

Jan 22, 2023
hi everyone. for the past two months food has become more and more disgusting to me. i eat barely 300 calories a day and am losing weight fast.

i'm going through a difficult time right now and feel very anxious and depressed from all the stress. i can't bring myself to cook, and if i order food i can't bring myself to chew and swallow the delicious meal. it feels like a part of me wants to die even if that means starving myself to death.

i'm dizzy and achey every day. even a spoonful of peanut butter makes me nauseous. has anyone overcome this? id be happy if i could just eat a bowl of noodles. i'm so disappointed and ashamed to have gotten to this point.
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loser · gone very soon
Aug 17, 2022
I don't have as severe problem with appetite as you have, but as someone who does also suffer from overall lack of appetite;
If you have weed available, that causes so much hunger in me that it cannot be satisfied, which is a problem on it's own.
But it certainly helps with appetite and the nausea caused by trying to eat.

That's just my 2 cents.

I hope it gets better <3
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Hardworking Lass who Dreams of Love~ 💕✨
Jun 9, 2023
hi everyone. for the past two months food has become more and more disgusting to me. i eat barely 300 calories a day and am losing weight fast.

i'm going through a difficult time right now and feel very anxious and depressed from all the stress. i can't bring myself to cook, and if i order food i can't bring myself to chew and swallow the delicious meal. it feels like a part of me wants to die even if that means starving myself to death.

i'm dizzy and achey every day. even a spoonful of peanut butter makes me nauseous. has anyone overcome this? id be happy if i could just eat a bowl of noodles. i'm so disappointed and ashamed to have gotten to this point.
yeahhh, I have the same problem quite a lot! :((( Easier-to-eat foods tho are easier to eat so mac and cheese is pretty ideal food from my experience. Anything that takes a while to chew is terrible! >_< I need help too tho and haven't even been able to eat the little food I get, so I'm not doing so hot either as of recent! :(((
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May 24, 2023
You need to find a food that you can stomach, it might be salad, cucumber, fish, chicken or other stuff if beef doesn't go down, if it continue go see a psychiatrist because you'll be in danger eating so little for long period of time?
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wannabe polymath
Jun 25, 2023
Remeron or mirtazapine can also induce and increase appetite. It is an antidepressant (an atypical one that is often prescribed for sleep) with a low risk profile. It can be easily discontinued. This is something you might be able to discuss with your doc.

I am so sorry you're dealing with this. I've lost over 20lbs in the last few months and it really feels awful. Eating is so hard. I hope your appetite starts to improve. 🖤
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end me
Mar 13, 2021
feel you. When anxiety fills your stomach there's no space for food anymore. I wake up with this panic inside me every morning and threw up 2 times already and just can't bring myself to swallow food. It was so much easier when I was lonely and just wanted to die, feeling apathetic. Weight loss is so demotivating when you're training especially.

I hope you find something to calm you down and allow yourself to eat the calories you need. Sorry you're feeling this, it's horrible.
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Aug 6, 2023
I used to starve myself the same way but thankfully I found my own resources that helped me on youtube and other blogging platforms. I hope my thoughts help. <3

Like someone said above, try easy foods to start with. Peanut butter might be too fatty or 'thick' to handle but cucumber, salads (Just straight leafy greens,) and bland chicken helped me. Avoid foods with too much acid in them like tomato's or fruits with a lot of citrus. If you also might think you have a lactose intolerance, avoid milks because those will also upset your stomach too. But those will make your stomach hurt with a sharp pain. I also recommend smoothies or soups. My "struggle meal" for a bit was beef bullion in hot water and I drank it from a bowl. I didn't add anything to it, only water and the billion cube. The smoothies I bought were from smoothie places I ordered online. I tried to find something that looked easy and palatable.

If you remember what your favorites' foods were, try a basic version of them, worked for me!

I also found a few of comfort in mukkbang videos. My favorite channel is linked below. I chose to watch videos that don't have an overwhelming amount of food because it when they did have a lot- it made me even sicker and MORE turned off to food.

I'm so proud you're asking for help, its an amazing step in the right direction.

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Mr. Water Pig
Sep 9, 2023
hi everyone. for the past two months food has become more and more disgusting to me. i eat barely 300 calories a day and am losing weight fast.

i'm going through a difficult time right now and feel very anxious and depressed from all the stress. i can't bring myself to cook, and if i order food i can't bring myself to chew and swallow the delicious meal. it feels like a part of me wants to die even if that means starving myself to death.

i'm dizzy and achey every day. even a spoonful of peanut butter makes me nauseous. has anyone overcome this? id be happy if i could just eat a bowl of noodles. i'm so disappointed and ashamed to have gotten to this point.
serious suggestion, have you tried weed or edibles? they increase appetite chemicals in the brain
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Sep 28, 2023
+1 for weed/edibles. Though I'd suggest going easy on them at first. Getting too high can trigger a lot of anxiety or put you to sleep, thus becoming counterproductive.
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Sep 25, 2023
hi everyone. for the past two months food has become more and more disgusting to me. i eat barely 300 calories a day and am losing weight fast.

i'm going through a difficult time right now and feel very anxious and depressed from all the stress. i can't bring myself to cook, and if i order food i can't bring myself to chew and swallow the delicious meal. it feels like a part of me wants to die even if that means starving myself to death.

i'm dizzy and achey every day. even a spoonful of peanut butter makes me nauseous. has anyone overcome this? id be happy if i could just eat a bowl of noodles. i'm so disappointed and ashamed to have gotten to this point.
I have anorexia and comfort foods can help if u prefer warm or cold foods and making it ahead of time if possible helped me


Mar 2, 2023
I had the same issue during one of my worst years.

I literally couldn't eat like a few grapes without feeling like throwing up at my peak. I could barely move from my couch. I don't wish it on anyone.

The only thing that worked for me was to just increase my bites one little bit at a time. It also helps to distract yourself while you eat, like to watch or read something and try to get your mind off eating.

My system could be as slow as one bite an hour. If that. But as long as you track it and slowly build it up, it works.

It's most likely completely in your head like mine was, but if have any inkling that it's physical and you want the help, I would see a doctor to check your stomach and etc.
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Sep 30, 2023
honestly from personal experience i used to be a skinny little twig, barely eating and overall just being uncomfortable in my own skin. i wanted to eat more but i just didn't have the appetite. i started smoking a lot of weed and everytime i got high i would eat like an animal. i was spending like £40 on deliveroo to my house a day and i think after around two months i put on quite a bit of weight


Sep 29, 2023
there are some gym substances specifically made to make you hungry. i dose certain peptides at the moment purely for their side effects and one of em makes it so im even able to eat at all during the day, maybe try looking into it. weed's a good idea tho ,yall ever heard of the restaurant mellow mushroom?


Apr 18, 2022
I haven't experienced anything as extreme as what you're describing, but I have experienced loss of appetite and eating feeling like too much of a chore to be worth bothering and some other variations. Food you can eat quickly and easily can both help (as others have suggested), but you might also try distracting yourself while eating. Watch a tv show or youtube or something, play a game between bites (I'd recommend a food that you don't touch directly for that so you don't have to constantly clean your hands or risk getting debris on other stuff), do it while drawing or some other hobby, etc.


La Joya
Sep 27, 2023
Not super helpful, but chewing gum can induce your hunger. Also, gum has a few calories and sugars that can help keep your calorie count up.
Best of luck.


Hanging in there
Aug 29, 2023
I've been in a similar boat myself as well. I'll add that smoothies/ shakes/ some form of liquid calories can also help you get nutrients in and prevent you from losing more weight!

Good luck and I hope you're able to improve soon.


let me spell it out for you: go to hell
Sep 25, 2023
soups and smoothies with a lot of protein in them. peanut butter powder is a freaking miracle worker btw i highly recommend using it in so much stuff: smoothies, coffee, hot chocolate, chai tea, oatmeal, cereal, baking, peanut sauce, some noodle dishes (like pad thai or even cup noodles), customize your own peanut butter batches with it to put on whatever. its one of the few things that will keep me going when my appetite tanks. i recently went through some withdrawals, couldnt eat almost at all and dropped around 10lbs really fast and it felt awful. protein bars, hummus, beans and eggs are highly useful as well; they may not have the most appealing texture to a brain with 0 appetite but if you can manage to keep them down, bodies crave a lot of protein and it tends to help a lot of people with nausea issues related to not eating enough and vis versa. maybe start a food journal to help you log progress and note what works well and doesnt? hope youre able to get some appetite back soon, please take care 🖤
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I don't know what I'm doing
Sep 29, 2023
Vitamin b might also help a lot. It makes me hungry, at least.


Jul 3, 2019
I found Kambo helped one time. It is not a beautiful experience but I wasn't eating at all then went to a Kambo ceremony and afterwards I could eat again a little.

the other thing that helps me is weed.

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