

she/her, terminally silly :3
Sep 10, 2024
Like just thinking about it just scared me like i'll never be able to actually die from my like subjective experience like... does that mean i'm gonna fail every single attempt? it almost makes me too scared to ever actually attempt im ngl. i hate it its terrifying i dont wanna have to exist like this forever
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David Benatar Enjoyer
Apr 25, 2024
Quantum immortality is nothing more then a theory, but I get your fear of it some how turning out to be true. I also have an irrational fear, that I basically know not to be true, but that still irks me to this day. That's the idea of reincarnation, the idea that even if I died 1,000 times I would always come back into existence just to suffer another life time, in what could possibly be an even worse life then the one I am actively experiencing.

Reincarnation theory has effected me on many instances when considering my CTB, as I imagine Quantum immortality has to you.
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Jul 11, 2024
Today I came across yet another thread in the QI reddit from someone testifying their experience about the absolutely terrifying consequences of ctb from a QI perspective along with post responders confirming the same. It's really mental torture to consider ctb and QI at the same time. I wish I could just go back in time and fix my mistakes and not have to want to ctb and then not be scared of QI. This existence feels like a cosmic booby trap.
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
This cncpt any cncpt make say imrtl etc all nonsns make ppl afrd make glt trp this prolif natal strtgy inflrt all type Sci inflrt acadm put lie put lie keep ppl trap keep ppl nonsns ,alws rmmb ppl make this alws rmmb ppl = Human = high% argnt prolif natal bias,this see math see how cncpt no posbl make cntrdct,
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finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
I'm definitely a bit scared that death is too good to be true... Like really? Never again? No consciousness ever again? Negativity bias, I guess.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Unless this is your first ever life, one thing you know fairly reliably is that, if you do happen to live again, it will (most likely) be without the memory of this life and any other previous lives. Are your past lives bothering you or, is it this one? So, even if it's true, which honestly, I doubt, it likely won't feel like you've lived billions of years. Plus, unless there are parallel universes or whatever- you'll be someone else- surely? Different parents, likely different location, different era. That could be better or worse.

Eventually, if we haven't managed to make ourselves extinct already, the sun will explode and wipe us all out. Then, where do we go? Where were we when humans weren't on this planet? Did we inhabit dinosaurs at that point? How does all this recycling account for increases in population? Were those spirits/ souls/ consciousnesses in animals beforehand? Or, are they being created new? Or, do they come from beings from a different planet? Is that where imagination comes from? That would be kind of cool. If dragons and unicorns etc. actually exist somewhere.

I agree there are weird things about life and consciousness. I'm not a total sceptic. But still, I don't feel like many of these afterlife or multiple life theories are all that strong in terms of evidence. With the billions of lives and deaths that have played out on this earth, you would have thought something more definitive would be obvious by now.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Out of all the theories I've seen for life after death, quantum immortality is the only theory to scare me
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bird is bored of flying
Sep 17, 2024
i figure the next bastard down the line will ctb, too. and the next, and the next. i mean, we've experienced the same things up to that point. or they'll get hit by a car, or just drop dead from poor health, or get eaten by the rabid German Shepherd down the road. there's no such thing as physical immortality— entropy is a constant. eventually, you'll be ctb whether it's willingly or not.
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Oct 31, 2023
I also have this fear, but its a funny thought that if its true I will get some sort of fame for being the worlds oldest person.


Jul 29, 2021
Quantum immortality is a thought experiment associated with the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. This interpretation suggests that every quantum event that could happen actually happens in some parallel universe, creating a branching of realities. Quantum immortality specifically explores what this could mean for a conscious observer, particularly in situations involving life and death.

Quantum immortality suggests that from the individual's subjective experience, they would always find themselves in the universe where they survive, no matter how unlikely the odds become. The consciousness of the person would continue in the branches where they do not die, effectively making them "immortal" from their own perspective. However, in all the other branches, observers would see the person die.
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Former nerd; current burden
Aug 1, 2024
This is interesting. Would you care to explain the theory to me?
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Feb 22, 2024
Today I came across yet another thread in the QI reddit from someone testifying their experience about the absolutely terrifying consequences of ctb from a QI perspective along with post responders confirming the same. It's really mental torture to consider ctb and QI at the same time. I wish I could just go back in time and fix my mistakes and not have to want to ctb and then not be scared of QI. This existence feels like a cosmic booby trap.
Sounds like fanfic/sci-fi fantasy possibly.
Can you link or briefly describe the consequences/experience?

Also to the OP you may want to avoid certain drugs, psychedelics and dissociatives in particular. Salvia, LSD, datura, even DXM can make a mockery of the concept of life and time. In fact I am pretty sure I have been shown this is just one of many infinite hells. If you had a ratio of 1.000...1 : 1 bad:good lifetimes and extend that to infinity, it is still hell in spite of the good, and there is no guarantee of balance. Remember that before this life is purely amnesia, it was probably also hell. It is strange we are here at all yes? Not to scare you.

BUT there is not shit to fear, because we will die (this version of hell) regardless! So...just hope it doesn't get worse. To consider CTB you have to be at the point it's just not worth it anymore anyway. I have made only shit decisions. CTB is the only, and most, rational thing a soul in my position could do.


Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
There is no evidence for any of that no afterlife, no reincarnation , no computer simulation, no quantum immortality, no multi-verses etc . Nothing

I'm glad I know that after Death a human ceases to exist forever .

Most people are not sure like I am : if one is not sure that Death is the end forever then one has to realize there is a possibility of future unending extreme suffering : otherwise you have to be certain that you will be safe from extreme suffering and constant unbearable pain for trillions to the billion power years and beyond. That seems impossible to me because of the law of probability. Just in the short life of a human 90 years there is the probability of something extremely horrible happening. In This life one is taking a gamble every minute.

For example .if immortality were true After the Sun and Earth die then one could floating in space suffering for trillions of years because of course a small animal like a human outlasts planets stares and is indestructible. But I don't believe it . I know it's non-existence and that gives me piece of mind. This life consciousness brain horror that can cause unbearable pain will end soon no matter what . The more I think about It the more horrific this brain in a box/ skull is that it creates such nightmares such long lasting constant unbearable pain. The mor u read the brain books the more abominable this brain illusion is

Since the beginning of writing around 5000 years ago there has not been one repeatable observation nor piece of evidence for any glitch in the supposed matrix, nor of any afterlife nor that life continues in quantum immortality , multiverses nothing

I think all these theories are similar . it's the false belief that consciousness life or existence continues and doesn't end forever with Death for a human

Imo it's kinda a pro-life belief. To believe that life is special or different than chemical reactions . Imo life is not different and is just chemical reactions and machines.

For example we see the sea moving in waves and currents . This and sunlight caused mixture and reactions of chemicals which formed life

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Apr 15, 2024
Like just thinking about it just scared me like i'll never be able to actually die from my like subjective experience like... does that mean i'm gonna fail every single attempt? it almost makes me too scared to ever actually attempt im ngl. i hate it its terrifying i dont wanna have to exist like this forever
If it's true you would experience Quantum Immortality no matter if you ctb or die at old age


Jul 11, 2024
Can you link or briefly describe the consequences/experience?
"Life gets worse with each attempt" was the post. It's a common theme. I agree with your general recommendations to the OP to avoid psychedelics and disassociatives Reading or thinking about it too much usually results in making it worse but there's an element of OCD that makes me want to keep taking a peek. Sometimes the NDE reports can be more soothing though.


Feb 22, 2024
"Life gets worse with each attempt" was the post. It's a common theme. I agree with your general recommendations to the OP to avoid psychedelics and disassociatives Reading or thinking about it too much usually results in making it worse but there's an element of OCD that makes me want to keep taking a peek. Sometimes the NDE reports can be more soothing though.
Okay not too worried about that...reads like antichoicer pro-torturist propaganda: "Suicide is impossible but the consequences are dire." Why? Specifically, why would it be different than the regular inevitable deaths from accidents, diseases etc that quantum immortality is supposedly going to dodge around. How about if the sun novas and you didn't build a good enough spacecraft in the few billion years left, that must be a doozy, or do you get a "good" jump as long as you don't kill yourself. "Kill self is ultimate NOEY NO NO!! Cuz, cuz, grateful, got lessons to learn too! Grateful lessunz!!!"

And scientifically, how does our understanding of quantum physics, which is incomplete, and a model to try and describe observations, account for this supposed bias of physics itself against self-kill, but endure bullshit = physics brownie points. We can think critically. "Quantum" has become the word people throw at whatever bullshit they want to be true, cuz like, anything is possible, it's like, the mind is quantum bruh.

And then a bunch of people jump in with some buddha talk. Why is nobody ever critical of dharma bro buddha sutra mumbo jumbo? Is it because we've just decided as a trope it's the smurtest wisdom ever and zen is like, so chill and wise bruh. The idea is you're just supposed to suffer more hardcore to stop suffering, cuz you're not supposed to want to not suffer, therefore your punishment is more of what you don't want, then with extra millions of years and lifespans and the 10 hells and etc need to learn a lesson, except wanting to learn a lesson is bad. Or whatever version some enlightened manbun guru feels like saying.

Someone in that thread even echoes the "it's cuz it's cowardice, you're suppose to face it, face the reality" as though suicide is not exactly that, the assessment of one's real state and having ultimate courage for the most unknown and terrifying option possible for a human being to make.
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Jul 11, 2024
reads like antichoicer pro-torturist propaganda: "Suicide is impossible but the consequences are dire."
I interpreted it more as "I already tried it guys, it doesn't work and leaves you worse off" from someone that has convinced themselves that they did in fact die in their "failed" attempt and the consequences are not because they failed their attempt but because they "succeeded" but are being punished in a new timeline for doing so.

To your other points, yeah there's a lot of mental gymnastics combining old school eastern metaphysics and painting over those concepts with modern quantum jargon. No argument from me about that.

QI is a theory and a thought experiment. If a person steps into the idea, it seems to induce derealization. There are posts that just lay out something a person experienced and why they think QI is at play and some are quite interesting and make me scratch my head and wonder.

The thing with eastern mysticism is there's' a double standard where suicide is frowned upon as weak for some (usually the suffering) but the hallmark of a master is being to leave the body at will reflecting their divine non-attachment. Go figure.
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Aug 18, 2024
Quantum immortality is nothing more then a theory, but I get your fear of it some how turning out to be true. I also have an irrational fear, that I basically know not to be true, but that still irks me to this day. That's the idea of reincarnation, the idea that even if I died 1,000 times I would always come back into existence just to suffer another life time, in what could possibly be an even worse life then the one I am actively experiencing.

Reincarnation theory has effected me on many instances when considering my CTB, as I imagine Quantum immortality has to you.
i guess the idea of reincarnation has to be the gnarliest one of them all, once i learned about it, it was truly hard to get out of my head, no matter how many times i tried convincing myself that it's irrational, there is that annoying part of me that goes "what if in 1 out of 1 billion chances it turns out to be true"
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I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle
May 12, 2024
Do you have OCD? I know one facet of the disorder involves scrupulosity - the irrational and excessive fear of metaphysical or divine punishments like angering God, reincarnation, and quantum immortality, because I experience similar irrational fears. There's also a reddit user named afh43 who became quasi-internet famous for their entire post history being centered around their fear of quantum immortality.

You're definitely not alone in feeling fearful of such a fate, but at the end of the day it's just an inherently untestable hypothesis. Nobody really knows what happens after death, so the most we can do is spend our energy hoping that we get what we want when we die instead of fearing that we'll be punished or tortured.
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Jul 11, 2024
I know one facet of the disorder involves scrupulosity - the irrational and excessive fear of metaphysical or divine punishments like angering God, reincarnation, and quantum immortality
I'm not the OP but this definition of the word is new to me and describes things perfectly. I looked up old posts from afh43 and I both laugh and feel for whomever they are as I relate. It's truly a burden to think in that way. Reminds me a bit like another Internet famous redditor named vitrifyher though he was more of a solopsist and simulationist.
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