
Aug 18, 2020
Here are mine:
there will be a lot of nuclear catastrophes like chernobyl this century
At least one country get nuked this century
there will be no world war this century
At the end of the century there will be the first trillionaire, or maybe way earlier
There will be space tourism and the rich can waste huge amounts for unncecessary stuff like that.
Inequality will rise in the next decades a lot. Not sure if forever. I hope that they will have to pay their fair share
There will be no democracy in Russia even when Putin dies
Not sure about terrorism. There will probably be horrible attacks but the improvement of security agencies will help to prevent them
in many western countries white people become a minority (which will fuel the polarization)
culture war will tear us apart even further
many good musicians will die way too early
English will remain universal language for many centuries
China will be the sole super power in roundabout 150 years or earlier
Supreme court in the US will make a lot of very conservative decisions
German conservative will win the next national election
Peaceful suicide methods will be further restricted for a long time
China will invade Taiwan during this century
The states grow bigger. (social spending and censorship/other regulation)
Artifical intelligence might replace many people concerning work
Internet regulation will become insane and governments will use new technologies to spy on most citizens
We all might spend a lot of time in the metaverse. Not sure about it.
Assisted suicide will be a human right in 200 years or so.
The new German assisted suicide law will be ridiculously strict (which contradicts the highest court ruling) and noone will give a shit
Alexei Nawalny be severely tortured in Siberian prison, might get disabled due to it or dies
Most of the Epstein friends will never be revealed, Ghislaine Maxell might "commit suicide" (allegedly) or keeps silent for unknown reasons
Julian Assange will charged for like 150 years for prison in the US and might ctb due to it
Inflation has not reached its peak and will rise even more
there will be a lot of unbalanced news stories about this forum (I am asking me why there are currently no more stories probably due to all the other world problems)
Climate change will fuck humanity.
Russia will get parts of the Ukraine for a treacherous peace agreement
Republicans will win the 2024 election

Yeah what about your guesses? How do you evaluate my specualtions?
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
wow, that is quite a list you have there. I would say at least a few of those predictions will land. I have no faith in humanity anymore and any optimism I ever had has faded overtime. This truly is, a horrible time to be alive. I hope (in my case anyway) not for much longer.
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New Member
Apr 19, 2022
Honestly thing you're right about most. To also have a positive prediction: there will be a cure for cancer and Alzheimers
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Many of these predictions are a thing of the past and still very much present ...
By the way, we are immersed in the middle of World War III, what do you mean when you say that this century there will be no world war? do you mean that the current one will be the last one there will be? or that you think the current one can't be considered 3rd world war yet (there's quite a debate at home between that ... there are only two at home, lol).


Força d'aquestes prediccions ja són cosa del passat i ben presents encara...
Per cert, estem immersos en plena 3ra Guerra Mundial, que vols dir quan dius que aquest segle no hi haurà guerra mundial? et refereixes a que l'actual serà l'última que hi haurà? o que creus que l'actual no es pot considerar encara 3ra guerra mundial (hi ha força debat a casa entre això... només son dos a casa, hehehe).


Aug 18, 2020
Many of these predictions are a thing of the past and still very much present ...
By the way, we are immersed in the middle of World War III, what do you mean when you say that this century there will be no world war? do you mean that the current one will be the last one there will be? or that you think the current one can't be considered 3rd world war yet (there's quite a debate at home between that ... there are only two at home, lol).


Força d'aquestes prediccions ja són cosa del passat i ben presents encara...
Per cert, estem immersos en plena 3ra Guerra Mundial, que vols dir quan dius que aquest segle no hi haurà guerra mundial? et refereixes a que l'actual serà l'última que hi haurà? o que creus que l'actual no es pot considerar encara 3ra guerra mundial (hi ha força debat a casa entre això... només son dos a casa, hehehe).
I don't consider the Ukraine war a world war. For NATO countries it is rather a proxy war.
I thought if there a happens a world war maybe the vast majority of people would die and noone could falsify my statement. But if there is no world war many will see me as a wise person.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I don't consider the Ukraine war a world war. For NATO countries it is rather a proxy war.
I thought if there a happens a world war maybe the vast majority of people would die and noone could falsify my statement. But if there is no world war many will see me as a wise person.
I don't understand this piece "noone could falsify my statement. But if there is no world war many will see me as a wise person." Maybe the translator is doing it wrong, can you explain it another way please ?.


Aug 18, 2020
I don't understand this piece "noone could falsify my statement. But if there is no world war many will see me as a wise person." Maybe the translator is doing it wrong, can you explain it another way please ?.
It is more or less a joke. If there is a world war many people will die. Maybe the vast majority of people. And if all these people cease to exist there will be noone who knows that I was wrong concerning my prediction.

Though as long as there is no world war. People will consider my statement as correct. I tried to make a statement which is hard to falsify.

It is kind of black humor or a morbid joke. But I hope noone is offended.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
It is more or less a joke. If there is a world war many people will die. Maybe the vast majority of people. And if all these people cease to exist there will be noone who knows that I was wrong concerning my prediction.

Though as long as there is no world war. People will consider my statement as correct. I tried to make a statement which is hard to falsify.

It is kind of black humor or a morbid joke. But I hope noone is offended.
I was amused, thanks for the explanation, it is appreciated.
M'ha fet gràcia, gràcies per l'explicació, s'agraeix.


May 18, 2022
How can 1 country be nuked but no world war? Any NATO country would trigger that. U.S. will be involved.


Dec 15, 2021
Here are mine:
there will be a lot of nuclear catastrophes like chernobyl this century

This might happen sooner rather than later.

At least one country get nuked this century

At least a dozen countries would be more like it, and soon.

there will be no world war this century

This will be correct according to the history books, because our history might end before anyone has the chance to write about a potential world war this century - because of a world war that has already started. and may end us.

At the end of the century there will be the first trillionaire, or maybe way earlier

Those trillionaires will count their riches in peas. They won't have any thing left - just like the rest of us - when this world collapses. There may not even be anyting left of what we call a "rich and posh lifestyle" any more.

There will be space tourism and the rich can waste huge amounts for unncecessary stuff like that.

Those spoiled people will cower in their bunkers, and the only things visiting space will be loose rocks that are blown into space by our next world war.

Inequality will rise in the next decades a lot. Not sure if forever. I hope that they will have to pay their fair share

There may be no inequality, because there may be no way of measuring who's more rich - the person who only has one cup of water left, or the person who can buy one piece of food using flesh from their own body.

There will be no democracy in Russia even when Putin dies

Democracy will be a word that people will laugh at when the strong people are hunting the weak ones through the woods and plains.

Not sure about terrorism. There will probably be horrible attacks but the improvement of security agencies will help to prevent them

Will there be anyone around to enforce peace and order - or will everyone just simply tend to their own and not care about anyone else?

in many western countries white people become a minority (which will fuel the polarization)

This is true, but non-white people will perish, as well, and non-whites in Africa, for example, will be in for some bad times ahead.

culture war will tear us apart even further

There will be no time to think about the culture war. The only thing that we will be thinking about is whether a person whom we see at the horizon may be a danger to us, or not.

many good musicians will die way too early

Those musically gifted dinosaurs may be able to use their instruments as weapons, but other than that, they are as doomed as the rest of us.

English will remain universal language for many centuries

Everyone will still be able to utter terms when trading items with each other, but other than that, whole or partial languages may even start to disappear.

China will be the sole super power in roundabout 150 years or earlier

Probably, but I would think that all, or most, countries will regress into tribal lands that will be wrecked by tribal warfare, rather than continue to operate as countries.

Supreme court in the US will make a lot of very conservative decisions

Until the Supreme Court is burned down, it will continue to pretend to be important.

German conservative will win the next national election

It's all a competition about who's willing to pretend to be important, and who wants to be responsible when their countries goes down, so why does it matter...?

Peaceful suicide methods will be further restricted for a long time

I believe so - very much. People will realize that letting everyone live on as usual is unsustainable, so there may be ways to request suicide assistance - be it from a shotgun blast or being drowned in a river.

China will invade Taiwan during this century

Sure, but no one may notice if all our satellites are shot down first.

The states grow bigger. (social spending and censorship/other regulation)

Nah - see my point above about countries regressing into being more tribally oriented.

Artifical intelligence might replace many people concerning work

Nah. A.I has been developed by people who like to pretend that they are important. Just look at how many accidents have occurred with so-called self-driving cars. Those developers are no Einsteins...

Internet regulation will become insane and governments will use new technologies to spy on most citizens


We all might spend a lot of time in the metaverse. Not sure about it.

If so, I demand to be placed on a server separate from Mr. Zuckerberg!

Assisted suicide will be a human right in 200 years or so.

I already answered this comment.

The new German assisted suicide law will be ridiculously strict (which contradicts the highest court ruling) and noone will give a shit

I answered this somewhat above.

Alexei Nawalny be severely tortured in Siberian prison, might get disabled due to it or dies

I'm sure that no one will notice.

Most of the Epstein friends will never be revealed, Ghislaine Maxell might "commit suicide" (allegedly) or keeps silent for unknown reasons

Epstein didn't kill himself - and neither will Maxwell.

Julian Assange will charged for like 150 years for prison in the US and might ctb due to it

Assange will be used as a political football until his untimely death.

Inflation has not reached its peak and will rise even more

Inflation will get so bad that the economy of the future - perhaps a year from now - won't have anything to compare itself to, meaning that extreme inflation will be the only way forwards, and people will think that it's normal.

there will be a lot of unbalanced news stories about this forum (I am asking me why there are currently no more stories probably due to all the other world problems)

The world may become preoccupied with other, more pressing, matters, so I'm not sure that anyone will care about us.

Climate change will fuck humanity.

If only... even if it were real, we would likely die by our own hand before then.

Russia will get parts of the Ukraine for a treacherous peace agreement

Russia won't want the Ukraine after Europe has been thoroughly soaked with radiation from an eventual nuclear war.

Republicans will win the 2024 election

Will the world even exist in two years from now?

Don't mind me - I'm just jaded and have no hope for humankind :wink:
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
For me? A salty drink!
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Jul 3, 2019
Scotland will leave the UK! I'm not Scottish but this makes me happy. I know the referendum is just being discussed, but I predicted this a while ago since woeful Brexit. And I prefer Scottish politics. So go Scotland!


Aug 25, 2021
Scotland will leave the UK! I'm not Scottish but this makes me happy. I know the referendum is just being discussed, but I predicted this a while ago since woeful Brexit. And I prefer Scottish politics. So go Scotland!

Haven't they already had a couple of those which ended with Scotland narrowly voting to stay in UK? I too would like Scotland to move out but I can't see how it'd be good for them. Yes they can rejoin the EU etc but I suppose they'd still depend on Britain for a lot of things.
For me? A salty drink!

I see you're a big fan of Bloody Marys :smiling:


Oct 19, 2021
China will be the sole super power in roundabout 150 years or earlier
So for most of these seem likely, this one I'm not sure about. It's true that the u.s. debt is a huge problem, if the u.s. can't get a handle on this then this outcome could happen. My guess is that when it gets to true crisis time on the debt the u.s. will get this back on track. Of course many people will say this is a true crisis now, but it is not affecting daily life much yet.

Peaceful suicide methods will be further restricted for a long time
I think for medical reasons this will change over time in the u.s., that this will likely become much more available over the next fifty years in the u.s. for medical reasons, though it won't happen for the reasons that bring most people here- due to long-term trauma, etc.

China will invade Taiwan during this century
I do think China will take over Taiwan in the next twenty years, but it may not take the form of an invasion.


Jun 3, 2022
Ancient people were not stupid. The present civilization started maybe 10,000 years ago, modern lifestyle, big cities maybe 100 to 200 years only. Human out of Africa sort of things are talking about million years. Many great civilisations, cosmopolitans we don't know could have come and gone. Why can't we have a million year old civilisation? End of the world is probably the norm.


Oct 19, 2021
One thing I'm pretty sure of about the future- there will be no end to the farting. People have been farting since the beginning of recorded history and there is no end in sight (so to speak).

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