

May 8, 2021
I have a lot of experience using various psychedelics (namely shrooms and dmt) and it has had a big influence on my suicidal thought process.
Once you've felt this welcoming warmth emanating from the universe and made a few realizations about human consciousness, it is impossible to fear death.

On the day of my attempt, I was smoking DMT and I saw the eyes of millions of souls in the sky, welcoming me into the afterlife. I also saw lots of entities, all were very welcoming, some where coming to take me. I hear lots about SI, but for me that never kicked in during my attempt and I think the DMT in my last awake minutes was a big reason why I felt no fear at all. I was ready to float away and join these friendly creatures in the realms of the afterlife.

I'm curious to hear everyone's experiences with psychedelics. How has it shaped your perception of death and what influence did it have on any suicidal intentions?
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Mar 3, 2021
I haven't done psychedelics and want to but this is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I was hoping it would somehow lift my depression and rewire my brain to help me see things differently as many people have said it has...did you experience this?
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May 8, 2021
I haven't done psychedelics and want to but this is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I was hoping it would somehow lift my depression and rewire my brain to help me see things differently as many people have said it has...did you experience this?
I don't have depression, but shrooms in particular have helped some of my mental illnesses immensely. My most life-changing shroom trip made me realize a lot of things about myself and some unhealthy behaviours that I had been resorting to, leading to many lifestyle changes. It's basically like looking at yourself from the perspective of a newborn, without any societal expectations or standards, or even mentally ill thoughts to shape your perception of yourself during that time. It is a lot easier to see your worth and pinpoint your problems when you are freed of unhealthy and often unfounded, pre-conceived ideas. I found that doing shrooms regularly had a lasting impact on my mental health and my mood. It is definitely something that can be greatly beneficial for depression too. In fact, shrooms and many other psychedelics are currently being studied for a variety of mental illnesses. Ketamine has also recently been approved by the FDA for treatment-resistant depression. Maybe you could look into that?
From personal experience, shrooms are the one psychedelic that I think would be most suited as treatment for mental health. I definitely recommend doing your research, but pyschedelics are definitely an incredible powerful medication for anyone with mental illness.
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Mar 3, 2021
I don't have depression, but shrooms in particular have helped some of my mental illnesses immensely. My most life-changing shroom trip made me realize a lot of things about myself and some unhealthy behaviours that I had been resorting to, leading to many lifestyle changes. It's basically like looking at yourself from the perspective of a newborn, without any societal expectations or standards, or even mentally ill thoughts to shape your perception of yourself during that time. It is a lot easier to see your worth and pinpoint your problems when you are freed of unhealthy and often unfounded, pre-conceived ideas. I found that doing shrooms regularly had a lasting impact on my mental health and my mood. It is definitely something that can be greatly beneficial for depression too. In fact, shrooms and many other psychedelics are currently being studied for a variety of mental illnesses. Ketamine has also recently been approved by the FDA for treatment-resistant depression. Maybe you could look into that?
From personal experience, shrooms are the one psychedelic that I think would be most suited as treatment for mental health. I definitely recommend doing your research, but pyschedelics are definitely an incredible powerful medication for anyone with mental illness.
I agree with everything you wrote, and one of my biggest regrets is not doing shrooms/LSD several years ago when I really needed them. I was about to do it, but then chickened out. I really, really regret it because I depserately needed to see the path I was on and that a different one was available. It sounds like it would've been perfect. I've gone so far down that path now and suffering side effects from an SSRI and the regret is killing me. I'm glad they helped you at one point, though I'm sad that you're still considering ctb. Were they unable to help in the end?
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Jun 1, 2020
Mushrooms have helped me a lot. I've used them for short courses of microdosing for anti depressant qualities and to feel grounded and connected to nature/the universe.

Shroom full on trips have been great. Taught me a lot, but the last few times when I've come out of the trip I'm left feeling empty that I'm back in "real life" with all its problems.

Out of a desperate last resort, earlier in the year I drank ayahuasca twice and also smoked 5-meo-dmt. I was hoping it would reset something or be the catalyst for healthy change. No. It traumatised me severely, and also made me feel like I experienced the afterlife. I don't know whether it's true or not, but I experienced death. I returned to the place our spirits are before we are born. It's the same place we go when we die. I went there and connected with loved ones I've lost, my child self, and my ancestors. I experienced joy and happiness and pleasure beyond anything I had ever imagined. I experienced the darkest dread-filled feeling, like the ultimate panic attack that lasted for a long long time.

Anyway, I thought I learnt a lot from it, and I was proud I made it through. I came back a new person with a whole new outlook and philosophy on life. Microdosing San Pedro cactus on the journey home helped. Then the people I trusted to serve it to me turned out to be cunts and basically abandoned me afterwards. After they made such a big deal about us now always being connected, and how they would help me with integration etc. because it was so important and they couldn't let me down. Nothing. They were all full of shit. I remember the next morning after my first ceremony feeling so shattered, empty and broken. With heavy anxiety and dread.

I had the 5-meo-dmt on a separate day, and it too was very powerful and taught me a lot, or so I thought.

Now, 5 months later, things have only gotten worse. I fluctuate between thinking:

"It was all just bullshit, everything is meaningless and I don't want to live any more"


"I know where we go when we die. I've been there, and I've never experienced anything more real than that. Its truly beautiful and now I know, I see this world as fake, artificial, toxic, a cancer. And want nothing more than to leave this fake world"

A few weeks before the ayahuasca I came close to jumping off a bridge, which is the local hot spot. I said to myself, I'll give the ayahuasca a chance first. Can't die without knowing what that's like.

During the second ceremony, I had a realisation that my life is meaningless, and that nothing at all matters. It would be completely insignificant if I died, because I know I'll be at peace. I remember thinking even those who care about me will be fine, because I'll be at peace, and nothing in this life even matters. I'll see them again one day, and they'll move on with their lives and forget about me."

Either way, I'm glad I drank the ayahuasca. I'm less fearful of death now, but its far far harder to pretend like this world is anything other than a toxic cancer, and to pretend I want to be a part of it.

There was a moment, when I realised this, that I just gave up trying to stay alive. I just surrendered fully to the moment and accepted/hoped I was dying. I just laid there and decided I don't need to breath anymore so stopped. That feeling of letting go was indescribable. I've never felt so free. Obviously I breathed again, but it was a beautiful feeling thinking it doesn't matter if I die.

Nothing compares to ayahuasca. 5-meo-dmt is very powerful, but short lived and no visuals. I can't really explain what I got out of the 5-meo-dmt, but it truly felt like it reset me at the time. I honestly believe that with more access to these medicines, and proper care and integration, I could have been cured. But the people who served me showed me who they really are and don't give a fuck, so that won't happen.

I've taken medium doses of lsd a few times, mushrooms more than I can count, salvia, mdma, even a weed edible once made me fully hallucinate.

I think part of our problem as a society and species is that we've lost touch with these medicines and ways of healing. Psychedelics are the antidote to modern life. But we replace them with denial, pharmaceuticals, consumerism, habits, useless therapy etc.

My ultimate death would be to die during anayahuasca ceremony. There was no fear once I reached that point. The build up is full of fear etc. But once you're there you realise everything is meaningless and you can almost taste the freedom of death.

Or a massive heroin overdose would be next best I think.
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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
Man, I wish I could get my hands on some. ACAB

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