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Apr 18, 2019
Hey, there! That's my first post in this forum.

Last month I tried suicide three times using the same method (Carbon Monoxide poisoning). All the attempts failed because after I fainted, then I regained consciousness in half an hour and involuntarily crawled to a place with fresh air. The last attempt I had to look for a hospital and spent a couple of hours over there. I got mad at my incompetence to kill myself, but I admit that this method is very susceptible to failure. I'm considering two other methods: short suspension (hanging) or Paracetamol poisoning. I want to know if anyone of you has some experience, information or techniques to share about Paracetamol overdose as I've found limited data about this topic.

Thank you very much.
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Mar 7, 2019
I wouldn't recommend paracetamol OD, it most likely fails and just harms your body. Partial hanging is really hard to do, but if you know the technique, it can be a good method.

I hope you'll find your way :) good luck
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Apr 22, 2019
Paracetamol poisoning is horrible!! I remember a few years ago when I was quite a bit younger I read up a lot on it as it seems like an easy and accessible method especially when there's a very limited amount of things you can get your hand on and an equally limited amount of money. Anyway every source I looked at said the same thing - that this was an agonising, slow death as it stops your liver from functioning (if my memory serves me correctly). I tried it one day in a moment of desperation but only managed to take about 15 (I think most people were saying lethal doses were 30+ pills but it must vary hugely) before I chickened out. And even that gave me absolutely searing abdominal pain especially the next day. I lied to my parents about why I had pain because I knew it wasn't enough to likely cause any real damage but it just hurt like an absolute bitch! I can't imagine what it would have felt like to take a dose large enough to kill you. Also in all the reports I read it says it normally takes about 2 days to kill you whilst your liver shuts down and all that time you're very much awake and in a great deal of pain. I would definitely advise against it or at least suggest you look quite deeply into it to make sure you know what it entails! Anyway best of luck with whatever method you decide on, I'll try and find some links to reports if you're still having trouble finding info :)
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Escaper Boy

Escaper Boy

Apr 11, 2019
Paracetamol is OTC drugs which easily available. Such widespread substance is more than likely not an effective method to ctb. Please look for different methods instead. Take your time, no need to rush. Wish you luck with whatever you choose.
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Apr 9, 2019
Hey, there! That's my first post in this forum.

Last month I tried suicide three times using the same method (Carbon Monoxide poisoning). All the attempts failed because after I fainted, then I regained consciousness in half an hour and involuntarily crawled to a place with fresh air. The last attempt I had to look for a hospital and spent a couple of hours over there. I got mad at my incompetence to kill myself, but I admit that this method is very susceptible to failure. I'm considering two other methods: short suspension (hanging) or Paracetamol poisoning. I want to know if anyone of you has some experience, information or techniques to share about Paracetamol overdose as I've found limited data about this topic.

Thank you very much.

You got extremely lucky to not have permanent damage, wow. Why would you faint but not die? Not enough coals? Damn that was risky dude.
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Aug 27, 2018
Don´t do it if you survive it´s so awful I tried it 10 years ago and the next day I was sweating it out of my skin It smelled just as it tastes it was so disgusting and of course I felt horrible the whole day.
  • Wow
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Devil’s Advocate
Apr 9, 2019
Paracetamol is indeed not that viable.
Atleast not by itself, not without a humongous amount of pills and perhaps with alcohol(not certain about this, further research needed) however if you really really want to the general idea should be something like this:
anti-emetic regime followed by fasting, if possible take a good enough dose of sleeping pills(benzos) to help induce sleep/unconsciousness, when you know you're gonna fall asleep shortly, take the diluted solution and lie down (happy thoughts).

Should you decide to go with this, it will take sometime ..... you'll have to acquire the necessary anti-emetic meds and choose an anti-emetic regime and probably fast for about 8 hours, need to get benzos (the more the better) and a large pile of Paracetamol.

There is a chance that your previous attempt failed because of SI and I think the probability is quite high that this may result to be the same. Even if you do everything right and no SI, paracetamol od tends to take longtime which is likely to be quite painful(benzos may help but no such incidents in record and thus its unknown) and the known success rate isn't nearly high enough. Its not that reliable and add in the SI and the success probability drops even further follow.

Also a word of caution, should you fail this with higher dose, it has some really bad side effects, like liver issues, please do some research on this.

Personally I would wait and try to do things right and try to find another way if possible.
Slow and steady. May you succeed.
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Nov 5, 2018
Hey, there! That's my first post in this forum.

Last month I tried suicide three times using the same method (Carbon Monoxide poisoning). All the attempts failed because after I fainted, then I regained consciousness in half an hour and involuntarily crawled to a place with fresh air. The last attempt I had to look for a hospital and spent a couple of hours over there. I got mad at my incompetence to kill myself, but I admit that this method is very susceptible to failure. I'm considering two other methods: short suspension (hanging) or Paracetamol poisoning. I want to know if anyone of you has some experience, information or techniques to share about Paracetamol overdose as I've found limited data about this topic.

Thank you very much.


You can do searches here for regular and short drop hanging; there is extensive and detailed information available. See also: the night night method.

A large enough dose of paracetamol will kill you, but not quickly. It will completely fry your liver and you will die slowly over the course of a week or more, in agony, while your abdomen bloats with fluid and your skin, gums, and eyes turn yellow as your body is unable to detoxify itself.

First rule of Suicide 101 is no over the counter drugs. Source: 20 yrs as a nurse in acute and critical care.
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Apr 25, 2019
Não recomendo overdose por paracetamol. A dose letal é alta. O risco de você ter uma hepatite medicamentosa e acabar na fila de transplante é alto. Seria uma morte lenta e sofrida.
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Apr 25, 2019
A few years ago I overdosed paracetamol. Next day my liver was not doing well. This was THE WORST pain I have ever experienced. Please, forget about paracetamol.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
I took massive paracetamol ODs before, like 100 or 200 pills at once.
The only thing it did was pain from having my stomach pumped and even afterwards I had a bowl by my bed and puked every few mintues until there was nothing but bile left in me. My eyes were moving from side to side and I couldnt eat or walk for days. My blood sugar skyrocketed and made me experience neuropathy in my limbs and face and my liver enzymes were raised but it calmed down eventually. Maybe I would die if I waited it out, emts told me I could die ('Will I die?' were my last words before blacking the fuck out) but definitely not when I was discovered so soon.
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Suicide is self expression
Dec 31, 2018
Looks like it's a bad method. Is aspirin the same?


Devil’s Advocate
Apr 9, 2019
Looks like it's a bad method. Is aspirin the same?

No human data regarding LD50

Oral TDLO (human): 5.4 mg/kg

No human data regarding LD50

Suggests Life-threatening toxicity expected at (300–500 mg/kg

Not enough data and whatever is there it's quite inconsistent. However people still manages to do so, further research needed but one thing I'm quite sure, its not painless based on anecdotal testimony of people who OD and survived.
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Feb 24, 2019
I tried paracetamol when i was younger , around 120 tablets and alcohol , nothing but 12 hours of horrific vomiting and eventual defeat and call for ambulance/hospital. Stomach pumped and drip for some days.

I would NOT try this method again
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
Like many have said, it's one of the worst methods to try. You're unlikely to die and you'll be in excruciating pain for days. Your liver will slowly shut down and it could take up to 72 hours or more. I made the mistake of trying this method in an act of desperation and was in so much pain I had to call the ambulance. I ended up having to stay in the ER and recovery unit for 1 week on IVs and they couldn't give me anything for pain until 72 hours had passed. Luckily I had no lasting damage, but it was a painful and embarrassing experience. Plus, you'll just end up in the psych ward after having to go through all the physical pain of the attempt.
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  • Aww..
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Feb 26, 2019
Paracetamol OD can kill you but it's a bad method. You would suffer a slow, painful death as your liver fails and your body gradually shuts down.

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