Are there truths you don't dare to speak on Sanctioned Suicide?

  • In general yes there are topics I avoid

    Votes: 19 40.4%
  • In general no. There are no topics too touchy, I am allowed to express myself on everything

    Votes: 11 23.4%
  • I avoid talking about certain politics related topics

    Votes: 15 31.9%
  • I avoid talking about certain societal issues like women's rights or gender

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • I avoid to talk about suicide related topics for example controversial age limit discussions

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • I avoid to talk about certain sexuality related topics

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • I avoid talking about conspiracy theory related issues

    Votes: 7 14.9%
  • I avoid talking about my own private life, my inner values, my personal secrets

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • I avoid talking about my criminal history or abuse and evil deeds that I have committed

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • I avoid talking about anti-suicide, recovery oriented, pro suicide-prevention stances I hold

    Votes: 3 6.4%

  • Total voters


Aug 18, 2020
I give 5 votes.

The reasons can vary. It does not necessarily imply there was a thought police on here. Sometimes we don't want to reveal our opinions if they are very controversial. We don't want to be judged. We want to belong to a community. And for example politics can be pretty divisive.

Personally, I avoid to talk about certain sexuality related topics. For me that's too private. I could imagine we all could get doxxed one day.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
I avoid quite a few topics only because I really don't want to get into drama here. I'm so tired of internet BS and social media and this is the one place where I can come to relax and bitch about life. I don't need to ruin it by getting into an internet argument with someone.
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⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023
I think more often it depends on the people participating in the conversation and not the topic. I'm happy to speak my mind when I expect the others to be respectful and generally adult-like. For example, even if we disagree on something, we're able to agree to disagree. When I have the gut feeling that someone can't accept a different opinion then I'll just stay quiet—at most an emoji reaction—and find a different thread.

Other times, when I want to speak my mind but have a gut feeling that someone's touchy on the subject, I phrase my message carefully. Sometimes I phrase my message in a way that may be considered manipulative, but in a good way. For example, instead of calling someone a liar outright, I would usually ask a question that's difficult to answer without revealing the truth. Or if I believe someone's incorrect, I don't tell them why they're incorrect but rather ask them why they think something is the case.

And I also avoid people who state their opinion as fact. I'm a big believer in being specific and never to generalize. For example, here I wrote "I'm a big believer in [...]" which makes clear that it's my view/opinion.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I avoid talking about some of my personal biases because I know doing so would be counterproductive and would also likely get me banned.
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Jan 4, 2022
Yes, because I'm naturally conflict averse and have even become upset over benign responses that came off as abrasive.
Given what I've seen from the (latest) userbase, plenty of my opinions would commonly be seen as unagreeable & potentially attacked. I debated on the sexuality point, because I have commented in the sexual orientation sense before and pissed at least one person off even being tactful and neutral the way I typically am about these things.
Sexuality meaning as in sex, that's just offputting to me unrelated to conflict, whether it's me or any other person.

I hold strong, but not radical opinions (that's what they all say); I also don't subscribe to any one political side or conspiracy theory (big food/pharma maybe, but that doesn't count), which could be controversial in itself. I do love reading popcorn drama threads like the little hypocrite I am, but 9/10 times someone else will have said what I agree with and I likely annoy them all with my compulsive use of reacts.

Anyway, I typically see that when my views are reflected, it becomes an easy source of conflict, and the way it's handled sometimes would put me off ever engaging genuinely. I try to stay balanced in my views, but I obviously have my shortcomings/biases as any human does.
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
This is a problem for us, as humans, we don't talk about things, we hide the truth.

And why do we that?

Well, it's because people can't take the truth, so they lie to each other and to themselves.

If we speak the truth they get offended and we get hurt. It's our fault, of course. So we keep it inside, and they never learn anything, and they keep lying to each other and to themselves. And we never ever ever leave the shit-hole that we dug for ourselves.

This applies to the physical realm and it applies here as well.


Aug 9, 2023
Something good or bad, is that in here I feel free to express myself. There are tags and sections where I can find what I want, and avoid people from seeing some of my threads, if that's what they wish.

I believe that SS is really well coordinated and people know what to look and not. People (at least some or most) know which opinions can hurt and if they should express them.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Yes, I hide some truths because people here just wouldn't be able to take it
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Kinda did but also didn't because I had a few clashes which didn't do anyone good. I don't look at the 'truth' the same anymore and lately how I view myself and others is shifting.
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Feb 22, 2024
I think I've straight up suppressed formulating opinions on certain topics, just to avoid controversy. Cowardly, I guess. But if all interactions that breach the subject are going to lead to hostility, what's the point?

I am aware of how imperfect I am and how uncertain the information I am capable of obtaining is. For this reason, I have practically adopted Pyrrhonism.

With AI generating massive amounts of content it the trustworthiness of things will become more and more muddled.

Despite all my avoidance of controversy, no-one likes me and I have no friends anyway. Probably because I don't even talk to anyone for controversy to ever be a problem, unless I confronted in public and commanded to avow adherence to some view under threat of violence. Yes, that's an actual fear I have.

I'm not sure if I would shy away from strong controversy or not if I did have lots of strong friendships and shared interests. Nor am I sure if it had an effect on my lack of forming solid friendships and bonds.
And he COVID era made me retreat into my shell even more, while life was already on a sort of pause.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
In general no. There are no topics too touchy, I am allowed to express myself on everything. However, even though I dare to speak them, people might not like to hear them
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Generally, I believe that everyone should talk about everything, but on this site I avoid certain topics.
Not because I am afraid or ashamed to talk about certain topics. Absolutely not.
There are simply mentally ill, emotionally unstable, etc. people on this website (of course I'm sick too).
I don't want to make the situation worse.

This is the reason why I don't want to cover all the topics.
For example, I really avoid topics related to transsexualism.
I don't want to cause an unnecessary storm with my comments.
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Dec 25, 2023
I've noticed that discussion of transgender ideology isn't allowed.

It's ironic because everyone here is curious about using science for a peaceful exit, yet at the same time, somehow the fundamentals of biology have to be ignored.
Nobody Special

Nobody Special

Jun 4, 2024
I just like using the site for its main intended purpose.
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he/they 21
Aug 22, 2023
I've noticed that discussion of transgender ideology isn't allowed.

It's ironic because everyone here is curious about using science for a peaceful exit, yet at the same time, somehow the fundamentals of biology have to be ignored.
sorry didn't mean to laugh
yea there are 2 genders in 'fundamental' (ie basic) biology. but advanced biology exists (and it is quite beautiful)

neurobiology of transsexuality (brain matters)

scientific american: complexity of.. yea you get it

even without the wealth of science supporting transgender and nonbinary existence, we deserve kindness and support. you would be painfully naïve not to notice how many people are here on this site because of transphobia, be it via general hostility, family mistreatment, or social and economic barriers. i hope you are at least able to extend that compassion
to answer the poll :) yea i'm in principle unfiltered on here, though i tend to just air what's troubling me the most (like things i wouldn't be/feel able to say outside of sasu) but will also will read threads that seem interesting and reply with whatever if it seems like it might contribute to the discussion

could be cool to explore inner values and such and i think i'd be happy doing that on sasu, but that would be more of a recovery thing as knowing my values would only really be relevant as far as i'd be around to apply them (i.e. use them to guide/motivate me) to do good things
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Feb 16, 2023
I don't hold any controversial opinions unironically. The topics that I avoid are ones which I can't take seriously like incel or gender roles discussions and other overplayed and extremely boring topics. I see it as a waste of time. The only truth I avoid sharing is how pointless such discussions are
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*perpetually annoyed*
Mar 14, 2024
This poll on talking about things that are too personal is the reason why I put a Thread in the Suggestions forum for Anonymous Threads/comments. I think we're limited about what we can say, especially since there's a lack of deleting your account in the end of a ctb.
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Nov 13, 2023
there's parts of my personal life that i hide from this forum. there is stuff that is too deranged to be discussed anywhere, even in throwaway accounts.

additionally i steer clear of politics and such, they cause too much negativity and arguments and it's not something i want to be involved with.
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