

Mar 14, 2023
I just really want to get other people's thoughts other than my own again.
As I quickly brushed over in my story, When I was in the ambulance the guy started to berate me.
Telling me how lucky my life is and how I am selfish and stupid for attempting just a waste of time.

I'm really stuck on four things.
1. Suicide is selfish.
2.Suicide doesn't end your pain it just passes it on.
3. Suicide is a pertinent solution to temporarily problems.
4. Just get help

I would like to combine one and two. When you tell me that suicide is selfish and all it does is passes on my pain to everyone around me.
I feel as if you are calling me a meat shield. That I should suck it up and deal with the arrows that tear my skin. Simply for the fact that
my muscles, bones, heart and lungs will be able to stop the arrow before it hits the person behind me. I feel as if you are saying my happiness is
below the people around me. That if I don't take the cuts, blunt force trauma, burns, in which you ostracize me for. I am an unworthy person. Who
some will way, will burn in hell for eternity. The same people who roar my faults in public and ask the damn question. What happened to your wrist?
With a tone played by the ones who already know the answer to. Who when lied to will confront me and force me to speak as if it will change anything.
But of how I view myself and the stigma that comes with the scars.

Now for those who will say some people don't get to decide whether they live or die, and that is unfair for me to decide for myself.
And to that I say you are right, it's unfair that people who live and love life are dying. But I think it's unfair to compare the two. Because then
for that argument to work for me you will need to define living. Because I believe if you can write a DNR (Do not resuscitate) is proof that just
being alive is not living. Now I am assuming on this one so please correct me if I am wrong. But there are people who go into a vegetative states
have loved ones pulling the plug because they cannot enjoy life. When you can't find joy in life, I don't mean for a day or weeks I mean months and
years. I don't believe I am living. I am surviving. I am simply a peace a paper falling wherever the law of physics tells me to go. I promise I am trying
I have a purpose. I have found my light. But it's too damn far away to feel its warmth. Let alone reach, its heart breaking that I can't get out of bed unless I pull the
arrows out of my chest pinning me to my bed. Just to use the last few breaths I have to clean up the wounds and cough out the poisins in my mind.

And I hate the fact that you try to tell me its temporary. Because it not, the scars are permanent, depression is permanent, bipolar disorder is permanent. I can't get out
I can simply deal with it. Pills will only add a latter to the castle wall that is my mental illness. And for the people to say just get help I did I will admit in total I got help five or six times.
The first one was with a unvoluntary visit to the Psychiatric ward. Where I was fear full for my life at times. Where I stayed for about 4 weeks and only ones did, I talk to the psychiatrist for ten minutes. before She diagnose me and doubled my medication. Before I go further, I would like to add I do not have any distain for her. I'm sure she was over worked and under paid.
This is getting long so I will summarize the other visits. I got abandoned by my last therapist I was not informed of my canulation that day. i was told I would get a call back to re book my
appointment and never got it. I tired calling but they just.... left me. When I was in the Psychiatric ward, I was so scared they were going to add more and more disorders to me.
When I first got there they gave me a meal I didn't like. So I told them, I was not going to eat. They automatically told me if I didn't eat that I would be on watch for an eating disorder
and will be watched more closely. Then they tried to diagnose me with PTSD witch I do NOT HAVE.

I just hate the hypocrisy of you are a horrible person but please reach out we will help there is help.

TLDR: I don't think suicide is selfish and I believe I could argue that you are selfish for saying that. please give me your thoughts. Also sorry for everything, I guess. I haven't slept in a while and I'm hopping after I get this of my chest, I can finally get some sleep.
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Jul 29, 2021
what's really selfish is bring new life here in the first place especially when there's already a billion people going hungery each day
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Mar 31, 2023
What a joke those people are!!! Suicide is the bravest thing someone can do. It's the people who believe that shit that push the others to commit suicide. I've thought of suicide for many years but I've been afraid to for fear I will fail. I'm one of the most unselfish people you'll ever meet quite the opposite. When you're in such pain that you can't deal with it any more there are no options. So the people who say that suicide is selfish are ignorant assholes who should keep their opinions to themselves and check themselves.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Honestly people who say things like that disgust me, like nobody is obligated to continue existing, it's our life, our decision and it's repulsive how other people wish to make existence into a prison where one cannot escape, it's inhumane expecting someone to suffer when they want to die. To me the true selfish thing is burdening someone with the ability to exist, creating unnecessary suffering as a result, we all have our right to take control over our inevitable fate, not everyone even wants to exist here and for many the only relief lies in death.
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Seeker Of Heaven
Aug 8, 2023
The instant you translate the actual meaning behind their sentiments, their intentions quickly unveil themselves to be...less than savory.

1. Suicide is selfish.

The rhetoric of the jailer: "We put you here on this planet against your will. We expect you to be here, forever, no matter what. Be grateful to us."

2.Suicide doesn't end your pain it just passes it on.

The rhetoric of the narcissist: "People don't like feeling loss and it's rude of you to make them do so; even though you're the one who was suffering enough to kill yourself, you should have thought about how that would make me feel!"

3. Suicide is a pertinent solution to temporarily problems.

The rhetoric of the privileged: "I don't recognize your problems; you just have to get over it."

4. Just get help

The rhetoric of the incapable: "Stop bothering me with these things."
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Jul 19, 2020
These statements and platitudes are the oldest in the book, brandished by people who couldn't possibly understand. I debate them every time I hear them.

1. Suicide is selfish.
I've had one of my closest friends direct this toward me. I came back at him by telling him that every day I'm alive, I've made a decision to keep going for the sole sake of others. How many days do I have to do that before it's not selfish? At which point does it become selfish of others to expect me to keep going? He had no response.

"People pontificate, 'Suicide is selfishness.' Career churchmen like Pater go a step further and call in a cowardly assault on the living. Oafs argue this specious line for varying reason: to evade fingers of blame, to impress one's audience with one's mental fiber, to vent anger, or just because one lacks the necessary suffering to sympathize. Cowardice is nothing to do with it — suicide takes considerable courage… No, what's selfish is to demand another to endure an intolerable existence, just to spare families, friends, and enemies a bit of soul-searching."
- David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas (2004)

2. Suicide doesn't end your pain. It just passes it on.
So your pain (or the pain of others) is more worthy of consideration than my pain? Let's for a minute ignore the abject lack of compassion of this statement. This cliché exposes another hypocrisy.

The same people who purport that I can change my outlook on life simply by willing it so are also saying that I would be to blame for their own suffering? Could you not just will yourself to not feel pain in my passing?

3. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Not all problems are temporary. Many of us on this website *know* that our trials will continue. And how long does something have to go one before suicide is justified?

For many us, it's the joys in life that are temporary. Pain is the default.

Ultimately, it's irrelevant. If a temporary problem is too much for a person to deal with, they have their own right to decide how to handle it for themselves.

4. Just get help.
You're a little late to the party. Do you think I haven't trued?

Anyone who says this has no sense of the sheer amount of work people have put in to try to survive. That they've tried everything, sought help, and nothing has worked. That's why they're here. There's no other way out. Sometimes, the systems that are designed to help don't work for everyone.

"Killing oneself is, anyway, a misnomer. We don't kill ourselves. We are simply defeated by the long, hard struggle to stay alive. When somebody dies after a long illness, people are apt to say, with a note of approval, 'He fought so hard.' And they are inclined to think, about a suicide, that no fight was involved, that somebody simply gave up. This is quite wrong."
- Sally Brampton, Shoot the Damn Dog: A Memoir of Depression (2008)
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death: the cure for life
Dec 9, 2019
Its just nonsense from low iq ppl
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Gloom and DOOM
Aug 15, 2023
3. Suicide is a pertinent solution to temporarily problems.
More often than not these problems are not temporary or last too long to be worth standing like a literal test of human psyche. And it's ALWAYS the worst problems that never go away. When someone says this it really highlights their ignorance, as if your problems are simply something that can go away like poof.
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