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May 22, 2019
When people say that there are others who have it worse than you, do they expect you to suddenly decide never to feel bad about something ever again?

Me: So... Saying you aren't allowed to be sad bc others have it worse is like saying you can't be happy bc others have it better.

Have you heard of any other brilliant comments made by PEOPLE?
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May 10, 2019
I hate it when people say that. Also, when people say 'things will get better' – um they haven't, things have just got worse and worse.
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Sick Boy

Sick Boy

Oct 19, 2018
I hate it when people say to me "Be grateful for the food you have" " "Be grateful for the home you have"
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
When people say that there are others who have it worse than you, do they expect you to suddenly decide never to feel bad about something ever again?

Me: So... Saying you aren't allowed to be sad bc others have it worse is like saying you can't be happy bc others have it better.

Have you heard of any other brilliant comments made by PEOPLE?
Not just that kind of commentary but the kind where they say "well look at so and so with their problems, and they're still living life." That is so irrelevant. I am not them and they are not me.

My dad knows I don't want to go out with the way I look and he said once "Well look at Donald Trump, he looks awful and he's out there doing whatever he wants"

Also whenever I bring up people who have it so much BETTER than me, even other family members, with my mom..she gets so mad and tells me not to bring them into this. She gets so nasty and refuses to talk, acts like she has to protect the people I'm bringing up as if I'm insulting them! As if THEY are the ones in this situation when they're not.
When I bring them up, I'm literally complimenting them. The things I say could blow up anyone's ego until it popped..and yet she acts like that.

It's because she knows the truth of this Hell. That her daughter got the s*** end of the stick and making comparisons to -even just the people around us- makes it so much more obvious and appalling.
She acknowledges everything and then she will walk backwards into denial. And back and forth. Dangling her support over my head like a piece of meat. She can be good to me but overall, she is the cruelest to me out of all 3 children. Mothers and their sons, let me tell you. You'd think i'd At least have my dad. What dad doesn't want his daughter to be beautiful and happy. But nope, he says life is only for suffering. And he thinks his own suffering tops everyone else's. Even his own child who hasn't even gotten a chance to live. At least he got that much at my age.

A friend I used to talk to on the phone had the same experience as far as favoritism goes. And the back and forth of support and threats of emotional abandonment.

Now sometimes even I want to tell someone to piss off with what they're complaining about, because I see them in possession of what I would need to survive and whining about things I could take in stride.
It can get really hard not to say something. But everyone reacts differently to different things. Somethings can kill one person while another person brushes it off like an annoying fly.
Saying someone else has it worse is not helpful. It is dismissive.
And besides, there's ALWAYS someone who has it worse.
That statement can be made to everyone and anyone.
And thus, essentially begins to mean nothing.

On this note, does anyone also get the feeling that they aren't "ALLOWED" to have any other problems than the ones higher on the totem pole-so to speak.
I feel like I am not allowed to have any more problems even if I actually do. Or that I'm not allowed to complain about all the normal little things most people do.
My mother even says I have a limit on the amount of issues I can throw at her.
I can't help that I'm that bad off!
It's like if a kid lost 3 limbs and the mom said "now listen Jimmy, we can work with the first two, but that's it. You can't keep complaining about the third one after all this. Got it?"
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Conflicted Cat

Conflicted Cat

May 23, 2019
I hate that mentality so much. It's not a competition about who has it worse...
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Lost child in time
May 20, 2019
Ahh, yes, the fallacy of relative privation, a.k.a. "Dear Muslima." It completely misses the fucking point, and while it's true that things could be worse, 1) things could also be one hell of a lot better and 2) "things could be worse" is at best irrelevant, as they are bad enough to begin with.

The vengeful part of me sometimes wants to see people who say this brought down to whatever their personal point is where they would respond the same way to someone telling them "well, it could be worse."
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# 978
Jun 28, 2018
I hate it when someone tells me "Well you did it to yourself"

Realizing and admitting that my own mistakes have ruined my life doesn't cheer me up at all either.
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Should be Existinginhell
Aug 13, 2018
I know there are loads of people out there worse off, this just makes me feel worse as they seem to cope better and just get on with things.
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Jan 7, 2019
When people say that there are others who have it worse than you, do they expect you to suddenly decide never to feel bad about something ever again?

Me: So... Saying you aren't allowed to be sad bc others have it worse is like saying you can't be happy bc others have it better.

Have you heard of any other brilliant comments made by PEOPLE?
I totally understand where you're coming from, but it is true, someone out there almost always has it worse than you. But my response to that is, everyone has their threshold of how much they can handle. I'm not gonna pretend to know what you're going through because I don't, I have no idea. What may be earth-shattering for one person is not that bad for someone else. It's all a matter of perspective and everyone's perspectives are different. Just because someone has it worse than you doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel depressed, overwhelmed and generally hopeless. I don't begrudge anyone their feelings, who am I to judge?
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Dead beat dad

Dead beat dad

Mar 5, 2019
When people say that there are others who have it worse than you, do they expect you to suddenly decide never to feel bad about something ever again?

Me: So... Saying you aren't allowed to be sad bc others have it worse is like saying you can't be happy bc others have it better.

Have you heard of any other brilliant comments made by PEOPLE?
I've always maintained that you should be greatful for the things you have, even if your depressed.
Crying in a Ferrari beats crying in a dumpster.
But doesn't change the fact you're crying...
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