bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Police at home. Yes, a few months ago the police came to my house because a certain person with whom I spoke while drunk called a relative. My door was closed and the door to my room was closed. The relative allowed access to the house but I closed the door tightly. They broke the bolt and two policemen jumped on me. They didn't manage to cut me down (thank you brown taekwondo belt at 16) in the end just circling 4 of me while I was sitting on my bed gasping. They asked me to put on the mask, I refused, it was my room. They asked me for my documentation, I refused, it was a burglary. It seems that I spoke with the cleverest of all, reminding him of a recent sentence in which they arrested a drug trafficker entering the home without a warrant and the policemen lost their jobs. Doctors came. They didn't want to enter the room without me putting on the mask. In the end nothing. They all went the way they came. It must be amazing to see me drunk refuting all their arguments. Epic. They don't give me your police card number, I don't identify myself. Put on the mask, no, I'm in my room which they raided. Sons of bitches. Teaching: be careful who you talk to about your suicidal thoughts. Damn it I spent the whole night drinking in the street at curfew and I did not meet any police and it turns out that they came at dawn because of the call from the person this XD. I have the video of the entrance at my home. I was in underpants XD Someday I'll upload it.
Screenshot 20210405 131507
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
This is so epic and based. Would love to see the hilarious video.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
This is so epic and based. Would love to see the hilarious video.
Someday. It is in Spanish. I would have to edit the faces because it is forbidden to spread images without pixelating the faces.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Someday. It is in Spanish. I would have to edit the faces because it is forbidden to spread images without pixelating the faces.
I'm actually able to speak some Spanish, would need a month of intense studies to get back to toddler-level tho.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
I'm actually able to speak some Spanish, would need a month of intense studies to get back to toddler-level tho.
The same thing happens to me with English and German. Very little German. English, I learn something and read I learn more, but I have not spoken for 11 years.
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Oct 12, 2020
What an obsession with loading the doors. I am glad that it has not gone to more and you are aware of your rights because if it were not the case, they would abuse it. And above all, "chapó" for having recorded it, these things are always better to have them recorded.
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Jul 12, 2020
They didn't take you by force? I believed that if you were alone they could do it. The police were also at my house but they were much nicer.
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
What an obsession with loading the doors. I am glad that it has not gone to more and you are aware of your rights because if it were not the case, they would abuse it. And above all, "chapó" for having recorded it, these things are always better to have them recorded.
It is legal to record the police, especially if you are the taker. What is prohibited is the dissemination of personal data, or their faces. But at least in my country it is legal. They don't like it, but I'm at home too. In the street I also put on a tape recorder if I talk to them. It is valid before a court.
They didn't take you by force? I believed that if you were alone they could do it. The police were also at my house but they were much nicer.
They had no court order. It was a relative who knocked and opened the door for them. It was going to be difficult to carry because in that state it seems that my berserker side comes out. He was just drunk. That is not a crime.
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Dec 29, 2020
A ver si vas a salir en policías en acción. Hahhaha
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
A ver si vas a salir en policías en acción. Jajaja
Jajaja entonces quedarían mal y al grabar en un piso privado podría demandarlos y pedir compensación por daño moral y honor xD
In any case, it would appear in citizens who know their rights
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In the kingdom of th blind; the one-eyed are kings
Jan 24, 2021
Police at home. Yes, a few months ago the police came to my house because a certain person with whom I spoke while drunk called a relative. My door was closed and the door to my room was closed. The relative allowed access to the house but I closed the door tightly. ETC ETC:
Hiya :: quite a mental insane experience?!

= Have gone through a few of them myself - they always leave me hungover :: violated and confused:

Some thoughts / questions - you don't have to answer them - just contemplations...

Experience has made me curious about the legalities involved if you don't mind..?
- Esp if you hire a Private Security Services: ps: you may terminate many of your personal rights when signing the contract...
particularly warrants for access / reasons for entry / brandishing a weapon etc
- very interesting 'cos there's no 'solid ground' to stand on...

Were the authorities (paramedics & policemen I see) contacted by your relative and requested that they do a welfare check because of your suicidal intention claims?
- What about a warrant? even for your room?
- what if they found illegal prescriptions / CTB kit / illegal drugs? without a warrant they can't prosecute?

I assume they (family / complainant) let them in?
- what are your rights if you're trashed but not a threat to others?

At what moment do they have to surrender their intentions and leave? (without a warrant...!)
- when you at your front door?
- do they do a 'sobriety' test?
- why?
- what if you're intoxicated - do they stay / commit you?

- have you had this experience before?
- have you (or anyone on this forum for that matter) previously signed & surrendered your rights?
- would that make a difference?
- does this go on an 'offences record?' even if they couldn't determine your level of intoxication..?

In my country there are radical rights abuses - even if you have signed a d.n.r they don't pay attention to it.
They suboxone the shit outta you so your opiates & -pam's are useless.
i wander it's effect on S.N?? (that's why I hesitate at the moment!)

as i said: just contemplations...
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
Hiya :: quite a mental insane experience?!

= Have gone through a few of them myself - they always leave me hungover :: violated and confused:

Some thoughts / questions - you don't have to answer them - just contemplations...

Experience has made me curious about the legalities involved if you don't mind..?
- Esp if you hire a Private Security Services: ps: you may terminate many of your personal rights when signing the contract...
particularly warrants for access / reasons for entry / brandishing a weapon etc
- very interesting 'cos there's no 'solid ground' to stand on...

Were the authorities (paramedics & policemen I see) contacted by your relative and requested that they do a welfare check because of your suicidal intention claims?
- What about a warrant? even for your room?
- what if they found illegal prescriptions / CTB kit / illegal drugs? without a warrant they can't prosecute?

I assume they (family / complainant) let them in?
- what are your rights if you're trashed but not a threat to others?

At what moment do they have to surrender their intentions and leave? (without a warrant...!)
- when you at your front door?
- do they do a 'sobriety' test?
- why?
- what if you're intoxicated - do they stay / commit you?

- have you had this experience before?
- have you (or anyone on this forum for that matter) previously signed & surrendered your rights?
- would that make a difference?
- does this go on an 'offences record?' even if they couldn't determine your level of intoxication..?

In my country there are radical rights abuses - even if you have signed a d.n.r they don't pay attention to it.
They suboxone the shit outta you so your opiates & -pam's are useless.
i wander it's effect on S.N?? (that's why I hesitate at the moment!)

as i said: just contemplations...
The constitution of my country has an article that says that the domicile is inviolable and that they can only access it with a court order. When they saw that he was only drunk and after verifying that he did not have a weapon, they only waited for the paramedics. In my country, if you are crazy, they can only kidnap you when they see you with symptoms such as schizophrenia, psychosis, being out of reality or a suicide attempt, if you seem normal, you are in use of reason, even drunk, they have no proof of that they should enter you. . My first admission was for a failed attempt. At no time did I declare suicidal thoughts, it was a friend (she is no longer) who warned the relative that she let the police into the home. With my ex-friend if I had talked about the possibility of committing suicide by not being able to bear this life anymore.
Police from my country reducing a young woman: Police from my country arresting boxer:
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Mar 22, 2020
A ver si vas a salir en policías en acción. Hahhaha

jajajaj amaba ese programa!

Damn, pal, you've been through a lot. Police, here in Argentina, is like that and even worse sometimes. They suck and think they're superior to normal citizens.
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Mar 17, 2020
La constitución de mi país tiene un artículo que dice que el domicilio es inviolable y que solo pueden acceder a él con orden judicial. Cuando vieron que solo estaba borracho y luego de verificar que no tenía arma, solo esperaron a los paramédicos. En mi país, si estás loco, solo te pueden secuestrar cuando te ven con síntomas como esquizofrenia, psicosis, estar fuera de la realidad o un intento de suicidio, si pareces normal, estás en uso de la razón, incluso borracho, no tienen prueba de que deben entrar en ti. . Mi primera admisión fue por un intento fallido. En ningún momento declaré pensamientos suicidas, fue una amiga (ya no lo es) quien le advirtió a la familiar que dejara entrar a la policía a la casa. Con mi ex amigo si hubiera hablado de la posibilidad de suicidarme al no poder soportar más esta vida.
Policía de mi país reduciendo a una mujer joven: [MEDIA = youtube] Zof27n53FGg [/ MEDIA] Policía de mi país arrestando a un boxeador: [MEDIA = youtube] rbIPPBOska0 [/ MEDIA]
Are you from Spain? Me too
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bad luck

bad luck

Memento mori
Mar 2, 2021
¿Eres de España? Yo también
Yes, I am Spanish
jajajaj amaba ese programa!

Damn, pal, you've been through a lot. Police, here in Argentina, is like that and even worse sometimes. They suck and think they're superior to normal citizens.
Bah, if they had a camera they would erase everything. His performance was painful and sterile
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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021

coleradedios: 1; Cop & Doctors: 0. They have nothing on you!​

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