

Sad Millennial
Mar 28, 2021
I just think it's funny how some want to take away our rights to have an abortion. Meanwhile, they refuse to advocate for social safety nets and help for those who are impoverished, sick, and destitute. They don't give a damn after one is born. They flip it on us once we're born and call us lazy and tell us to lift ourselves up by our bootstraps. The truth is that they don't give a damn about any fetus. They don't care. They just want to control our bodies and ensure that they don't loose their lowly wage slaves. To hell with everything else. To hell with what the woman wants to do with HER body. To hell with it all, as long as they get their wage slaves and maintain the corrupt status quote.

They even put up a website for reporting women who are seeking abortions.
02606EEA 5711 467B 810F 95121ADCE075

I don't know about you guys, but I'm in the mood for some "good trouble"
DFD95135 7FF6 4DDC 8A7B B9B63C7811B3
94BE3820 8081 448B 9C10 778FAF620157

I will leave a link here for no reason in particular and I am not in any way encouraging anyone to troll or spam at ALL. I would never do such a thing.

Have a great day y'all
E3EC22E0 9F0A 4A46 BD66 C9134BE9F740

Edit- I will add this enlightening comment that I came across for no reason in particular. Happy Friday everyone
8D289B62 0079 4566 A78C 5B368707976B
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Jun 28, 2021
They are assholes who are totally evil and rich with no concern over unwanted births. They have no consciences. They are narcissists. They are ruining the lives of females and males. Texas making it illegal was the fucking pit of hell decision.

To assume everyone can provide a normal and healthy existence for another new human is ridiculous. It's base-level cruel and wrong.

I used to live in Texas and if I were there now I don't think I could handle it. I can't handle anywhere, but being there would be fucking awful.

That state is like the biggest pride state. It's the only state I have ever seen that is so pro Texas...flags everywhere. More suicides and trips out of state for abortions.

Covid shots should be replaced by Depo shots. Shit is horrible. The governor is a total piece of shit. Ann Richards was cool. Last decent governor there.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
I can't believe that is even a thing that can be regulated or be forbidden.

It's a regular medical procedure...nobody bets an eye on someone getting rid of cancer/tumor cells. A fetus is just that in the beginning - an invasive thing in a woman's body.

And nobody is forced to get an abortion ffs but the possibility should always be there.

Just something that makes me hate conservative religious nutjobs even more.

Plus it doesn't even make sense:

Rich people will continue to have abortions, poor and (maybe) uneducated people will have more children that maybe the state has to take care of (thus costing more money).
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Nov 4, 2020
@stygal I hate the abortion ban. Has no effect on me, since I was proactive and got a vasectomy at 20 years old. That and lasik are the two best things I have done for myself.
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
I can't believe that is even a thing that can be regulated or be forbidden.

Be very careful this sentence isn't taken out of its context.

I'm horrified by what people do in the OP's post, but I'm also horrified by what some countries are currently implementing (including some other states in the US, apparently), which consists of legalising abortion AFTER 12 weeks, which was considered the standard for all countries which had legalised abortion before. And it seems some people have no problem with the idea of legalising abortion until the last months of pregnancy.

And when you oppose to that, you're compared to religious groups, while you strictly don't give a shit about that. I'm glad that is a thing that can be regulated, otherwise after 12 weeks we're not talking about abortion anymore but rather about infanticide. And when you oppose to that, people get emotional and irrational, because you know, "my body is my choice". Well, not after 12 weeks. It's not only your body anymore.

I like the comparison between legalising abortion after 12 weeks and enabling a minor under 18 to ctb. All in all the two trends (stigmatising abortion or not regulating it anymore) are horrifying. The second one goes hand in hand with the new wave of eugenics, which will become, I believe, completely common in the next decades.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
Be very careful this sentence isn't taken out of its context.

I'm horrified by what people do in the OP's post, but I'm also horrified by what some countries are currently implementing (including some other states in the US, apparently), which consists of legalising abortion AFTER 12 weeks, which was considered the standard for all countries which had legalised abortion before. And it seems some people have no problem with the idea of legalising abortion until the last months of pregnancy.

And when you oppose to that, you're compared to religious groups, while you strictly don't give a shit about that. I'm glad that is a thing that can be regulated, otherwise after 12 weeks we're not talking about abortion anymore but rather about infanticide. And when you oppose to that, people get emotional and irrational, because you know, "my body is my choice". Well, not after 12 weeks. It's not only your body anymore.

I like the comparison between legalising abortion after 12 weeks and enabling a minor under 18 to ctb.

All in all the two trends (stigmatising abortion or not regulating it anymore) are horrifying. The second one goes hand in hand with the new wave of eugenics, which will become, I believe, completely common in the next decades.
First of all those late term abortions (after 12/14 weeks) are always strictly regulated and only implemented if the fetus or the mother are in danger/extremely sick.

Second of all why does it even matter? Why all this empathy for something that isn't even born yet even if there are already some things it would be able to sense?
It has no real feelings/memories/a personality/intention of living.
Why is it more important to save then the mother's life (that in some cases would be ruined with a child) ?

Another thing: I don't know you personally - so I exclude you @Amumu - but I haven't seen those against abortion actually try to change the system to make it more friendly towards those kids that are actually fucking born already.

I stand by my point abortions should always be allowed and if it was up to me even in the last fucking second. (Which is although nothing like a minor ctbing - because an existing minor actually had a life)

But of course I'm not in power so at least up until 14 weeks.
(Which has nothing to do with eugenics because it would still be up to the mother to decide not an outside force.)
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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
First of all those late term abortions (after 12/14 weeks) are always strictly regulated and only implemented if the fetus or the mother are in danger/extremely sick.

Second of all why does it even matter? Why all this empathy for something that isn't even born yet even if there are already some things it would be able to sense?
It has no real feelings/memories/a personality/intention of living.
Why is it more important to save then the mother's life (that in some cases would be ruined with a child) ?

Another thing: I don't know you personally - so I exclude you @Amumu - but I haven't seen those against abortion actually try to change the system to make it more friendly towards those kids that are actually fucking born already.

I stand by my point abortions should always be allowed and if it was up to me even in the last fucking second. (Which is although nothing like a minor ctbing - because an existing minor actually had a life)

But of course I'm not in power so at least up until 14 weeks.
(Which has nothing to do with eugenics because it would still be up to the mother to decide not an outside force.)

Your post is so fucking shocking that I've lost my words.

So according to you there is a huge difference between the human being inside the woman at the 8th month of pregnancy and the newborn.

What about the premature babies then? Should we able to kill them since they were born before the 9th month?

Incredible. I'm glad you're not in power. And the late term abortions aren't so regulated as you think btw.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
I wish my parents would abort me now.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
Your post is so fucking shocking that I've lost my words.

So according to you there is a huge difference between the human being inside the woman at the 8th month of pregnancy and the newborn.

What about the premature babies then? Should we able to kill them since they were born before the 9th month?

Incredible. I'm glad you're not in power. And the late term abortions aren't so regulated as you think btw.
Everything that is still inside the womb is just that.

If she wants to have a baby and it comes prematurely and is thus breathing on its own - it of course should not be killed because it's a baby.

But there is just no way to justify that a woman has to have a fucking child.
It's her decision until the very end.

Yes, they are regulated I worked at a hospital which included a gynecologist station.
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Nov 4, 2020
What about the premature babies then? Should we able to kill them since they were born before the 9th month?
I'll say it... Yes, we should.
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Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
Humans as a species, prolife and natalism are pieces of shit.
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Sep 3, 2021
If a human cannot survive outside of the womb it shouldn't be another human's responsibility, legally/morally speaking. Even if I hypothetically somehow had a 30 year old, fully emotionally/intellectually developed human adult inside me, I should be allowed to abort even if that 100% would result in their death. The state should not be able to dictate that we sustain lives with our bodies.
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
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Aug 14, 2021
Surely the maxim as early as possible, as late as necessary is what really should be applied? Time limits on terminations seem odd to me, though I do understand the rationale behind them. Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want (and has the potential to kill her, pregnancy is risky business) is inhuman.
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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
If a human cannot survive outside of the womb it shouldn't be another human's responsibility, legally/morally speaking. Even if I hypothetically somehow had a 30 year old, fully emotionally/intellectually developed human adult inside me, I should be allowed to abort even if that 100% would result in their death. The state should not be able to dictate that we sustain lives with our bodies.
I don't think this is a good argument. If you put the 30 year old in there then of course it should be your responsibility. By that logic, there's no real reason why you should have to take care of a child after it's born either. What's the big moral difference between a child needing your body to live vs needing your care?

The argument against abortion should be that fetuses are just not sentient beings with any strong interest in being alive so it's not a big deal to kill them. If they actually were morally relevant beings then the whole "my body, my choice" thing would have a lot less weight.


Nov 4, 2020
@deflationary all joking aside from my oIher post, you don't have to take care of a child for more than a couple hours after it's born, assuming it's not in a hospital already. If a mother doesn't want the child, she can very easily give up rights to it and leave it at a hospital, police station, or church, no questions asked.

To all, one of the arguments the pro-lifers use is that some women use abortion as a form of contraception. And I think that some do. While I 100% support a woman's right to choose, there are so many options in the us, just be responsible and either use a condom, or take the morning after pill or birth control. 0 reason any unwanted pregnancy shpuld happen in this country. If you're old enough to fuck, you're old enough to be responsible for your actions.


Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Everything that is still inside the womb is just that.

Conscience appears during the second term, so it's wrong.

If she wants to have a baby and it comes prematurely and is thus breathing on its own - it of course should not be killed because it's a baby.

Thanks for being sane at least once

But there is just no way to justify that a woman has to have a fucking child.
It's her decision until the very end.

Absolutely not. It's her decision until the human being inside her begins to have a conscience. Wrong again.

Yes, they are regulated I worked at a hospital which included a gynecologist station.

In a clinic in Germany, which doesn't represent the whole world. Wrong again.

Which has nothing to do with eugenics because it would still be up to the mother to decide not an outside force.

It has to do with eugenics. You clearly don't understand. For instance people who know their baby will have Down's syndrome abort all the time, so in the end people with Down's syndrome will be eradicated over time. And you don't know if people with Down's syndrome wanted to live or not. It has all to do with eugenics but you don't understand it.

PS : I'm going to stop here because despite having (allegedly) worked in a clinic you don't know shit about pregnancy and abortion. Moreover I find your stance obnoxious and it seems to be supported by lots of people who don't know shit about that either. And I hope this kind of stuff won't be implemented in the future because it'd mean, at least for me, that we've clearly entered a dystopia.

Some source to back up what I'm saying :

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Fussy exister. Living in the epilogue
Mar 11, 2020
@deflationary all joking aside from my oIher post, you don't have to take care of a child for more than a couple hours after it's born, assuming it's not in a hospital already. If a mother doesn't want the child, she can very easily give up rights to it and leave it at a hospital, police station, or church, no questions asked.
Maybe you can do that with a newborn. You can't with a toddler though. I'm pretty sure the law is there for the sake of the baby, not the parents.

Conscience appears during the second term, so it's wrong.

This is still a pretty weak argument. Even having just some amount of consciousness doesn't outweigh all other considerations. (Though of course if it's at all possible then the decision should be made before any consciousness appears) We kill animals that are more conscious than unwanted fetuses all the time and for lesser reasons.
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low-wage worker
Oct 29, 2020
We kill animals that are more conscious than unwanted fetuses all the time and for lesser reasons.

I haven't met a lot of vegan pro-lifers.

Hm...why would that be?

Oh yeah right...cause they're hypocrites.

Like I said: If one cares about stupid consciousness so much one is free to do something for already existing ones and not think about whether or not a few weeks in a womb justify to ruin others lifes forever and make the fetus the next Einstein.
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Live free or die
Aug 9, 2018
So IDK if I'm too late to the party to post, but ... Damn these attacks on the right to abortion in places like Texas has me scared (speaking as an American). I've never had to deal with an unwanted pregnancy, but I know I'd kill myself if I couldn't have access to one in the case of an emergency like my birth control failing. My genes are just no good and I am not passing down my family's horrific mental illnesses and generational abuse to another offspring. Let healthy people have kids, I'm not against that, but my own would just spend their life suffering. Not to mention pregnancy scares the daylights out of me.

People will say "If you don't want kids, don't have sex" but I think it's pretty unfair to expect anyone who doesn't want kids to live their life as a cloistered nun/monk avoiding all potential for love, partnership, and intimacy. In fact I'd argue it's downright cruel to expect that.

Personally if I could I probably would have gotten sterilized by now just to get rid of the possibility entirely, but even having my reasons and speaking with many doctors, most of them will not do it for me unless I already have 2+ kids or am at the age for menopause, which ... defeats the purpose, but okay.

A lot of times because of how hard they make it to access effective birth control for people who don't want kids, and now with some states trying to take the right to abortion away, it really does feel like certain people are just excited and waiting for an accident to happen and to force babies from people who don't want them. It's really messed up.

ALSO since eugenics was brought up (I'm not gonna go too deep into it) but I don't see what's so wrong about potential parents deciding they don't want to have severely disabled kids who most likely will need help to survive their entire lives. I grew up around kids with Down Syndrome and very low functioning autism, as has my best friend who basically had to raise her very low functioning autistic brother as a "high functioning" autistic individual. I would never argue for the killing of these people if they already exist, but they absolutely have a huge impact on their families even more than a regular child does and some families cannot handle it which leads to them living their lives in some sort of institution. The lucky higher functioning ones generally still wind up in a position where they're working (if they can work at all) at places like McDonalds all their lives. And this doesn't mean they aren't happy to be alive, but it DOES burden their families greatly. One girl with down syndrome I knew was lucky and had wealthy parents who could invest in her life far beyond when they themselves would die. Many, many other children I knew did NOT have wealthy parents and them and their families wound up at the mercy of the state for helping with the costs for their children - a horrible experience all around. I don't even understand arguing against something like down syndrome being eradicated slowly from the population by parental choice, do we really have any need or benefit from purposefully bringing individuals with severe impairments into the world?
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May 27, 2020
Abortion is wrong because all life is precious! ...Until it comes out of the womb and I have to start paying taxes to support it; then its life is not precious at all. And do not get me started on that communist "universal healthcare" nonsense.
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I'm a loose cannon - I bang all the time.
Aug 15, 2021
Abortion is wrong because all life is precious! ...Until it comes out of the womb and I have to start paying taxes to support it; then its life is not precious at all. And do not get me started on that communist "universal healthcare" nonsense.
The party would like a word with you
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May 20, 2018
Obviously it's pointless to try to change anyone's mind on this subject but my view is I honestly just don't give a shit if people have abortions. Life is not precious and I don't care if a non-sentient being gets killed. I really just don't get what the big fucking deal is. Obviously it gets more complicated later in the term but I'm pretty sure no one is having those just for fun; there's going to be a good reason for it (I don't trust the government to determine what is a valid reason). This is another stupid wedge issue so criminal politicians can rile people up and get away with stealing more money.

Edit: Basically I am against pain and suffering so my focus is on avoiding that.
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