
Jan 24, 2023
The Discworld series and other Pratchetts works are very quotable, but the Death is also a character, not only an event, and there's damn A LOT of great quotes, but rarely sorted by topic. HELP please.
Other witty death-related quotes are also appreciated.
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022

I have this book physically, but since I don't know English I can't read it well. If you find it digitally, you could search for the phrases that interest you.
Tinc aquest llibre físicament, però com que no se pas anglés no el puc llegir bé. Si el trobes en digital podries fer la cerca de les frases que t'interesin.
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Jan 24, 2023

I have this book physically, but since I don't know English I can't read it well. If you find it digitally, you could search for the phrases that interest you.
Tinc aquest llibre físicament, però com que no se pas anglés no el puc llegir bé. Si el trobes en digital podries fer la cerca de les frases que t'interesin.
Thanks, I should have it somewhere physically (in my language). But I have no clue where 😂
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
I found out that there are versions in other languages like German:
He esbrinat que hi han versions en altres llengües com l'alemany:



Trapped in space and time
Aug 29, 2019
Hi @Disaster, I'm familiar with Terry Pratchett and have seen some videos he was in but not many of his quotes. Here are a few random ones though.

" There are 2 sides to the mirror my friend. When the bright side turns on you the black dark side takes you in. "

" Millions long for immortality but don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. " Susan Ertz

" From my rotting body flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity! " Edvard Munch

" I'll sleep when I'm dead. " Warren Zevon
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