Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Can you believe the audacity of a celibate man and supposed world leader bashing people for wanting pets instead of kids.

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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

“Ye shall be as gods..🍎 🐍”
Jun 22, 2021
I love the absurdity that exists in our world especially right now with high resolution HDU dolby sound to display it all in such immaculate picture. Technology is awesome dont let anyone tell you otherwise. :pfff:
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Sep 28, 2020
This man doesnt know how the real world is, he lives in his palace. Telling people to have kids in this nasty word. Like I said many times the best I can do is adopt if I'm mentally prepared and help A child that is here already looking for love and affection.
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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
Okay, I feel I have the right to say what I'm going to say because I had 17 years of catholicism shoved down my throat. I went to school with someone who had 12 brothers and sisters. They could barely feed themselves. But they were catholic and birth control was a no no. The Pope is nothing more than a man wearing a large apron. He is nothing special. I remember the priests where I went to school and how they would ask us questions about our sex lives (hell I didn't even know what a sex life was!!). People follow him as if he were the next christ ... seriously????
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Sep 28, 2020
Oh and one more thing, why doesn't he save so many suffering children and allow them to stay and live at his palace, there is plenty of space there. Didn't Jesus say bring to me the children, the heartbroken and the sick? Even though I'm an atheist I know a bit of the bible.
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Jan 6, 2022
This is probably the best pope the church has had in a long time. He has attempted to modernize the church, fight internal corruption (and pedophilia) and acknowledges climate change as a threat that requires urgent action. Of course he's still flawed in the sense that he's religious and holds religious views I don't agree with. And occasionally he says hypocritical stuff like blaming people for not having children while not having any himself either.

Then again he who is without sin cast the first stone? Or however that saying goes in ye olde English.
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Dec 7, 2018
The world is overpopulated and people are selfish for not having kids? Good grief. Birth control and other such methods exist for a reason.
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Death is salvation
Sep 26, 2021
I think the pope should just stick something in his ass and stop talking bullshit. Just because he is whatever the fuck rank in whatever fucking catholic church or whatver it doesn't mean he is in the position to judge personal decisions people take in their life. Especially such decisions that are SAVING in the long term.
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Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
What any religious leader has to say is worth less than the shit under someone's shoe.
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Sep 29, 2021
what about addressing issues like bad parenting, inflation, low wages, mental health,...etc? doesn't the church care about these stuff?
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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
what about addressing issues like bad parenting, inflation, low wages, mental health,...etc? doesn't the church care about these stuff?
I've found that no "religious"faction accepts people with mental illness. Their response is you don't pray enough or you're not reading your bible enough or the best one is you're not sorry enough for your sins. There is no room in a religious order where mental illness is accepted.
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Dec 31, 2021
I always knew from a young age that I wouldn't be able to deal with having kids. It doesn't make me selfish. In fact I think it's the opposite. If you can't take care of yourself adequately, why should you be allowed to have a child. I knew what it was like to grow up with an unstable parent. And the permanent scars that that causes. And I knew I would likely make at least some of the same mistakes, no matter how hard I would try not to. And I chose to break that cycle. It would be cruel and selfish for me to decide to have a child. And I can accept that. If other people are realising that they aren't cut out for parenting, before they actually have a child. Or decide that don't want to bring a child into this world. Then that's a positive thing in my eyes. Not a selfish one.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Might be because he's in Italy which has such a large population of elderly people who seem to always get worried whenever they see birth rates declining because it means less young people to take care of them or pay social security and taxes. Same thing is going on in Japan and possibly other countries too. It's all pretty selfish either way.
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Rabbits on the Moon
Dec 3, 2020
It is not worth discussing something so clearly obvious, for the conetext of many nations it's even absurd , but leaving that aside what this religious figure has to say, I wonder, can it really be considered selfish to shelter and care for other living beings? They were already born, I may not have the means to take in another person, but taking in a stray animal and protecting it from the dangers to which they may be exposed seems better to me than doing nothing, especially in my home country where they could even end up eaten after having a painful death.
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Cat Lady
Oct 25, 2021
Might be because he's in Italy which has such a large population of elderly people who seem to always get worried whenever they see birth rates declining because it means less young people to take care of them or pay social security and taxes. Same thing is going on in Japan and possibly other countries too. It's all pretty selfish either way.
I believe you hit the nail on the head. Hell isn't it some cold country where they used to send their old people out to sea on frozen ice - or did I see that in a movie? Please put me out to sea soon.
It is not worth discussing something so clearly obvious for the conetext of many nations, but leaving that aside what this religious figure has to say, I wonder, can it really be considered selfish to shelter and care for other living beings? They were already born, I may not have the means to take in another person, but taking in a stray animal and protecting it from the dangers to which they may be exposed seems better to me than doing nothing, especially in my home country where they could even end up eaten after having a painful death.
DAMN!!! I don't want anyone eating me after I'm dead.
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Sep 3, 2021
I wanted to make an offensive joke about how he needs more offspring to molest but I decided not to make it, but I'm kind of making it by saying this. Sorry I'm drunk

Sociological fact is that birth rates decline with industrialization. This was a reality for western countries even before birth control or the sexual revolution or women's rights taking off. For a combination of reasons people stop procreating as much.

Another sociological fact is that birth rates are in decline almost everywhere on earth. Even in Africa as a whole, birth rates have dropped since the 1980s. It is expected that at some point between 2050 and 2100, global birth rate will fall below 2.1 replacement rate, not just in white western countries but just everywhere.

The pope shouldn't consider this an act of personal selfishness but more of a statistical trend based on environment.
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Aug 31, 2021
The Pope can go suck a lemon. The Catholic church is an abhorrent institution.
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Jun 14, 2019
The pope is so irrelevant at this point.
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Better never to have been
Jul 4, 2021
It's selfish to not have more kids. If people abstain from having kids, the Pope won't have any more fresh ones to molest.
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Depressed Cat

Depressed Cat

Jan 4, 2022
All religions serve as means for the clergy/priests/rabbis/mullahs to control the ignorant masses. The Catholic Church and Islam are prime examples.

All religions are also Ponzi schemes. Just think of it. Just like a classic Ponzi scheme, a religion also needs more and more new followers to keep it going (as the existing ones grow old and die). Religions rely on either more new births into the religion or conversion to achieve this. If a religion does not keep getting a steady supply of new followers, the whole thing will collapse, just like a classic Ponzi scheme. For an example, just take a look at Zoroastrianism, which was once a major religion, but is now almost dead.

What happens when a religion declines and collapses? The clergy lose their respect, money and control over the masses.

No wonder the Pope is worried that more and more people are choosing not to have kids.
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Jul 31, 2020
fuck what that old retard thinks, to me he's the antichrist incarnate
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Feeding Pigeons

Feeding Pigeons

Aug 5, 2021
Can you believe the audacity of a celibate man and supposed world leader bashing people for wanting pets instead of kids.

Can I believe the audacity of a man who believes he is the first and foremost interpretor of God's will?

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Ctb - temporary solution for a permanent problem
Aug 29, 2020
Imagine how original it is to do Christianity bashing on sasu. I find most people narrow-minded on this thread.

To be honest, even most catholics consider the Pope irrelevant, so you're losing your time.
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Nov 4, 2020
I highly dislike all religions, but I could almost agree with the pope if the semantics were just slightly different. Had he said something closer to "People who don't have children are selfish." I would agree 100%. I don't have kids mainly for selfish reasons - I want my freedom, time, and money. I also have zero interest in teaching someone how to live or being legally and financially responsible for someone other than myself.

But the pope (or translator) screwed up and said the act of not having kids is selfish. Sorry, that just sounds asinine.
Dragon's Heart

Dragon's Heart

Well, that didnt go as planned.
Dec 14, 2021
Can you believe the audacity of a celibate man and supposed world leader bashing people for wanting pets instead of kids.

LOL! I was gonna say--from someone who supposedly has no children. He knows this how??
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
This message is aimed at uneducated followers who are in their own world, divorced from reality. It is a bit of a trigger; takes me back to living with my batshit mother and constantly yearning to be 'normal'. Such people see no contradiction in proudly being poor and dysfunctional, having several children fighting like cat and dog for unavailable parental care, while promoting the Catholic Church itself that has financial investments that run into the trillions of dollars.
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Jan 30, 2021
Can you believe the audacity of a celibate man and supposed world leader bashing people for wanting pets instead of kids.

It's because Catholic God does not allow priests to fuck pets.

This is probably the best pope the church has had in a long time. He has attempted to modernize the church, fight internal corruption (and pedophilia) and acknowledges climate change as a threat that requires urgent action. Of course he's still flawed in the sense that he's religious and holds religious views I don't agree with. And occasionally he says hypocritical stuff like blaming people for not having children while not having any himself either.

Then again he who is without sin cast the first stone? Or however that saying goes in ye olde English.
Being "probably the best pope the church has had in a long time" doesn't sound like an achievement at all. I am sure that a random forum member would also be "probably the best pope the church has had in a long time".

Throwing stones at infidels is what organized religion is all about.

Imagine how original it is to do Christianity bashing on sasu. I find most people narrow-minded on this thread.

To be honest, even most catholics consider the Pope irrelevant, so you're losing your time.
People aren't bashing Christianity but Catholicism. Calling people narrow-minded for making fun of Catholic Church is actually a good joke.


Dec 26, 2021
We look back on the experiences of people like Galileo, who was placed under house arrest by the church, and wonder how on Earth did the church obtain such influence in society.
At the same time, we fail to recognise that the influence of religious organisations has changed, but not declined.


Out of order
Feb 21, 2021
Sure, it is a fact that in nations like the ones in West Europe aren't quite at the replacement level. Same could apply to us in the United States. Ergo, our populations are indeed getting older. Though, he's still oversimplifying it. Money, or lack there of, tends to be a leading factor when it comes to not having children. After all, why have a child if one is unable to give them a decent life (a safe home, food security, health care, and so on)? That wouldn't be fair to the child. And don't even get me started on having children with wild abandon.

Though, even if the money is there, the desire to parent also has to be there. People also shouldn't have children if they don't want them in the first place; that's how kids get abused. Overall, I'd rather a small population with healthy and mentally sound children than a large population of those who deserved better. It's a shame, but not surprising, that the pope doesn't feel the same way.

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