

Jul 14, 2018
never surprised with the knee-jerk reactions to suicide and people stating their opinions on topic as fact.

What I want to understand is what's the psychology behind this? Are people saying this as cognitive dissonance (struggled through life and don't want to accept people who choose otherwise) or do they genuinely mean it?

It seems like one of those things drilled into peoples heads by parents, teachers, religious figures.

Along with so many other suicide platitudes, this one is clearly "emotion driven".
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Sep 8, 2018
I'd say they phrased it the wrong way, they probably meant to say:
Nothing in MY life is bad enough that I should kill myself.

I think these platitudes are their to keep their precious beliefs intact about how life is a gift, even though they don't hold up at all if they
were to ever experience prolonged suffering.

Even trying to imagine what someone's life situation would be like for them to see suicide as an option would endanger those beliefs.
Better to stick a big shiny platitude over those cracks.
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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
never surprised with the knee-jerk reactions to suicide and people stating their opinions on topic as fact.

What I want to understand is what's the psychology behind this? Are people saying this as cognitive dissonance (struggled through life and don't want to accept people who choose otherwise) or do they genuinely mean it?

It seems like one of those things drilled into peoples heads by parents, teachers, religious figures.

Along with so many other suicide platitudes, this one is clearly "emotion driven".
from what I see it seems that people say it because they are used to this, then obviously there are always other people who really thinks that. in fact some are so attached to life that I personally can't understand why. the latter are those that have a mostly optimistic view of life. it is insistent in the nature of the human being, of the famous conservation instinct of the species. if we are still here it is for this i guess. on the other hand I believe that other people still say that way for fear of a purely religious universal judgment.
however life is a bad game, where you believe you have won, takes you where you want and in the end you are the one who loses.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Even animals kill themselves in certain situations. Some people have an opinion on this...doesn't mean they are right though.
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Jul 14, 2018
Even animals kill themselves in certain situations. Some people have an opinion on this...doesn't mean they are right though.

I wonder if people think that animals ending their life is cowardice.
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Sep 8, 2018
I doubt it. The people that have the strongest opinion are the ones to avoid...

I like this quote on it:

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one but they think each others stink.
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
Maybe no single event, but add them all up and you got a one big stinking pile of reason to CTB. Maybe these are people who are able to just 'get on with it' won't be the ones to dwell on the past. But then we are wired differently, we are able to think about suicide, and the sweet release of death. We welcome it, and they are scared of it.
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Sep 7, 2018
People see life through the prism of their own existence. Many people fail to understand the slightest differences in others compared to how they perceive things and so expecting them to comprehend a suicide is asking a lot.
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life is fleeting.....
Oct 8, 2018
we are conditioned to think that suicide is a sin.every religion precheas the same irrespective of what life throws at you..we just need to hang in there, coz life is a gift and God won't appreciate it !!

i read an article in the group today which surprised me..even animal commit sucide when they are distredsed or separated from their mates/ partners or the once they love , they refuse to breath, suffocate then self or can also drown to death.
animsls have that liberty to decide to live or die not human..
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Oct 11, 2018
Even if you take religion out of the equation, the vast majority of people don't like to think about death. It scares them and generally makes them feel bad, so they try to ignore it. Being confronted with someone's voluntary death naturally arouses a knee jerk emotional reaction, which causes them to reject the individual and their plight out of hand.

In a sense, it's like being confronted with an irrefutably bigoted statement. The reaction is entirely emotional; "You said a bad thing, so you are a bad person and I don't like you."
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Sep 10, 2018
The next personto say my life isn't that bad I'm knocking their fucking teeth in.
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Oct 3, 2018
never surprised with the knee-jerk reactions to suicide and people stating their opinions on topic as fact.

What I want to understand is what's the psychology behind this? Are people saying this as cognitive dissonance (struggled through life and don't want to accept people who choose otherwise) or do they genuinely mean it?

It seems like one of those things drilled into peoples heads by parents, teachers, religious figures.

Along with so many other suicide platitudes, this one is clearly "emotion driven".
I knew one guy who told me in general that there is no real reason except some extremely rare disease cases, what can justify suicide...

...long story short, he drown himself in sea..
so that's that
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Sep 7, 2018
I never talk to anyone about low i am because i don't want to be judged, apart from in here. In western culture everything possible is done to avoid the issue, when someone dies they are removed as quickly as possible and that's that. People who say nothing in life is bad enough to kill yourself, it's just their perspective but then people often like to generalise about all sorts of things.

I know that in malaysia the dead person is prepared in the family home sitting up, with flowers around them for as long as a week with people coming to see them. Eastern cultures have a much more open view about death, i'm not so sure about suicide but i think they do as well. The animal thing reminds me of certain birds pining away when they lose the partner.
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