

Feb 25, 2020
**EDIT** - apologies just saw all the other threads on UK police visits about SN! Sorry I have just logged back on first time since before Christmas.


I haven't been on here recently as I have been feeling abit better about my mental health. And work has kept me distracted.

I purchased SN online last year, March time and it was delivered to me by Royal Mail a few days later.

So Monday night my door went , it was two police men who asked to come in as they wanted to speak to me. I said ahh I know what this is about , due to my neighbours having issues in the street so I assumed it was for my account of that .

Turns out Manchester police have opened an investigation into the selling of SN and the recent spouts of deaths in the UK from it. They said they received my name and address from Manchester Police and were told to do a welfare check.

I am in Scotland btw. I was shocked. I told them I had disposed of it before Christmas and I was feeling better with my MH and didn't want to die anymore. They took a statement from me and the details of me buying from a seller on a marketplace site.
Just wanted to warn UK residents on here they might be getting a visit if they went down the same route as me buying SN.

They are definitely going to cut down pronto on the selling of this!
Has anyone else had a visit from the police?? In the UK! Quite scary they knew what I bought and where. And my details. Just shows you someone is always watching.
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Tell my dogs I love them
May 29, 2020
Sorry this happened to you too! I've read other people's accounts but hasn't happened to me yet.... but I ordered from the Ukrainian seller and I'm in Ireland.

So we have England, Scotland so far ? Has anyone heard of anywhere else yet ?
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All i have left is memories
May 19, 2019
Sorry this happened to you too! I've read other people's accounts but hasn't happened to me yet.... but I ordered from the Ukrainian seller and I'm in Ireland.

So we have England, Scotland so far ? Has anyone heard of anywhere else yet ?
Yep there was someone from Belgium also reporting in yesterday or the day before.
  • Aww..
Reactions: lobster salad, Lostandlooking, Lost_the_will2_live and 1 other person


Suffering Autointoxification
Nov 22, 2020
Is it just people who purchased fron ukrainian seller or other places too?


existence is a nightmare
Aug 25, 2020
Can't wait to get a visit...
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Oct 21, 2020
I am wondering at this point if it would be possible to go to another country and get it from there.. I am an iranian dual national, I imagine it would be dead easy to find all kinds of fatal shit there, and I'm planning to go to get some xanax from a, erm, pharmacist friend. I would prefer to die in europe, outside, somewhere green, but fuck, I cannot do the whole hanging thing, heights scare me, fuck. I will probably have to just make do. Death isn't really any different from life in that way, you start out with all these plans, and then fate fucks you over and you end up having to make do, you take whatever the fuck you can get. I dunno. I'll have to wait a year so I can get the zannies, I'll need em for SN or CO or hanging cuz I'm a giant puss puss, so fingers crossed there will be a way to get it in meantime.,
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Jan 30, 2021
HI am going to assume they watch this site then.
**EDIT** - apologies just saw all the other threads on UK police visits about SN! Sorry I have just logged back on first time since before Christmas.


I haven't been on here recently as I have been feeling abit better about my mental health. And work has kept me distracted.

I purchased SN online last year, March time and it was delivered to me by Royal Mail a few days later.

So Monday night my door went , it was two police men who asked to come in as they wanted to speak to me. I said ahh I know what this is about , due to my neighbours having issues in the street so I assumed it was for my account of that .

Turns out Manchester police have opened an investigation into the selling of SN and the recent spouts of deaths in the UK from it. They said they received my name and address from Manchester Police and were told to do a welfare check.

I am in Scotland btw. I was shocked. I told them I had disposed of it before Christmas and I was feeling better with my MH and didn't want to die anymore. They took a statement from me and the details of me buying from a seller on a marketplace site.
Just wanted to warn UK residents on here they might be getting a visit if they went down the same route as me buying SN.

They are definitely going to cut down pronto on the selling of this!
Has anyone else had a visit from the police?? In the UK! Quite scary they knew what I bought and where. And my details. Just shows you someone is always watching.
Hi. Have always assumed they watching these sites tbh. Doesn't sound like a welfare check, sounds like they were already on to suppliers and that's how custom check happened. Always a risk I suppose although not sure a criminal offence to possess? For me also wouldn't worry me as older person and this force not exactly a good track record with vulnerable people . They need lots of Intel to try and shut down drug networks they believe exist but this is just a chemical that happens to be lethal. And disposed of. They can in England remove items that may put you in immediate danger if at risk without a warrant but Scots law may be different. Other thing springs to mind us if they had a spate of deaths or near misses with SN.
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