
May 14, 2021
During a manic episode I decided to undergo a series of plastic surgery procedures that have completely ruined my face. This was 2 years ago. Now I feel so ugly that I don't go outside anymore. I pass the day rocking back and forth (due to my akathisia) and watching tv. I don't have a job or a future. I wish I could just be dead but I don't have the guts to kill myself. It's a living nightmare.
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always say never
Sep 14, 2019
I'm sorry it ruined your face! :aw: I have been dreaming about a plastic surgery since forever... I'm pretty sure I have BDD which makes me want to stay inside all the time as well.

I know how impossible it feels to learn to accept your looks. But I still hope you can find it in you to at least learn to ignore your looks and find some joy in living.


Useless piece of trash
Dec 5, 2019
I'm so sorry for what you're going through.

If you have true akathisia(like the kind you get as a side effect from medications), Benadryl can help to lessen it FYI, just in case you didn't know. I've had akathisia triggered by meto, anxiety, and weed. It's a terrible thing to have to deal with, and I'm so sorry.

As for the plastic surgery: Celebrities tend to get LOTS of plastic surgeries done. Perhaps yours isn't so bad in comparison? Why do you think it's ruined your face(I don't mean to offend)? I can understand how you feel though. If it's this bad, is there any corrective surgery that can be done? Is it a fault of the surgeon(if so, do you think that they would take responsibility)?

Best wishes in the meantime. Also, welcome to the forum.
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm really sorry to hear this. It must have been a traumatizing experience, certainly.

Hope you can get better somehow. Looks are not everything but I know, "easier said than done".

Whatever happens, wish you lots of love and peace!




May 6, 2021
Why would a surgeon do something that would hurt his patient? Look at Michael Jackson, Joan Rivers, many others. I hope you can find help!!! Don't give up on life. Its he'll. I know,I have given up and my life is shit!


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Life can be awful, we can do so many things that we come to regret which can completely ruin our lives. Our own thoughts really can torture us. I hope you can find some relief.