

Jul 7, 2020
I'm considering procuring some benzos but i'm not sure what to ask, and i'm also too afraid to specify a certain pill i think would help me sleep or feel less anxious. What did you say?


Only after the struggle is over will we find peace
Apr 13, 2020
In my experience as a pharm tech, benzos and barbiturates are usually dispensed at the lowest strength and with the lowest risk of overuse, dependency, or possible OD. They only give you the good stuff after multiple trial and errors, or seeing a recommended psych doc who deems it necessary, so unless you are planning to wait awhile to CTB this route is not wise. It is also not recommended to request specific meds because that could pop up a red flag, and they will be wary of what they prescribe. I guess you could say something along the lines of "I've been having trouble with anxiety/sleep and my friend/family member** uses so and so which helps them and I wondered if it would be something that would help me too. But I trust your extensive knowledge and input so whatever you think is best. I am just really struggling with this so please help me". I don't know if it'll work but doctors love to have their asses kissed so there is a chance it'll work but you gotta be as sincere as possible when asking for their help or it could backfire. As for sleeping pills, the go-to drug for most doctors use is Ambien (Zolpidem) which has a heavy sedating effect so although it will put ya to sleep sleep, for it to be successful you'll either need to save up quite a bit or you might need another method to finish the job.

I'm not endorsing anything, just giving my two cents.

** on another note, from what I've seen the doc is more likely to agree if you say an immediate family member uses a stronger drug because it is more believable to know what someone in your family takes instead of a friend. Most "drug seekers" use the friend line, so they know to watch out for it when prescribing anything strong.
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Aug 20, 2019
I'm considering procuring some benzos but i'm not sure what to ask, and i'm also too afraid to specify a certain pill i think would help me sleep or feel less anxious. What did you say?
Okay, I have been lying to my psychiatrist for close to a year now about "treatment-resistant insomnia". She is so used to my requests for benzodiazepines that she gave me a prescription for 15mg of Midazolam and 7.5mg of Zopiclone, a Z-drug. Assuming that you "suffer" from Suicidal thoughts like most of us, lying for drugs will be easy: just get yourself a psychiatrist, tell them that you suffer from insomnia and the thoughts are worst when you "struggle to fall asleep late at night" and that you would like something to help you sleep. I'm from South Africa so I'm not sure about your case but I am never afraid to ask for something specific. Example: the first time I went to a psychiatrist she gave me Ativan because she didn't want to give me Xanax. So I changed psychiatrists swiftly and now my psychiatrist is my best friend because she is the key to acquiring my prescriptions. So my advice to you is that you get a psychiatrist, don't tell them much about Suicide rather tell them that "you need your mind to be sedated to control your negative thoughts" if they refuse to give you what you want then it's on to the next one. The key here is to find someone who will listen to you plus when you ask for drugs use their scientific names to "show" that you researched what you want. Example, Alprazolam is the name for Xanax, Midazolam is the name for Versed and so on. Wish you good luck, and remember all you need to do is find the right psychiatrist to "listen to your pleads for help." If you don't, you will be stuck with a fucker who keeps pumping you with SSRI pills or some weak bullshit, trust me I know.
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Only after the struggle is over will we find peace
Apr 13, 2020
@Gratefulcorpse = That is great advice! How long did it take for you to find a good psych doc? Did you have to start with a PCP and work your way up? I tried to do the same thing and could never get anywhere.

I screwed up

Waiting for the damn bus
Sep 11, 2019
I know people who have managed to get benzos , anti depressants using forged prescription, so I plan to use the same method when I need it for my ctb .


Only after the struggle is over will we find peace
Apr 13, 2020
@I screwed up = How interesting, you've piqued my interest! How did they forge prescriptions? Using a stolen pad? Rewriting what the doc has already written?


Aug 20, 2019
@Gratefulcorpse = That is great advice! How long did it take for you to find a good psych doc? Did you have to start with a PCP and work your way up? I tried to do the same thing and could never get anywhere.
I first went to a GP who referred me to a psychologist and since my mission was to get Benzodiazepines and sedatives, I had to tell my former psychologist that her treatment wasn't working that's when she referred me to a psychiatrist. I didn't go to that psychiatrist because I was scared of being pumped with pills that make you gain weight. That was 2018. In 2019 I had multiple failed suicide attempts then I went crazy, or atleast people thought I was crazy, for a while due to an overdose of DXM. My parents told me it's either I go to a psychiatrist, church or traditional healer. I chose the psychiatrist because at that time I did not give a fuck about life, i just cared about the drugs that can cure my suffering for good through Death. The first psychiatrist I went to was reluctant to give me the drugs I personally requested. So I went the extra mile by admitting myself in a psychiatric hospital. When I got there I told the psychiatrist ,"I'll stay as long as I get my medicine." She agreed and I was given sedatives but not in a way that can kill. But they almost got me there: I remember them telling me that I was in a zombie-like state for 2 days. Nonetheless, I still changed psychiatrists because the first one was not giving me what I asked for but rather what she thought was best for me. I admitted myself at a different psychiatric hospital and there I found my best friend, my psychiatrist. She is not that reluctant to give me what I want but she also has her limits, I never asked her for opioids because I doubt she would give me painkillers because I'm not even 21. She mostly gives Benzodiazepines that I request, sleeping pills that I lie to acquire and something for my "bipolar depression." 2020, I have my psychiatrist subconsciously killing me by giving me what I want. In January, she gave me an overdose of sedatives that I had to be admitted to a hospital for some time cause I was dying, which is a good thing. But I was also in pain, my body was shaking 24/7 and sleeping was almost impossible. So I went back to my psychiatrist and she fixed me. Now all I do is save the strong Pills and benzos I get because I know one day I'll need them to CTB. So to answer the question of how long it took, approximately 6 months into 2019 that's when I found the right person to "listen to me." If we count 2018 then the process took almost a year for me to get used to it. I'm not certain but from my experience psychiatrists become impressed by your knowledge of medicine so don't be afraid to ask for specific drugs but have a reason just incase she/he asks why.
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Jun 1, 2020
Have you considered using darknet? Im getting mine from there since my parents hid my prescription lorazepam :( They were such low dose anyway but you can get as much as you want online


Jun 29, 2020
Have you considered using darknet? Im getting mine from there since my parents hid my prescription lorazepam :( They were such low dose anyway but you can get as much as you want online
You think you can get Nembutal from the darknet?


Feb 29, 2020
If by any chance you are a master at obtaining prescription drugs, DDMP may be of interest (but assuming you are not good enough to just obtain N :D). It's probably the next best thing.


Feb 29, 2020
The story behind it is that barbiturates became prohibitively expensive in the US for use in lethal injections. This is because the European suppliers stopped allowing the US to use them for that purpose. When this happened, a Canadian supplier also decided to jack up the price for the US market (just being greedy). So a team of doctors in the US decided to reduce their reliance on the expensive barbiturates by creating a cocktail of drugs that is just as effective for lethal execution. It's called DDMP. It took a few iterations but the best and most improved formulation is the current 4-drug protocol. This is featured in the Peaceful Pill Handbook as follows:

10g of morphine (GRAMs, not milligrams)
500mg of Valium
2g of propranolol
25mg of Digoxin.

According to the handbook, reliability score is 10/10 and peacefulness is 9/10.

The only problem? Obtaining the drugs, especially morphine.
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I screwed up

Waiting for the damn bus
Sep 11, 2019
@I screwed up = How interesting, you've piqued my interest! How did they forge prescriptions? Using a stolen pad? Rewriting what the doc has already written?
Cannot give u the entire method here but its a combination of using old prescriptions, forging the letter heads and stamps .. Let me tell u in my country all the pharmacy guys are not so bothered about prescriptions


Jun 1, 2020
The story behind it is that barbiturates became prohibitively expensive in the US for use in lethal injections. This is because the European suppliers stopped allowing the US to use them for that purpose. When this happened, a Canadian supplier also decided to jack up the price for the US market (just being greedy). So a team of doctors in the US decided to reduce their reliance on the expensive barbiturates by creating a cocktail of drugs that is just as effective for lethal execution. It's called DDMP. It took a few iterations but the best and most improved formulation is the current 4-drug protocol. This is featured in the Peaceful Pill Handbook as follows:

10g of morphine (GRAMs, not milligrams)
500mg of Valium
2g of propranolol
25mg of Digoxin.

According to the handbook, reliability score is 10/10 and peacefulness is 9/10.

The only problem? Obtaining the drugs, especially morphine.
I think you can get all those through darkweb but to be honest I am very weary of using substances. Stuff bought online isn't always 100% trustworthy and there is a chance that you don't take the right amounts to ctb
I think you can get all those through darkweb but to be honest I am very weary of using substances. Stuff bought online isn't always 100% trustworthy and there is a chance that you don't take the right amounts to ctb
but I have bought xanax to kick the SI which I will mix with alcohol to help with the main CTB method :)
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
@OnlyHalfaGiraffe, sorry to digress but: Which half are you? x
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Aug 19, 2019
I described my stressful home situation and said I get arrhythmia sometimes.

But it's terrible not to be able to use it even when I am really anxious, so that I can save it for my death.