Are you currently in contact with mental health services or a doctor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 52.1%
  • No

    Votes: 45 47.9%

  • Total voters


Mar 30, 2021
Just curious how many of you seek professional help or are currently in contact with MH services regarding your depression and/or suicidal feelings.

" 28% of people who complete suicide have been in contact with mental health services in the year before death (MHFA England) "

Seems as though the majority of us suffer in silence if this statistic is correct.

The last time I was in contact with MH services was in 2010 after a hanging attempt that ended up with me in a psych ward for a month. 3 months after I was released, I was no longer in contact with anyone. The last time I spoke to a professional about my depression was a one time visit with a mental health counsellor in January 2020, but I never mentioned suicidal feelings because I didn't want to make it a 'thing'. I've never really has a strong inclination to seek professional help, especially from a doctor or with medication, because I know my suicide is inevitable and it would just be a waste of time or a distraction if I did.

When did you last speak to someone about your MH?
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Mar 22, 2020
Yes, I'm seeing a psych once a month.

He's really cool because he doesn't say stupid stuff such as "life is precious".
He asks me things like "So, how many DOWNS did you have this week? How many times have you thought of suicide?", etc and just gives me the pills I need.

I can be really honest with him and that's awesome.

Edit: He has even recognized that therapy is pointless for people like people like me lol! I don't know if that's good or bad but that really made me feel UNDERSTOOD.
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Apr 3, 2020
I just started to see doctor etc, but reason is my eating disorder not suicide thoughts or depression (they don't know yet how bad my situation is). Probably that can help me with those things too. I hope x)
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
None since the pandemic hit. I don't do zoom sessions and rather do in-person visits.
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Jan 29, 2021
Not really sure how to answer. Yes because I have seen my doctor re' my mental health but no because he doesn't want to do anything to help me and says there's nothing wrong with my meds even when I tell him I don't think they're working. He also got quite defensive on the phone which made me break down in tears after the call. Tbh i'm put off ever contacting someone else for my mental health.

I do talk to a counsellor and she is amazing, understands me more than my own family.
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Nov 27, 2019
I've been depressed for a decade and in treatment on and off ever since. I'm currently at in-patient treatment, the voluntary psych ward (aka the door is not locked. However, the kitchen knives are:hug:)

So my last contact was uhh, 10 minutes ago.
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Apr 4, 2021
My last contact was 2 months ago after I was brought in by the police for trying to ctb. I told them that I need help now, I can't wait 3 weeks or whatever for them to help me. They said they would get me help now. 2 months later I've heard nothing. I'm still under a mental health team, my mother calls them behind my back because she thinks I'm going to ctb soon (she's not wrong) she's begged them to do something and all they say is that they can't talk to her because I'm over 18 and confidentially reasons.

Honestly I've given up, I've realised that there is no help. And being honest about how you feel gets you thrown in a psych ward. Last time I was honest, doctor tried to get my drivers license taken away from me, which would've fucked everything up for me. No way to get into work etc. Never again will I contact anyone.
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  • Aww..
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Besides my general/family practice/internal medicine doc from whom I scored Quetiapine to sleep, no one at the moment. I never felt like I got any lasting relief from their help.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Last time I saw my therapist was sometime in December and it was my last appointment because she was provided by my university and I graduated so the services had to end. She did give me a list of some other professionals I could find in my area but I've been too lazy plus I don't think they'd be any help anyway. I was only going to the one in my university out of obligation and because it was basically free. If I have to pay any sort of money or deal with any health insurance I can't be assed to bother...
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Mar 21, 2021
Not really they just leave me alone now I think, haven't seen psychiatrist for a while, only go to nurse every now and then to give blood and check my liver isn't being wrecked by the pills.


Nov 30, 2020
I see my cpn quite regularly and support workers on a daily basis. Speak to my psychiatrist every six months or so.


:Professional Hypocrite:
Nov 19, 2020
Not anymore.. I had my fair share of bad doctors. I just don't think they're even well equip to handle MY kind of mental health problem especially, if its from a adult patient. Getting a better doctor takes time and effort too. A t this point I just want to spend my last days in peace honestly.
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My mind is my mental asylum.
May 1, 2021
Not sure about the rest of the world but here is where you will find the majority of mental health patients under the NHS UK

And underground.

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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Just a GP got insomnia at the moment


The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
Just curious how many of you seek professional help or are currently in contact with MH services regarding your depression and/or suicidal feelings.

" 28% of people who complete suicide have been in contact with mental health services in the year before death (MHFA England) "

Seems as though the majority of us suffer in silence if this statistic is correct.

The last time I was in contact with MH services was in 2010 after a hanging attempt that ended up with me in a psych ward for a month. 3 months after I was released, I was no longer in contact with anyone. The last time I spoke to a professional about my depression was a one time visit with a mental health counsellor in January 2020, but I never mentioned suicidal feelings because I didn't want to make it a 'thing'. I've never really has a strong inclination to seek professional help, especially from a doctor or with medication, because I know my suicide is inevitable and it would just be a waste of time or a distraction if I did.

When did you last speak to someone about your MH?
I've been seeing an online therapist, going into the third week now. At first I really only wanted some help to deal anxiety, and (lack of) focus at work. But then I decided to drop the bomb halfway across the first session. Before that, I've been procrastinating for 12 years, so there's a lot to unpack.

I've never been particularly against doctors, but I'm really shitty at showing vulnerability in front of relatives. In all these years, at any point I either didn't have privacy, money or time. In fact, the only reason I went to a psychologist instead of a psychiatrist is because I still don't want to get the family involved. It's a small town and I'm living with grandma and mom, word would certainly get out. If I need the drugs, that will have to wait until I either grow some balls or move out.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No. I have been seeing health professionals for physical issues but not for mental. Last year it was considered that I might need to get help for mental issues through therapy and medication but I really didn't like the sound of it. I see my depression as rational because of my circumstances and no amount of talking would change that. I have had bad experiences on medication in the past. I try to keep my negative thoughts to myself therefore.
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Aug 18, 2020
I go to therapy and take my medication. I am really dependent on my medication. However I hate them And they help- If you have mental health problem I can only recommend both.


The call of the void
Dec 29, 2018
It didnt solve anything, just words.

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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I see a therapist weekly and a psychiatrist once a month, and I'm very honest with both of them about my suicidal urges. I assured everyone in the beginning that I'm not going to actually do anything and have no plans (lies), so I don't have to worry about getting sectioned because of it and can talk freely. Whether or not it's helping is another story...


Oct 8, 2020
If I had psych problems rather than physical illness I'd definitely be trying to exhaust the options in the mental health field. At the end of the day unless someone can cure my illness, all the therapy in the world is not going to help. It might allow me to cope and cling on a bit longer, but not really interested in trying to slog through this anymore.
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Feb 15, 2019
No. I refuse to engage with a profession that thinks it is okay to rob me of my autonomy and dignity. I am genuinely nauseated by the mental health profession and can't ever bring myself to engage it.

If anyone reads this, please don't stop seeing a mental health professional if it helps you. I am just one person.
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