

waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Pro lifers should keep their mouths shut. No one wants to hear their empty platitudes or deal with their smug attitudes. They sure love to pat themselves on the back like they are being helpful.

Why do they care so much about the personal choices of others? Maybe they think repeating the same lies about life being a gift will make it true one day. The worst offenders are people who actively try to stop suicides in progress. These people are scum. Imagine being seconds away from freedom only to be forcibly dragged back into this hell.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I completely agree. Many people simply haven't suffered enough themselves so they cannot comprehend what it is like to want to leave this earth. Being told these platitudes just invalidates the pain we are going through.

I think a right to die is really important, if people want to live that is fine, but it is wrong to deny others an end to their suffering. It is our lives, we should have control over them, we have no obligation to stay alive as we didn't ask to in the first place. Some people are simply not suited for this life and no amount of positive thinking can take this away. All those pro lifers who say 'life is precious' are under a delusion, life has no meaning, all we are doing is waiting around for death anyway.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I completely agree. Many people simply haven't suffered enough themselves so they cannot comprehend what it is like to want to leave this earth. Being told these platitudes just invalidates the pain we are going through.

I think a right to die is really important, if people want to live that is fine, but it is wrong to deny others an end to their suffering. It is our lives, we should have control over them, we have no obligation to stay alive as we didn't ask to in the first place. Some people are simply not suited for this life and no amount of positive thinking can take this away. All those pro lifers who say 'life is precious' are under a delusion, life has no meaning, all we are doing is waiting around for death anyway.

Why do they care so much about the personal choices of others? If life was actually precious they wouldn't have to repeat the same mantra to themselves over and over again. Maybe after awhile they start to believe in their own lies.
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Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Just talked to my prolifer Dad earlier today, they were saying nonsense like "It's in human nature to wanna live for as long as possible!" and "You wouldn't want the end of the world because you don't believe in God and those who don't believe don't go to Heaven."

It is sickening to have to hear that kinda BS from those that are close to you and all unprovoked just randomly brought up, because that's what prolifers tend to do.
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Staring at the edge
Apr 28, 2021
Suicide prevention has become a way to virtue-signal, unfortunately. It is so easy to parrot one of the many platitudes and you will immediately be rewarded with hordes of people telling you how right you are and how morally righteous your cause is.
Also, the false belief that suicide is inherently irrational and the product of a malfunctioning mind gives their movement legitimacy.

I find it difficult to convey how frustrated I am with the current state of affairs. So much of my hatred for humanity stems from its pro-life sentiments. There is nothing more despicable than to force someone to live a life they clearly don't want, all the while claiming to do it out of compassion. There is always one part of me that sees them as misguided, but another side of me just wants them to suffer so they get to see what they have been doing to so many people.
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
Why do they care so much about the personal choices of others?
To add to this, these are often the same kind of people that oppose abortion.
The worst offenders are people who actively try to stop suicides in progress. These people are scum. Imagine being seconds away from freedom only to be forcibly dragged back into this hell.
Not only being dragged back, but most likely sustaining severe damage in the process. It should be taught in first aid lessons to never interrupt a person during a suicide attempt.
If life was actually precious they wouldn't have to repeat the same mantra to themselves over and over again. Maybe after awhile they start to believe in their own lies.
But there's the rub: by trying to kill yourself, you poke holes into the walls of ignorance they have erected in their mind.
Many people simply haven't suffered enough themselves so they cannot comprehend what it is like to want to leave this earth.
I disagree; I believe it is perfectly possible to be suicidal without having suffered inordinate amounts of pain.
It's as if you said that one can only recognise that war is bad if one had been directly affected by it.
Also, the belief that suicide is inherently irrational and the product of a malfunctioning mind gives their movement legitimacy.
Society has always branded individuals that deviate from the norm as defective in order to protect itself.
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Mar 22, 2020
Pro-lifers remind me of the people who go to churches every Sunday but once they go back home they become monsters again and do none of the things the priest has said!! :pfff:

I guess they just love pretending to give a damn about us.
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
Pro-lifers remind me of the people who go to churches every Sunday but once they go back home they become monsters again and do none of the things the priest has said!! :pfff:

I guess they just love pretending to give a damn about us.
"It doesn't matter if you are a good person, it only matters that you believe in God."
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I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
To answer the title: yeah, I'd love if they would. Unfortunately, due to a difference of opinion on whether life is worth living or not, they force us to stay alive. It'd be nice if pro-lifers could tell us "life is precious" or whatever & then allow us to die if we wanted to, but that's unlikely to ever happen.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
To add to this, these are often the same kind of people that oppose abortion.

Not only being dragged back, but most likely sustaining severe damage in the process. It should be taught in first aid lessons to never interrupt a person during a suicide attempt.

Yes pro lifers tend to hold values that often contradict each other. Bring this up and they will default to hiding behind religion or some kind of arbitrary moral high ground. They are pro at mental gymnastics.

Pro-lifers remind me of the people who go to churches every Sunday but once they go back home they become monsters again and do none of the things the priest has said!! :pfff:

I guess they just love pretending to give a damn about us.

"Only god can judge me" while they constantly judge others. Worst yet they impose their beliefs onto others.
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Sep 10, 2018
I'm pro-good-life and anti-bad-life. If life is not good, then it's not worth grinding. Trying to improve life quality is always good, but if it's not possible in this life, then this life is not worth living. People must be allowed to decide when to live, when to dye, when to dive, and when to die.

I have a relative who died, and while I sometimes really want to meet them again, I don't want them to get back here just to suffer. If I was given a chance to bring them back here and let them live till they are old, I wouldn't do it. ...It would be nice if I could be like a necromancer. Summon their spirit here for an hour, speak with them, ask about afterlife, and then let them return to afterlife. I could ask them why they ctb'd, I could show them how this world has changed after they left, if they wanted to hang out for a while in here I could bind their spirit into something and let them re-experience this world.

There are religious people who say "God gave you life". I'm a person who says "God gave you an IQ test and goodness test, are you good enough to see the wrongness in this world, and smart enough to say nope out." If people were meant to live here forever, they wouldn't have easily broken mortal bodies, lack of self-healing/regeneration skills, lifespan of only 100 years instead of 1000, short childhood/early adulthood. etc.

I think the main reason for pro-life is because they don't want to get lonely. If someone close to me was suicidal, I'd do everything to talk them out of it, because I couldn't live without them. I'd get too lonely and sad to see them gone. But if it's a person you don't know, as nepotistic and evil as this sounds, it's much easier to think they can ctb if they want, because it won't affect your life. If my spouse died today, you wouldn't cry. If your spouse died today, you would cry. Why? Because you can get resources from your spouse: love, affection, sex, children, support both physical and emotional, etc. Humans are parasites leeching off of others. All is. Even a tree using ground to stand on something instead of floating in the air is. You're literally saying your spouses life is more important than my spouse's life. And that's okay. That's understandable. It's okay to be a parasite, it's morally justifiable. We need certain selfishness to even exist. Selfishness itself isn't evil. Otherwise we'd have a situation where no-one could do anything. We'd have ten hungry people with ten pizzas and no one could it because what if someone wants two pizzas? Ultimate selfishness leads to the non-existence of everything. Some might desire it, I do not.

People gain something from someone being alive, thus they want more of it. If every time they saw you they'd feel a painful electric shock and get a literal heart attack, they'd quickly not want you alive.

And of course, mind hears something a lot, mind wants more of it. Humans are much better parrots than parrots could ever be. Humans's ability to mindlessly repeat sentences they have heard is astonishing. It could be said humans are sound recorders and players first, animals second, humans third. The same brainwashing ability that lets you to say "bird" every time you see a weathered animal with wings and beak, is the same ability that makes you repeat pro-life sentences when you see a suicidal person. I couldn't have written this if I wasn't brainwashed by people to see these words as a means to communicate. And I couldn't have have written anti-pro-life-sentences if I hadn't seen others do it. Or I could have, but I probably wouldn't have dared.

I wonder if humans were a more solitude species like bears or something, would they be less concerned about whether someone dies or not? I have seen videos of monkeys and magpies and dogs grieve when someone dies, I haven't seen a grizzly bear give a damn about a dead bear.

I still don't understand how humans can be so pro-life and then have death penalties for homosexuality. Maybe their desire to do evil overrides their pro-life views. Though I personally have another view, which I'm not comfortable saying. Funnily enough, though most humans want everyone to be alive, intraspecies murders are much higher in apes including humans than in solitary species. I remember reading that in apes, 11% dies of murder by someone of their own species, while in solitary non-ape animals, it's 1%. Maybe it's a way to give resources for breeding members? Social animals want to see others breed, while solitary animals don't give a damn whether you're a hetero who just had ten kids or a homosexual who's busy designing a rainbow-colored robot pet.

Do I write the longest posts here? If only the length of my posts correlated with the length of... rest I'm getting tonight.


waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I'm pro-good-life and anti-bad-life. If life is not good, then it's not worth grinding. Trying to improve life quality is always good, but if it's not possible in this life, then this life is not worth living. People must be allowed to decide when to live, when to dye, when to dive, and when to die.

Life is not good for the vast majority of people who are born. The people at top of society need the lower class to fund their extravagant lifestyles. Life will never be worth it for most people.

People gain something from someone being alive, thus they want more of it. If every time they saw you they'd feel a painful electric shock and get a literal heart attack, they'd quickly not want you alive.

This is very obvious. People rather keep their so called "love ones" alive in great agony against their wishes, just so they do not experience the temporary discomfort of not having them around.

I wonder if humans were a more solitude species like bears or something, would they be less concerned about whether someone dies or not? I have seen videos of monkeys and magpies and dogs grieve when someone dies, I haven't seen a grizzly bear give a damn about a dead bear.

If humans were solitary species I think we would have already gone extinct.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
"It doesn't matter if you are a good person, it only matters that you believe in God."
That's actually exactly what a lot of them believe, so the joke's on us, as usual


A Visionary
Mar 15, 2021
I get mad when I see one of those videos where cops grab the person who's about to jump off a building or a bridge, they actually think they did something(I know this is their job and shit but I dont give a fuck). Pro-lifers: let the person end their own suffering as they desire !NO, people get to choose who dies! Also Pro-lifers: putting hopeless suicidal people in psych wards against their will to maintain them because they don't know shit about how to fix the person so they put them there to suffer longer in great pain !YES, best solution ever!
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Sep 16, 2020
I've never known such a group who take such sadistic pleasure in causing so much suffering. They tell people to get up whilst having their boot on the person's head.
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All Things Must Pass

All Things Must Pass

Apr 14, 2021
They already do. You can't debate with prolifers since they are so censorship-happy.
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Mar 13, 2021
I had a 'message' in my had from my Mother and Nan up in Heaven while sitting out in the garden earlier saying come and join us if you like - it's your choice so this was like a leaving it up to me thing.

I don't think I'm any good at taking responsibility for my own life when things get hard; I want someone else to step in and do it for me.

I have too high an expectation for things to be fair in life so when they relentlessly aren't I think I'm not playing this game any longer but even then it'd be down to me to sort it all out

Why can't they just sell suicide packs in the supermarket?

It's obvious it would be a natural form of population control; it's totally logical.


waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I get mad when I see one of those videos where cops grab the person who's about to jump off a building or a bridge, they actually think they did something(I know this is their job and shit but I dont give a fuck). Pro-lifers: let the person end their own suffering as they desire !NO, people get to choose who dies! Also Pro-lifers: putting hopeless suicidal people in psych wards against their will to maintain them because they don't know shit about how to fix the person so they put them there to suffer longer in great pain !YES, best solution ever!

Their hypocrisy disgusts me. Why do they care so much about suicide? Maybe subconsciously they don't want us to escape when they are trapped. Crabs in a bucket mentality.

I've never known such a group who take such sadistic pleasure in causing so much suffering. They tell people to get up whilst having their boot on the person's head.

They even try highroad us as if our lives belong to them. If life is so good society wouldn't have to constantly remind us. All these pro lifers are brainwashed and they are trying their best to brainwash us as well.
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