

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
This may be an old news story, but I think there are some really good comments the TTG thread about the right to die as in this case, this is actually someone who is chronically physically ill, but prolifers continue to push their agenda and views by allowing this man to suffer indefinitely. I do not know what happened to him or if he is still alive to this day (in late 2020), but I hope his suffering ends soon.

Nevertheless, there are some really good replies and comments by posters in that subreddit.

u/profoundexperience says:
We're all locked in various "prisons"... but Dan Crews is in a particularly hellish and sadistic one.
The head psychiatrist at ... says he is depressed and that overrides his ability to make a life or death decision.
So now, we're defining all depression — whatsoever — as "erroneous": But, isn't it possible to be depressed due to an objective, realistic assessment of reality? What if it's not a "chemical imbalance" (physiological), but a true-valid reaction to reality?
And, if we define suicidality as a determinative "symptom" of depression, Dan Crews is now caught in a perverse "Catch-22" loop: He can't die because he's "depressed"... and he's depressed because he can't die.
He can only commit suicide if he's completely "happy" about the nature of life, including his own situation... That's some real Josef Mengele/Franz Kafka shirt going on there...
If I were Crews, I'd study "passive resistance" (a la Gandhi & King) and push that to it's ultimate limits.
But the absolute kicker for me is the line...
Many in the disabled community are uncomfortable with Crews' decision
So Dan Crews needs to continue to exist to make you happy? Needs to continue to exist so you don't have to think about what his decision means? Fork you! Forcing others to live against their will for your benefit alone is just the epitome of wrongness... it's evil.

u/6138 makes an important logical point:
Exactly. It's almost laughable. People who want to die are clearly irrational, because if they weren't irrational, they wouldn't want to die. It's circular logic. No evidence has even been provided that wanting to die is necessarily a sign of irrationality.
It's basically a catch-22, circular logic (a fallacy) because there is no way for someone to be rational and want to die to end their pain according to pro-lifers. So fuck the pro-lifers! :hmph: All in all, I'd say if we are capable of holding criminals (really heinous ones even) accountable for their actions and finding them rational and fit to stand trial and sentenced accordingly, then people like Dan Crews is MORE than capable of making a permanent decision to end his torturous living hell.

u/CTBthanatos clarifies by saying:
That's all the arguments of suicide prevention people, "mental health professionals", many doctor's, and virtue signalers in general, we're ever based on, circular logic.
The only people who are irrational are the one's who call suicidal people/or people who want assisted dying and euthanasia "irrational" while they also violate their freedoms/rights/lock people up.

So u/6138 says:
Exactly. It's socially EDIT: permitted abuse. I believe in decades to come we will look back on todays treatment of people who wish to die the same way we look back on lobotomies and brain trepanning today.

Basically sums up my sentiments too about how suicide prevention via psych holds and involuntary commitment is basically sanctioned and legalized criminality.

u/CTBthanatos also speaks his mind here:
I'd tear the hospital/suicide prevention fanatics a new one for their irrational fetishization of trying to keep people alive involuntarily, but the mods comment censors on this sub are as hilariously pathetic and irrational as the suicide prevention fanatics we love to s**t on, subs like 2meirl4meirl would easily allow for comments ripping the hospital/suicide prevention advocates/doctors/etc apart xD

I'd do just that (legally) if I can get away with exacting justice on those people who made Crew's life miserable. This man has suffered too many years and even begged the justice and medical system to let him go (passive euthanasia mind you), but oh no, the pro-lifers refuse to allow him a dignified death or any death at all; but to keep him alive just for their own egos. Absolutely disgusting. Hell, if I had Power of Attorney (PoA) and can make medical decisions for him, I'd make sure I can (legally) find him peace and rest. If I was a doctor and was not held civilly, legally, or criminally liable (in other words, if voluntary euthanasia is legal), I'd help the man end his suffering. Also, shame on his father for supporting the court and hospital's decision to keep his son alive. I get that losing a son or family member is painful, but the other person's pain is just as important (if not more than) as the parents' pain.

All in all, this is just one of the many stories of how despicable the majority of humanity (pro-lifers) are, even to someone who is clearly suffering immensely and has time and time again begged for a merciful, dignified death. But society decides, "No! You must live (until you die from natural causes) so we won't be sad and won't have to feel bad about a loss." So fuck society and the pro-lifers! :angry:
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Mar 22, 2019
When I hear pro-lifers preventing someone dying who is in great pain it saddens me tremendously. It reminds me of how close-minded and primitive we still are when it comes to mental health.
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Iustitia Mortuus
Jun 12, 2020
It saddens me that other animals have the right to euthanasia for their suffering and we do not. I was relieved when I watched my beloved pet put down, because I witnessed her suffering at the end and was distraught that I could do nothing to alleviate it. It was the right thing to do.

I've also worked with severely disabled people. People from all the spectrum of disability, physical and mental. There were cases where it was clear that family members were forcing someone to continue living, where the disabled person had no ability to express their wants and needs, trapped in a prison within themselves. Some of these people were living in horrific conditions, dependent on machinery to stay alive. It haunted me.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
I remember when a friend in college said about my sick grandma "It's better if your grandma passed away soon instead of living in suffering". His point of view was different than mine at that time, but I agreed with what he said although I haven't been a pro-choice. In the end, my grandma died with "natural cause" but I couldn't imagine what's on her mine back then since she was barely able to move or even talk. It must be really hard for her.

I feel bad for this man because he already suffers for around 25 years. Even if his life span is 40 years, he'll still have to endure 12 more years of suffering. His father is an egoist for not trying to fulfil his son's wish.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
When I hear pro-lifers preventing someone dying who is in great pain it saddens me tremendously. It reminds me of how close-minded and primitive we still are when it comes to mental health.
Exactly and that's incredibly selfish of the majority to force someone who not only has an objectively poor quality of life to continue to suffer just so they don't have to face loss and sadness over one's passing.

It saddens me that other animals have the right to euthanasia for their suffering and we do not. I was relieved when I watched my beloved pet put down, because I witnessed her suffering at the end and was distraught that I could do nothing to alleviate it. It was the right thing to do.

I've also worked with severely disabled people. People from all the spectrum of disability, physical and mental. There were cases where it was clear that family members were forcing someone to continue living, where the disabled person had no ability to express their wants and needs, trapped in a prison within themselves. Some of these people were living in horrific conditions, dependent on machinery to stay alive. It haunted me.
This reminds me of this video here:

Even the beekeepers are more merciful towards the bees (animals and insects) than to fellow humans.

I remember when a friend in college said about my sick grandma "It's better if your grandma passed away soon instead of living in suffering". His point of view was different than mine at that time, but I agreed with what he said although I haven't been a pro-choice. In the end, my grandma died with "natural cause" but I couldn't imagine what's on her mine back then since she was barely able to move or even talk. It must be really hard for her.

I feel bad for this man because he already suffers for around 25 years. Even if his life span is 40 years, he'll still have to endure 12 more years of suffering. His father is an egoist for not trying to fulfil his son's wish.
Exactly, and no truly compassionate person(s) would ever allow someone who is clearly chronically suffering and very, very unlikely to lead an enjoyable life to continue to suffer until nature takes it's course. Plus, the son has repeatedly and consistently requested to be put down and leave his hellish existence of nothing but agony and suffering, yet his father (along with the courts and medical professionals) keep invalidating and dismissing his claims under the fact that he isn't capable of making decisions (which is absolutely bullshit as he is lucid and knows that death would end his suffering). I hate the fact the people use mental illness and not of sound mind as an 'excuse' to deny one the choice between life or death.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
My friends family member is also disabled for life now because of his suicide attempt. From what I remember he is paralyzed from the neck down and his mother selfishly refuses to let him die.

A person is not "free" to do something that he must either get away with in secret or be forcibly prevented from doing if caught.

It gets worse. Those brought back from the brink of death often suffer debilitating injuries that significantly decrease quality of life—below a baseline that was already not worth living. One such patient was the focus of a 2007 single-patient study in the Annals of Neurology.3

The patient, a 48-year-old woman, had at that time been kept alive for over two years in a state of akinetic mutism—she was conscious, but could not move or speak. She experienced severe brain damage from a suicide attempt and was kept alive for years while scientists performed experiments on her. She may be alive still. -Sarah Perry
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May 13, 2020
I wonder how his feelings are towards his dad. He surely has to hate him by heart right now, I know I would.


Jul 2, 2020
I wonder, how many of the prolifers would want to get euthanised, once they get some terrible illness. Life is fun and games, until things go haywire.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
Exactly, and no truly compassionate person(s) would ever allow someone who is clearly chronically suffering and very, very unlikely to lead an enjoyable life to continue to suffer until nature takes it's course. Plus, the son has repeatedly and consistently requested to be put down and leave his hellish existence of nothing but agony and suffering, yet his father (along with the courts and medical professionals) keep invalidating and dismissing his claims under the fact that he isn't capable of making decisions (which is absolutely bullshit as he is lucid and knows that death would end his suffering). I hate the fact the people use mental illness and not of sound mind as an 'excuse' to deny one the choice between life or death.

Indeed. It feels like they also want to project their supremacy regarding someone's life. The denial sounds like "We know better what's the best for you" when the actual reason is they can't stand someone dies by their own choice.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Indeed. It feels like they also want to project their supremacy regarding someone's life. The denial sounds like "We know better what's the best for you" when the actual reason is they can't stand someone dies by their own choice.
Exactly, and this is when I've had to be really discreet throughout gathering, planning, waiting, all until the very moment I attempt. I feel like as though I'm some sort of criminal planning a crime (even though what I'm doing is not illegal at all). It sucks that the truly suicidal (the ones that have thoroughly thought out their plans, planned carefully and accordingly) have to go through so many hoops, take many measures and steps, always risking their covers being blown, and then hope their plan, method of choice, and finally, be able to overcome their SI when they attempt. It's also another reason why some pro-lifers who spew "suicide is easy" is really dismissive and offensive, but that's another topic for another thread.
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Disqualified from Being Human
Apr 20, 2020
Exactly, and this is when I've had to be really discreet throughout gathering, planning, waiting, all until the very moment I attempt. I feel like as though I'm some sort of criminal planning a crime (even though what I'm doing is not illegal at all). It sucks that the truly suicidal (the ones that have thoroughly thought out their plans, planned carefully and accordingly) have to go through so many hoops, take many measures and steps, always risking their covers being blown, and then hope their plan, method of choice, and finally, be able to overcome their SI when they attempt. It's also another reason why some pro-lifers who spew "suicide is easy" is really dismissive and offensive, but that's another topic for another thread.

I agree. Why we should jumping through the hoops discreetly like a criminal when it could be as simple as making an appointment to professionals. It's sad suicide acceptance is still far away, maybe not in our lifeline. What's the worse is when our attempt is failure, some people will give foolish remarks like "Why do you want to kill yourself? Life is beautiful!"
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