feel the pain that would give me. But suicide requires me to give up control over how I'm seen, ... not that I had much control in the first place. I've slowly let go since nothing matters... but I haven't all the way. How do I let go of this fully? It hurts a lot


Nope not in the slightest, an autopsy will typically still go ahead.

Have a read of my responses in this thread for some explanation as to why.

Police will likely read all notes you leave, both to gain insight into your mindset behind the suicide, as well as to rule out anything which might suggest a homicide or accidental death.

You correctly identify these concerns as being due to anxiety over how others see you. You will need to let go of this fully in order to suicide. Some people also tend to want to control how they are seen or what happens after their suicide as a kind of attempt at partial immortality. This is ultimately a pointless mindset as well.
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Jul 19, 2020
Hi. I've been wondering the same things you have. I think it would be best to delete anything personal off your phone/computer, clear your history, etcetera. I don't know if the police would still try to recover it, your family might. Just try to delete everything, make sure you have a pass no one else knows about on phone and computer, etcetera, because that's basically all you can do so it's worth a try. (You may want to keep a backup that somehow can stay secret enough in the event that your attempt fails.) I have the same worries about news of my death being spread around. I want to CTB (partly) because I'm ashamed of my life and who I am and feel like I'm an embarassment so to have everyone talking about me afterwards would just go against the reason i'm doing it. I personally would not leave any notes because that will basically just make people want to make a big deal out of your death even more. It may give them closure but I doubt it, they might even show the note around or tell others of its contents to people you didn't consent to seeing it. Notes would just cause more discussion about your death, I think. If you do want to write a note just request that you don't want your death to be talked about. Request that you don't want a public obituary, because then tons of people will know about it and will talk to your parents about it and they'll be sure to make a big deal around it. If you don't want it to be made a big deal of, then any attention on it (People seeing ambulances at your house, try to do it on a working day during working hours when people are away, notes, obituaries, etc) is bad. But you technically can't really control it. Your parents may ignore your wishes to be more private if campaigning about it makes them feel better (Because once you're dead people say it's about the living now so it doesn't really matter what you wanted. Especially people desd by CTB) or if they think your wish was wrong and they'll invalidate it and say you were just not in the right place mentally when you wished that so they don't have to respect wishes, or something. But I can relate to how you're feelin, wishing people wouldn't go public. I wish when I died all memory of me would be wiped from public consciousness.

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