flickerbeat \\ gibberish-noise
- Dec 18, 2021
- 864
hello fridnes! i did an extractn of an otc inahlder and took some potentistors - can expplain more if anyoens intersted - and now i am hghi as the moon. i have to dive to work in twenty minute oops.
anyhow i was checking these forums as i was waiting for it to kick in - toko aproexemintaly 20 min - and my ente body is vibrating my head is vibrating with rll this energ i have and i thought how odd it is tht i am no a suicied forum, I WANT TO LIVE AND EXERCISE TIL I DROP wow i t is wonderful to have energy for once. i wouldnt mind being dead tright after this but as fo right now cosnciousness is not so bad.
i saw a thread a few days ago asking if heroin has extended onayson lifestapn and i relate to that. i havent exetr used it though since horrinle availbality here and then iddecdei it opiods will be part of my method so refuse toraise tolerance. i used to like oxy when i could get it, and benzos. but now those are part of plan too. so for drugs i just do amphetimes, alcook, weed, and otc dumb shit like what i am doing now and cought syrp.
pro tip cough sypir tasets nasty perhap worth trying it if your metho is n to get the feel for chugging nasyly liquids with similar viscosity and ahve psycjhoactuve / physicogolic effects.
byt yes right now my method and plan all feel like a distant daydream. i am not actually wanting to die now. this happened when i tripped on meth and unkonw cathinons plus who knows what else was in that maybe pma and a-pvp. that pill was sold as ecstasy btw good thing i tested it before taking it anway! lmao. comedaoen adnrefractory perod wre harsh on that one and cause no benzos i didnt sleep.
dry mouth. immesne head buzz. very mildly increased heart erate, i notice itbut if i stop paying attentoin its not a big deal. im still coming pu though. wil update later after work.
citizens of this iteration of the unrvise, dsicsuss! how does being high affect r relats to your scuidality?
for me when i am high on anything i want to die less because consciousness is less horrid - thank you dopamne flodo - exceot sime combinations of alcohol and weed and potentiators send me to a weird place - either introspective and agreed philosphicaly that life is pointless, or a weird uncofmrtaobly mental feeling - not quite panic attack, just unease - that i want to escape and so suicide is the answer . and then depending how bad the comedown or refractory period is i may want to die to not have to exerpiecne it any more. but that sory of suicidality is pintpoint and situation dependent. it does away once i adjst to baselie whereupn the regular suicidality returns.
anyhow i was checking these forums as i was waiting for it to kick in - toko aproexemintaly 20 min - and my ente body is vibrating my head is vibrating with rll this energ i have and i thought how odd it is tht i am no a suicied forum, I WANT TO LIVE AND EXERCISE TIL I DROP wow i t is wonderful to have energy for once. i wouldnt mind being dead tright after this but as fo right now cosnciousness is not so bad.
i saw a thread a few days ago asking if heroin has extended onayson lifestapn and i relate to that. i havent exetr used it though since horrinle availbality here and then iddecdei it opiods will be part of my method so refuse toraise tolerance. i used to like oxy when i could get it, and benzos. but now those are part of plan too. so for drugs i just do amphetimes, alcook, weed, and otc dumb shit like what i am doing now and cought syrp.
pro tip cough sypir tasets nasty perhap worth trying it if your metho is n to get the feel for chugging nasyly liquids with similar viscosity and ahve psycjhoactuve / physicogolic effects.
byt yes right now my method and plan all feel like a distant daydream. i am not actually wanting to die now. this happened when i tripped on meth and unkonw cathinons plus who knows what else was in that maybe pma and a-pvp. that pill was sold as ecstasy btw good thing i tested it before taking it anway! lmao. comedaoen adnrefractory perod wre harsh on that one and cause no benzos i didnt sleep.
dry mouth. immesne head buzz. very mildly increased heart erate, i notice itbut if i stop paying attentoin its not a big deal. im still coming pu though. wil update later after work.
citizens of this iteration of the unrvise, dsicsuss! how does being high affect r relats to your scuidality?
for me when i am high on anything i want to die less because consciousness is less horrid - thank you dopamne flodo - exceot sime combinations of alcohol and weed and potentiators send me to a weird place - either introspective and agreed philosphicaly that life is pointless, or a weird uncofmrtaobly mental feeling - not quite panic attack, just unease - that i want to escape and so suicide is the answer . and then depending how bad the comedown or refractory period is i may want to die to not have to exerpiecne it any more. but that sory of suicidality is pintpoint and situation dependent. it does away once i adjst to baselie whereupn the regular suicidality returns.