

Aug 18, 2020
This might be dumb so dont get exited. I wanted to label it as "observation" instead of discussion.

I called the suicide hotline in the states over stress and did NOT mention suicide at all. I only stated that I needed counseling and was very very stressed and making bad decisions and was isolated and not doing well. They went through their "check list of useless things" and found a behavioral health clinic near me. This is not a state run place but a private place run for profit as most of them seem to be. They have state regulations but are not there for the public at all. Its really a bandaid on a missing limb. A week later I had my appointment and they said "we have no counselors". Awesome! Good job guy! This is obviously because of C19 and so on. Their counselors are seeing older clients once a month. Really!? Once a month for a seriously mentally ill person(s) (not me)!? So they gave me a doctor check up and a phychs eval 3 months down the road! Well surely crazy can just take a nap and wait! Anyway, I was looking at all the sites using Google maps. I was looking for reviews. There were none. There were only a few places where they allow reviews at all and even then these places are horrible. Look it up in your own areas. I checked a city in UK just for curiosity and found the same thing. If "our" mental health facilities are so great, why no comments allowed? If we are in such good hands, why all the bad comments on horrible behavior at these places? Some people complain for no reason and we all get that but not everyone complains for no reason. Also I was looking at fix the 26. There are no comments allowed there either LOL. If your self righteous mission statement is so benevolent why no comments? Is it that again they are full of BS? The same can be said for many many other sites known as fact checkers sites. No comments, that means bias. We are right because we say so. So if your bored open a tab and look for health clinics with actually reviews. You might find there are very few which is a sign that things are not that great. The point obviously is that why are all these "death cult", LOL, people coming to this site, and I guess they cant find the other 500 suicide forums on the net, to die. Maybe because this world is so God damned fucked up that even all the mental health facilities in all of these "great countries" is not near enough to stop the magic bus (CTB) from picking up all of your kids and loved ones? So there's actually a lot of arguments that we have seen on these types of topics. I did want to point out the lack of comments/reviews on mental health clinics AND fixthe26 very own websites.

Really, take a look at your area and see if this is a common thing. I could be wrong but no comments is a dead give away that not all is well. Good job fixthe26! Thumbs way up....yer butt.
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Похорони меня возле МКАДа
Jul 4, 2020
In my opinion not allowing comments is kinda of an censorship.
I mean, we're humans and we make errors but not admitting them or silencing others who want to correct you is kinda a coward move.

Back in my school days I was managing the school newspaper and we explicitly added an unfiltered and uncensored comment section to allow people on correct our mistakes or even commenting the articles.
Sure, there was some censorship going on where our bot's censored the bad words by replacing some letters of that word with * but you could still figure out what actually got censored
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