

Apr 7, 2023

scroll back in the archives, there are some good ones. I think he is also on itunes, youtube etc.

I think the modern system has some value but its likely way off track. All the naive trust of modern dr's and pharma on the forum really worries me. The antipsychiatry movement has levelled many serious criticisms at the mental health industry over the years.

I don't recommend you adopt this dr as a guru either but its worth considering what he has to say.

I don't really like his twitter but its a good taste of his views without committing to a podcast.
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May 24, 2023
Thanks! I'll listen to it. Though I think we don't have a blind trust in drs and pharmaceutical industries here at all, quite the contrary. Psychology/mental well-being is neglected by governments, pharmaceutical and drs all around the world.
if someone is interested by shorter format and comedy, Dr Glaucomflecken on YouTube made a series of short "funny" videos about issues with Healthcare and Pharma, for example: (30 days of us healthcare psychology. TW mention suicide)
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Apr 7, 2023
Youre right that the community has mixed views on dr's, its just the number of people here I see taking ssri's for example is frightening. I just think the system is worse than most could imagine or articulate, that the fundamental models its based on are wrong.