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Jul 25, 2024
I just want a peaceful way out of this existence so that I don't have to live with chronic illness for life. I don't want to worry about becoming disabled or homeless. Why is it not my right to say when I've had enough? Why is it not my right to say when my suffering is beyond what I can handle?

I've looked into Pegasos, Dignitas, and Final Exit. While the services they provide are important and necessary, all of them require you to have records from doctors that confirm a diagnosis. They are more willing to consider your case if you are terminally ill or have incurable illnesses or unmanageable pain.

After suffering from chronic illness for a very long time, I can say that doctors have dismissed me far more than they have helped me. They often shrug their shoulders, prescribe a pill, and then out the door you go. Or they refer to someone else who shrugs and prescribes a pill. And then they charge thousands to do nothing to actually help you.

I don't think it should be anyone's place to tell someone else whether their suffering is enough to be worth getting relief. I shouldn't have to have only 6 months to live and be in severe pain to have the right to die in peace.

We offer the courtesy of a peaceful death to our pets. Why can't we offer it to one another? That shows you how little our governments think of us that they think we should be denied a peaceful end but our pets are permitted to have that.

I am frustrated that my life does not belong to me. If it did, I would have a right to take it. If I can't, that means that my life belongs to someone else, the people who are profiting off my existence. It's more profitable if I'm chronically ill for life than it is if I have access to a quick, painless death.

Furthermore, if people had access to a quick, painless death, governments would have to actually prioritize improving conditions for people, because people would have an easy viable alternative when they didn't.

Restricting access to assisted suicide not only denies us our bodily autonomy, it also ensures that governments don't have to work as hard to improve conditions for their citizens, because most people don't have an easy way out and will live to approximately 70 years old or longer even if the majority of those 70 years are spent in pain.

I am just so sick of this shit world where justice doesn't actually exist and in which, I can't choose to exit on my own terms with just a morsel of peace.

I feel like a prisoner in my own life and I want out.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It truly is so immensely cruel how humans are denied a painless way to permanently escape from all future suffering, I understand feeling stuck in this existence, more than anything I wish there's the option of a peaceful death just like never waking again. I wish there's acceptance towards not wishing to suffer, I just find it so horrible how many would rather trap others in situations of endless torment until they die anyway rather than have euthanasia legalised, if people could have the option to reliably die in peace it truly would be such an overwhelming relief and prevent so much meaningless pain.
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