

May 17, 2020
If we have the right to live, then I believe that we should have the right to die. It's hypocritical that in this era where bodily autonomy is so important, one can do anything they want with their body/life except terminate it. If someone is suffering so much that they don't want to live, then why shouldn't they be able to go in a peaceful and dignified manner? If you aren't going to guarantee the basic necessities of life (food, shelter, water, love, etc.) to everybody then inevitably there are going to be people who suffer greatly. Forcing people to live in horrific situations they don't want to be in is cruel.

I wish my own friends could even be understanding about this. Today my friend and I were talking and they were venting about their problems and how it makes them want to end their life. I just listened and wished the best for them genuinely. Then later I briefly mentioned CTB and I was guilt-tripped and told that I would be hated for doing it... I just don't get it. I'm not even sure what to say or how to say goodbye now..
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
These are all very real problems and concerns for most people while considering taking their own life. One thing I would say though, I've come to believe that, over time, governments/religious authorities/principalities have learned that giving people the illusion of autonomy and free choices is the most effective way of making sure they're at their most docile. Why would you demand or fight for something you believe you already have, you know? Americans and their belief that they have total personal freedom is a huge example of what I mean (and I'm American. I don't know how anyone here can say with a straight face "I'm in a totally free society" when choosing to smoke some marijuana can easily end in jail time for most of us.)

I'm sorry your friend reacted that way :hihi: its hypocritical to the point of being illogical, so I'd take what they said to you with a grain of salt. It sounds like they're in significant emotional distress, and that's probably a bad time to be giving advice lol. Hopefully, the people on this site can be the understanding sounding board you need. If you ever need someone to talk to one-on-one, you can always feel free to DM me, I'd be happy to hear from you! Wishing you all the best :hug:
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May 17, 2020
These are all very real problems and concerns for most people while considering taking their own life. One thing I would say though, I've come to believe that, over time, governments/religious authorities/principalities have learned that giving people the illusion of autonomy and free choices is the most effective way of making sure they're at their most docile. Why would you demand or fight for something you believe you already have, you know? Americans and their belief that they have total personal freedom is a huge example of what I mean (and I'm American. I don't know how anyone here can say with a straight face "I'm in a totally free society" when choosing to smoke some marijuana can easily end in jail time for most of us.)

I'm sorry your friend reacted that way :hihi: its hypocritical to the point of being illogical, so I'd take what they said to you with a grain of salt. It sounds like they're in significant emotional distress, and that's probably a bad time to be giving advice lol. Hopefully, the people on this site can be the understanding sounding board you need. If you ever need someone to talk to one-on-one, you can always feel free to DM me, I'd be happy to hear from you! Wishing you all the best :hug:

Thank you for sharing, those are very well articulated words, and I definitely agree - we are not truly free/autonomous. I mean most of us are wage slaves until the day we die unfortunately... I also do think that my friend(s) have good intentions but I can't help but feel misunderstood when I talk :notsure: I'm honestly so glad to have SS because I feel welcomed here :) thank you so much for that and my PMs are always open for you as well:hug:
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Jul 30, 2020
If we have the right to live, then I believe that we should have the right to die. It's hypocritical that in this era where bodily autonomy is so important, one can do anything they want with their body/life except terminate it. If someone is suffering so much that they don't want to live, then why shouldn't they be able to go in a peaceful and dignified manner? If you aren't going to guarantee the basic necessities of life (food, shelter, water, love, etc.) to everybody then inevitably there are going to be people who suffer greatly. Forcing people to live in horrific situations they don't want to be in is cruel.

I wish my own friends could even be understanding about this. Today my friend and I were talking and they were venting about their problems and how it makes them want to end their life. I just listened and wished the best for them genuinely. Then later I briefly mentioned CTB and I was guilt-tripped and told that I would be hated for doing it... I just don't get it. I'm not even sure what to say or how to say goodbye now..
If you want to be free, to be really yourself, you can not allow other people's views to control what you do or feel. Decide how you want to live (or die), and do that. Some people will approve, some won't. It is painful when friends, especially close friends, can not see the world in the same way as you do (I'm still hurting from something of that kind that happened 46 years ago), but that is the way it is. If you still want to say goodbye to them, then say it in whatever seems to you the best way to say it. Behave with dignity, and don't be unpleasant to them. If you can't say something nice, or at least neutral, better to say nothing. If people see that you are following your own lights, as best you can, most of them will respect you for it, even if they view the world differently.
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May 16, 2020
Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. Forcing people to live is okay, but wanting to end a life you never asked for is considered selfish for some reason. You can't explain it to normies.
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Oct 31, 2018
It's more like a cult where we're not even allowed to dislike life or to express any negative opinions about it, if you do we're clearly "defective" - depressed or otherwise mentally ill and we should get help, take meds and fix ourselves.
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Jul 30, 2020
It's more like a cult where we're not even allowed to dislike life or to express any negative opinions about it, if you do we're clearly "defective" - depressed or otherwise mentally ill and we should get help, take meds and fix ourselves.
You are not entirely wrong, but perhaps you are exaggerating a little? A lot depends on how you go about expressing negative opinions.
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May 17, 2020
It's more like a cult where we're not even allowed to dislike life or to express any negative opinions about it, if you do we're clearly "defective" - depressed or otherwise mentally ill and we should get help, take meds and fix ourselves.

Ah yes! In my view I think we are able to express negative feelings towards life and complain about it. I find it odd how we can openly admit that life is problematic and full of suffering but we are just expected to bear the burden of it and like you said "fix ourselves." No matter how much you suffer, CTB isn't even considered an option. To even speak of CTB as an option is considered can seem cult-like at times
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
Ah yes! In my view I think we are able to express negative feelings towards life and complain about it. I find it odd how we can openly admit that life is problematic and full of suffering but we are just expected to bear the burden of it and like you said "fix ourselves." No matter how much you suffer, CTB isn't even considered an option. To even speak of CTB as an option is considered can seem cult-like at times
Most governments and societies sure do make CTB harder on a person who wants it, don't they? Denying the most peaceful and easiest methods, censoring honest info about the topic, and attaching a huge stigma to it...they may be stopping some suicidal people from acting (it stopped me for years, and confused me as to what I knew in my mind vs what I knew in my heart). But they either don't consider the cost of their actions on the person who's suffering (or they have considered it and consider it irrelevant to their agenda.) I dunno...I'm just glad we're still free enough to have this outlet on SS, where we can feel understood and be heard. Again, best wishes for you @sadghost
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I share similar if not the same sentiments as you do. We do indeed live in a pro-life, anti-choice prohibitionist society. With that said, yes, they are indeed very hypocritical and as far as saying goodbyes, I don't have the best advice in how to do so, but the general idea is to get your point across without setting off 'red flags'. It sucks that we (the mindfully suicidal and pro-choice people) have to go to great lengths, act as though we are some criminal (even though we aren't doing anything illegal or wrong in the eyes of the legal system) just to find peace, but that is just the current climate of the situation. Until society, government, and the general perception of death and suicide is more open-minded, honest, and tolerant than it is currently, we will always have to do things in secrecy.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
I think the main issue is that it's hard for people to empathize with our situations to an extent where they would be pro-choice. When someone you know dies it is sad and painful. Since most people genuinely struggle to imagine hating life and wanting to end it they would probably struggle to see any positives in a loved one's death, because they can't properly empathize with the thought process that led them to wanting to die. Since suicide only makes surviving people feel hurt and the people that do it aren't around to vouch for it's positive aspects, there just isn't support for it in society overall.
You are not entirely wrong, but perhaps you are exaggerating a little? A lot depends on how you go about expressing negative opinions.
Agree with this too. For most people extreme negativity can seem very toxic and frustrating; even mentally healthy people need to stay positive to enjoy life, and having someone tell you that the world is horrible can feel like an attack on your positive thinking I imagine.
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Jul 9, 2020
If we have the right to live, then I believe that we should have the right to die. It's hypocritical that in this era where bodily autonomy is so important, one can do anything they want with their body/life except terminate it. If someone is suffering so much that they don't want to live, then why shouldn't they be able to go in a peaceful and dignified manner? If you aren't going to guarantee the basic necessities of life (food, shelter, water, love, etc.) to everybody then inevitably there are going to be people who suffer greatly. Forcing people to live in horrific situations they don't want to be in is cruel.

I wish my own friends could even be understanding about this. Today my friend and I were talking and they were venting about their problems and how it makes them want to end their life. I just listened and wished the best for them genuinely. Then later I briefly mentioned CTB and I was guilt-tripped and told that I would be hated for doing it... I just don't get it. I'm not even sure what to say or how to say goodbye now..
Yep, you've pretty much hit the core of the issue.
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