

Who am I?
Feb 14, 2023
I am feeling really off the reality right now but its not why i started this thread.
I want to say sorry for my english, i havent practiced it for the long time, so it can be little bit bad.
Also it will be chaotic in here, also i am sorry for that, my concentration and thinking are fd badly but i want to write this, dont know why

So i had this thought, about people like some robots or computers, which are cold with no emotions. "But people have emotions" someone would say and what does it change? It is just one more sensor in us which makes us different from them (but for how long? - but its a question for a different thread). Like we are made by our parents, they need to love, nurture us and do all the other stuff. With robots you have to build them, oil them, program them, seek for mistakes in their code or in the mechanisms. The funny thing is if you f*ck something up in the beginning and build a robot with this mistake it will be really hard to fix this mistake later, really hard, you know like when your car breaks and you have to disassemble lots of things to get to the broken thing, the more complicated it is (car,robot) the harder it gets, the sooner you see the problem the easier it is to fix. Same with humans, almost every one of us here have some kind of problem/s, because if not we wouldnt be here, talking about suicide, its some kind of mistake, our flaw which had been done. And almost every psychological book say and lots of jokes were made about this, almost every psychological disease starts in the childhood with your "beautifoul" and very "loving" parents making a flaw in you.
So after the childhood, schools, universities, which also can destroy us even more we go into the "real life". I mean you go out into the streets of big city and what do you see? I see empty, broken people and its sad. But the system is working, the factory does what it was supposed to do - to make slaves. If you think its some kind of description of conspiracy, no. Those are just my thoughts, my perspective, what i see and maybe you too. So where was i? We work our asses off at the jobs we hate, to come home exhausted not wanting anything, not having a purpose. Sitting in our computer, phones and all that other technological bs, looking at all these other people having a beautifoul life. But i will tell you a thing, they are slaves to but their task is different, its to calm you down with the dopamine kick, to keep you dumb and still going to this bad job and not doing anything about you fkd up life.
Then maybe you find some little bitty energy to make some family. And what do you teach them? Or maybe what schools, technology teaches them? Again to be slaves. And the circle goes on and on and on.

Really, i feel exhausted with this, like there is no escape from it. I have no faith in anything. Do anyone of you have? How does it feel to have faith? Because i forgot this feeling some time ago. I was fighting, trying to do something but it did nothing. Maybe i am an idiot and i was just running in place.

Big pardon if i wasted any of your time and thank you for reading.
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Mar 26, 2020
It is possible to escape being a robot. However, if you step out of the mainstream into the fringe, you find fewer people with whom you can relate to. They are there, just harder to find.


May 29, 2023
You're right and wrong. Being a human fucking sucks, we didn't ask to be born into this shitty system where we're practically forced to conform since day 1, punished for disobedience and forced into brain numbing conformity. But we are not like robots, that's why we suffer. Conformity fucking hurts. If life was optional and we had the choice to opt out, society would be forced into making life more bareable so that more people would want to live. Unfortunately, death is so feared that we're stuck to this structure until some change is going to happen.

I already tried killing myself, was brought back against my will, did my part.

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